Gears of War Anyone?

Speaking of games anyone else love Gears? What are your favorites?


  • I love me some Gears! I'm on a Borderlands 2 kick at the moment.
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    I love me some Gears! I'm on a Borderlands 2 kick at the moment.

    Horde mode is addicting which is why I dont play often haha no time
  • Oh, horde mode...Greatest stress release ever.
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    Oh, horde mode...Greatest stress release ever.

    we are the lone gamers lol
  • There's no way we're the only gamer nerds here. Come on out, lurkers!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I am addicted to MW3 free-for-all on xbox. I'm like 1600th in the world. Pretty proud of :glasses:
  • BiggSarge
    BiggSarge Posts: 13 Member
    I play on the XBox 360 and have not played Gear 3 yet but am playing tons of BF3 whenever I get the chance. I loved 1&2 though. 1600th in the world!! That's amazing much props to you!
  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member
    Oh man. Gears. I'd forgotten Gears existed. It's been like a century in gamer time. I'm on that same Borderlands 2 kick that was mentioned earlier. I'm also replaying Amnesia, because I guess I'm late to the table, but there's an indirect sequel in dev. Woot!

    Also probably going to be replaying AC Revelations and Transformers: War for Cybertron to gear up for the releases of AC3 and FoC.


    Edit: Oh and I will say in terms of Borderlands 2 though that I feel like I got most of my fangirling out during Gearbox's launch party last weekend. Playing the game by myself isn't nearly as fun as playing it while Adam Sessler walks by. LOL
  • So. Much. Envy.
  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member
    So. Much. Envy.

    Of me? What for?
  • The launch party would've been fun as hell.
  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member
    It was a'ight. I had a few people get just a tiiiiiiiiiiny bit too close to me. And I had one dude who actually recognized me from my writing/reviewing days. He knew every single website I'd ever written for. I was like "what the...? I've been out of that scene for over a year now." He asked me if I would follow him on Twitter. Creeper.

    But then I got to play video games, so I got over it. Ahaha.
  • I would've gone in disguise if I were you.
  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member
    I would've gone in disguise if I were you.

    I wasn't expecting anyone to recognize me. It was only that one guy. The rest of the guys were just hitting on me because of the low female-male ratio. LOL.


    Anyhowwwwwwww, back to games. Whatchya looking forward to in October? If the answer is anything by Assassin's Creed, you're wrong.
  • Nah, no Assassin's Creed for me. BL2 will probably keep me pretty busy, and I've got a backlog of stuff that's screaming for my attention. How about you?
  • BF3 for PS3 ---- xGINGERMANx :bigsmile:
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    Oh god, Gears is amazing. I love the Boom-Box boob plates.

    I laughed until I cried the first time I heard the phrase "big *kitten* dinner". I'm actually really terrible at the game but I still enjoy it, and that's what counts, right? Right?
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I never actually finished assassins creed when it came out so I'm trying to finish that and assassins creed 2 before 3 comes out...but I hardly have time to play them
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    there is a group of us Mfp Gamers

    I used to play a lot of Gears, but I don't get to play to much anymore... I tend to get lost into game time and I am unable to do that much anymore...
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    I've been addicted to Bioshock at the moment! About to finish number 1 have number 2 ready to go :)