I am looking for more friends on here that are very active on MFP, both on their end and with their friends. I don't want a friend network that is so big that it's hard to interact with each other but I'm finding that many of my friends are not active or involved with other friends.

I am serious about losing weight and lost 65 pounds almost 3 years ago with the help of MFP and for the most part, kept it off. I am determined to reach my "ultimate goal" this time around and would love to be in touch with MFP friends that are driven and active on this site.

I am a 39 year old single mom of 2 teenagers. I have dealt with weight issues since getting very sick in my later 20's and being put on meds that packed on the pounds. Prior to that age I probably carried 10-15 extra pounds since the birth of my children but never really tried to take it off. I'm going to turn 40 next April and my motto is going to be "forty and fabulous". I want to be in the best shape of my adult life and I'm working hard. I do have a chronic inflammatory arthritic illness so it's challenging but I try to do the best I can. I stick to my nutrition goals for the most part but need to work on eating more cleanly. I'm hoping to improve my exercise and fitness routine but currently have an injured achilles tendon.

Please friend me, I'd love to share this journey together!



  • crrobin
    crrobin Posts: 25 Member
    Sharon, I love your story. I joined MFP around April this year and have lost about 30 pounds. (started my journey dec 2011). Im not really sure what my goal weight is just yet, because as of this week i haven't weighed this in over 10 years! I actually just started reading posts in the MFP community for support and encouragement. I only have one other MFP friend...she introduced me to the app....and I never really considered friending others.
    I have been overweight my entire adult life...and never really successful with weight loss. MFP has been a lifesaver for me. I am definitely not perfect....a lot of times I don't log on the weekends...but I am determined more than ever to have a healthy lifestyle now. I have one 12 year old daughter....and a very supportive husband who was a huge inspiration by losing 60 pounds and keeping it off for the last 4 years.
    In Approximately 2004 I was diagnosed with Crohns disease....I was in college for a change of career to become a Registered Nurse. (ironic that a nurse should be so unhealthy, huh?). Anyhow, long story short...depression, stress, graduating college, working a stressful (but much loved) career spiraled my weight up, up, up! I will be 39 in February, and swore by my 40th I would be in the best shape of my life!
    Not sure how u friend someone...I've never done it:). But I think I'm ready to meet a few people that have similar goals and attitudes!

  • csi4us
     I am new to mfp. I signed in back in nov 2011. But actually logging faithfully for about 30 days. I started working out cause I was told by my doctor I have diabetes.  That was 2 1/2 years ago. I never took it seriously until my blood work came out super abnormal. My doctor told me that my liver looked like I had been abusing alcohol for 40 years. This was a surprise to me considering that I don't drink that much.  Maybe 1 or 2 margaritas a month.  Needless to say if I didnt change my diet and start excersizing, I would need a liver transplant eventually and my diabetes would also affect my health. I have tried several diets and many diet pills but I know that will be a quick and temporally fix. I want this time to be a lifestyle I can live with.  In total I have lossed 22lbs. I would like to follow you and maybe get some tips. Support is one of the key factors in succeeding. I also like friends  that are positive, funny, witty and who log daily in their food dairy. Friends who are willing to be truthful and comment. If this is you welcome!