Need Support badly..... :(

zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
Hey friend i am new to this site. Today was the first day of my diet control.
And because it's Sunday I had a whole medium veg. Pizza......:embarassed:
Now I am feeling so much guilty. I got 1200 calories more than i've to get always!!!!!!!!!:cry:
Now i dont know what to do....can i lose my weight or not????:cry:


  • EgglessKeto
    Don't worry! It's only one day :)

    If you had the pizza for lunch and feel hungry at supper time have something for supper. Plan some healthy meals for tomorrow and be sure to stick to your plan.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I found what worked for me was for the first week or 2 just log everything you eat without worrying about calories. You need to get an idea of what you eat and how many calories are in everything.

    Also remember this is a new skill you need to learn. You wouldn't expect to learn to walk and be running from day one, you would expect to fall and be wobbly to start and gradually get better. So don't try to run from the beginning, alter things one at a time.

    Planning in advance and working out the calorie counts before you eat definitely helps. As does eating plenty of fruit and veg with lean protein and only a few carbs.

    What is your calorie allowance and what are your stats? (height/weight/age).
  • mjsmom50
    Everyone has to start somewhere. Logging you food really does help keep you on track. Slow and steady wins the race. All of my MFP friends have lost more weight than I have but that does not discourage me. We are all on different paths. As long as I am staying the same and not gaining, I'm happy. You can do it!!!
  • zd04
    zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
    First of all Thank you so much for your kind response everyone.....
    I am 19 years old, 5'4" tall.
    My current weight is 163lbs (74kg)
    and I am allowed to take 1200 calories per day.
  • TeaberryDawn
    TeaberryDawn Posts: 30 Member
    1. You are allowed to feel "bad", but only for one minute :-)
    2. I find that I have to take this journey one meal at a time (one day is too much for me!) ... begin making better choice next time you eat.
    3. Log EVERYTHING you eat, "good" or "bad"; you are not accountable to anyone else but yourself, and you should be good to yourself.
    4. If you log everything, it will become a habit and you WILL be able to do this!

    Logging is key ... I know several ppl that lose weight and then stop keeping track and the weight creeps back on. It's happened to myself as well.

    I had a pizza "incident" Friday night as well, but I logged it all (I was over my calories by about 2500!), but I began again yesterday and I'm not sweating it. In the end, I'm gonna do this by being honest with myself.

    Best wishes!
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    First of all Thank you so much for your kind response everyone.....
    I am 19 years old, 5'4" tall.
    My current weight is 163lbs (74kg)
    and I am allowed to take 1200 calories per day.

    Ok that puts your BMR at around 1500cal per day. That is the amount of calories it takes to sustain your basic body functions i.e. your organs and other functions to keep you alive and nothing extra. That's probably a bad explanation but the usual one is 'the amount of calories your body would use in a coma'. I would set your calorie goal to 1500cal per day. It will be better for you and easier to do, making you more likely to stick to it. And you will lose the weight on this.

    Do you cook at all? There are some very good websites that have delicious recipes for healthy foods. is a very good one. Have a search on here for a thread (now runs to more than 1 I believe) for other recipes sites along the same lines. Find lower calorie, healthy meals that you will eat and make a list. Do an example meal plan for a day to show yourself what you can eat for your calories.

    What is your favourite eating pattern? Do you like to eat breakfast? Do you like lots of snacking or do you prefer to eat only at main meal times?

    You can lose weight eating only junk food, however its not that good for you and you will most likely be hungry as you don't get much for your calories. Healthier food will fill you up better and give you more bulk. Good fats and lean protein will make you feel fuller for longer.

    The key to a successful 'diet' is something sustainable, that fits your preferences and lifestyle. For example I like to eat lower during the week so I can have big meals on a weekend when we have guests. Allow yourself the occasional treat but build it into your calorie allowance.

