
I am considering purchasing one. How many people out here use them and what do you think of it? Does it bother you to wear it all the time?


  • todd6977
    todd6977 Posts: 400 Member
    hey steph i just got one i love it and cant even tell you have it on.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I am in love with mine. Literally we have our own little relationship. It gives me encouraging little messages...keeps me moving..what's not to love ?

    the new fitbit one is out or is coming out. I have the ULTRA and have no intention of trading up. The only benefit from the "one" that I can see is that it will sync to a bluetooth and your phone. The ULTRA syncs to the computer and I hate bluetooths and don't need anything else going to my I'm good.
  • flslp87
    flslp87 Posts: 175 Member
    I love mine. Keeps me from having to log activity. And no it's very small. I clip it on my pocket or if I'm working out and don't have a pocket I wear socks I can clip it to....
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    The only thing that bothers me about wearing mine is when I take it off and forget to put it back on. It is addictive and my husband and I are in major competition to see who can get more steps. One day I had more than him and he walked around his office on a conference call to try to out do me. Its funny.

    Its really hard to justify not going for a walk or moving my body when my fitbit tells me I have only gone .46 miles that day. It really makes us aware of how much we are moving our body.

    I highly recommend them.
  • Gennacy
    Gennacy Posts: 27 Member
    I love mine, I wear it on my bra (or on one side of it) and I hardly notice, at night when you start sleep mode I wear it on my wrist, took a few nights to get used to it, but again I can hardly tell its there now.

    It motivates me to get up and move! Usually I manage all the goals it sets, but not on a weekend, so I can see that by not doing much I should consume less calories ..
    My kids used to wonder why I ran up and down the stairs late at night, now they know its because I haven't climbed the right number through out the day :)

    Its very good and worth it in my opinion :)
  • anarose13
    anarose13 Posts: 222 Member
    i have one and i love it. i usually keep it attached at the pocket. i have gotten in the habit of checking my pants before i wash them because i am so paranoid i am gonna forget it and wash it. i like being able to see when and how active i was in a day.
  • helliew1
    helliew1 Posts: 4 Member
    LOVE it! I clip it on my bra - very motivating and well wotht he investment.
  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    I absolutely LOVE my fitbit. I have the ultra and wear is in the front of my bra and can't tell it is there unless I do a "fitbit check". I find it to be a great motivator to keep my activity levels up.

    There is an new version coming on in Oct that has an improved clip and bluetooth syncing. I plan to upgrade. I travel frequently on the weekends and don't always want to lug my laptop so I can sync.

    You will find yoursel doing weird things like parking far away from a store entrance just to log more steps or taking a differnt route to get places to walk up an extra set of stairs.
  • I love mine! Company has amazing customer service. I would strongly recommend getting the new One. It is the same price as the Ultra but it is water resistant. I killed on Ultra with sweat (which was replaced by company free of charge!). Tracking floors climbed and sleep cycle are good indicators. I have to make an effort to climb floors as they just are not in my daily routine. Hills also count as floors. Sleep can tell you a lot so I would recommend tracking it at least for a week just to see how you sleep. If you have great sleep, then I might stop tracking but I think that most people these days don't sleep so well.
  • The Fitbit has been a game changer for me! I find it to be the most motivating piece of technology I have ever found. I wear it all the time and so can you! It is small and can be worn in your pocket or on your bra at center stage.

    I bought mine on July 17th and made a commitment of 10,000 steps per day beginning July 18th. Since that day I have averaged 15,000 steps per day and I have averaged 55 miles per week. I have walked 480 miles since that day and my fitness has improved at every level.

    I get up very early in the morning to do my daily five mile walk and then whatever other walking I do during the day is icing on my fitness cake.

    I realize that my personal motivation was there and I cannot attribute all that I have done to technology but I can say that having the Fitbit on my person 24/7 is a constant reminder and a great assistant motivator for me. The new Fitbit One that has just come out has two big improvement in it over the Fitbit Ultra that I own. It is water resistant (something you will appreciate if you sweat a lot or get caught in the rain) and it has blue-tooth connectivity that can work with your phone.

    I recommend it in the highest! Good luck!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    I love mine and honestly can't imagine being without it.
  • annette79h
    annette79h Posts: 20 Member
    I've had mine (the ultra) since jan or feb and I LOVE IT!! I feel naked without it! Its a great motivator and always a great reminder of how much I DONT do somedays! and I love how it "talks" to me, sometimes it says some pretty funny stuff! It seems to be very accurate and it is completely worth the $100, especially since shipping is free and you dont have to pay a monthly fee for the website to use it!! That's what mostly sold me on it. I dont track my sleep on it much anymore, but it is interesting to see how many times a night I wake up, usually 6-9 times. I really need to put a label or white marker on it with my phone number tho cuz I would be so sad if I lost it, and I've had a couple scares! lol Get one, you'll love it! and it links with MFP which is even better!
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    Ok, I think I need one too. I don't know much about the fitbit, does it track calories and if it does, how is it doing it? I see people are clipping it everywhere. Is it more of a pedometer?
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    Just looked it up. It shall be mine.
  • suenewberry81
    suenewberry81 Posts: 241 Member
    I really want one but not sure if I want to spend tha amount of money on one?
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    I realize that it seems to be just a fancy $100 pedometer, but I really really want one. I just keep waiting until I can figure out how to budget an extra $100.
  • I can't function without mine lol
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I LOVE my Fitbit. Yes some people think it is a fancy pedometer & everyone is welcome to their own opinion - but I think it is so much more. With the Fitbit, you don't have to continue to spend money on batteries (like with a pedometer) & just put it on its charger while you check in with MFP everyday. That alone, makes the cost of buying a Fitbit worth it.
    I find it easiest to clip it to the center of my bra & forget about it. I hate to say that have also run it through the washing machine still clipped to my bra (DO NOT DO THIS) & was very happy that it still worked.
  • lndillon1
    lndillon1 Posts: 13 Member
    I love mine and can't envision being without it. You never even know you have it on. As someone who hates to exercise, I now find myself looking for ways to get the steps in. It is the best!
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    But it also tells you how many calories you burn through out the day, right? I mean, is it not really THAT accurate for that purpose? Because that would be the #1 reason I want to buy it.