    Don't let one mistake or one bad day ruin the entire thing - pick yourself up and get back to it.
  • zd04
    zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Actually in during weekdays I prefer to take meals...but in weekends i love snacking....
  • Dreajewkes
    Hey friend i am new to this site. Today was the first day of my diet control.
    And because it's Sunday I had a whole medium veg. Pizza......:embarassed:
    Now I am feeling so much guilty. I got 1200 calories more than i've to get always!!!!!!!!!:cry:
    Now i dont know what to do....can i lose my weight or not????:cry:

    You are so Adorable! :happy: Don't lose hope! There are always going to be bumps and hiccups but if you keep moving forward with your goals you will make it! :flowerforyou:
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    Actually in during weekdays I prefer to take meals...but in weekends i love snacking....

    plan your meals around this then. Stick to 100-200cal snacks on the weekend and you can have 7-15 of them spread throughout each day. And then have bigger meals during the week.
  • zd04
    zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Ok that puts your BMR at around 1500cal per day. That is the amount of calories it takes to sustain your basic body functions i.e. your organs and other functions to keep you alive and nothing extra. That's probably a bad explanation but the usual one is 'the amount of calories your body would use in a coma'. I would set your calorie goal to 1500cal per day. It will be better for you and easier to do, making you more likely to stick to it. And you will lose the weight on this.

    Do you cook at all? There are some very good websites that have delicious recipes for healthy foods. is a very good one. Have a search on here for a thread (now runs to more than 1 I believe) for other recipes sites along the same lines. Find lower calorie, healthy meals that you will eat and make a list. Do an example meal plan for a day to show yourself what you can eat for your calories.

    What is your favourite eating pattern? Do you like to eat breakfast? Do you like lots of snacking or do you prefer to eat only at main meal times?

    You can lose weight eating only junk food, however its not that good for you and you will most likely be hungry as you don't get much for your calories. Healthier food will fill you up better and give you more bulk. Good fats and lean protein will make you feel fuller for longer.

    The key to a successful 'diet' is something sustainable, that fits your preferences and lifestyle. For example I like to eat lower during the week so I can have big meals on a weekend when we have guests. Allow yourself the occasional treat but build it into your calorie allowance.

    Don't let one mistake or one bad day ruin the entire thing - pick yourself up and get back to it.

    plan your meals around this then. Stick to 100-200cal snacks on the weekend and you can have 7-15 of them spread throughout each day. And then have bigger meals during the week.

    Thank you so much for you kind help and motivation. Now onward I always think of your ideas before having anything.Again thanks to you for giving me your valuable time.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hey friend i am new to this site. Today was the first day of my diet control.
    And because it's Sunday I had a whole medium veg. Pizza......:embarassed:
    Now I am feeling so much guilty. I got 1200 calories more than i've to get always!!!!!!!!!:cry:
    Now i dont know what to do....can i lose my weight or not????:cry:

    Guilt is so useless when it comes to food and exercise. Be mindful instead. You know what you did. Learn from it. Plan for a better tomorrow and have a great day!
  • zd04
    zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Thank you so much everyone for your support and for helping me out.
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    feel free to add me.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Like others have said just put it behind you and start healthy again-you don't even have to wait until tomorrow, start with the next meal when this happens, or do some exercise if you have time.

    It's easy to get off track and think eating healthy is hopeless but remember that eating healthy and exercise will get results, even if it's slow and steady and it's lifelong. Once you get into the habit of eating healthy foods your body will begin to crave those over the fattening unhealthy foods just know that there will there will be bumps along the way.

    Tell yourself it's ok and continue the healthy lifestyle.
  • mjsmom50
    Snack but snack wisely. You can buy many snacks in 100 calorie packs which helps keep the calories down and cravings. A lot of time when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty. Try drinking a glass of water and waiting a bit to see if you are still hungry.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    So you "fell off the wagon"! You know the good thing about the wagon? It circles around again every day! Someone really awesome from here told me that & I just love it!

    I have a theory I'll personal philosophy if you will. While I work out hard, and try to eat pretty good, I'm not going to give up most of the indulgent things I love. I'm just going to scale it back and find a good balance so that I can enjoy them in moderation. Because I have known people that eat and live super clean to die in a car wreck, have heart failure or whatever....I call it my "Hit by a bus philosophy". Be responsible, be healthy, but reward yourself, indulge SOME (not over the top) because you never know if you might get hit by a bus! "There are no buses in my rural town!" you say! Well, maybe you get hit by a meteor! =)

    Seriously, don't beat yourself up...learn to do the things you are doing for yourself out of love for yourself...and also learn how to forgive yourself and not harbor guilt. If you can do that, it makes picking up and carrying on the next day much easier after a night out drinking and eating junk food because you are hungry at 2:30 am from shaking your booty all night!