not losing..please someone help.

I have been really trying hard..I have been staying around my 1200...I do not feel hungry at all. Maybe I'm doing something wrong..thanks for all of your help.:smile:


  • clarissa08
    clarissa08 Posts: 31 Member
    Well! In order to properly give advice, is it ok if we ask for a little more information?

    If you're eating 1200 calories, thats all fine and dandy IF that is above your Basic Metabolic Rate.

    If you are not meeting that Basic Metabolic Rate ( use the BMR calculator under the tools tab to find out if you don't know) you could actually be slowing your metabolism down making it more difficult to lose.

    Also, what types of foods are you eating? The more highly processed and further from its natural form, the more difficult it is for your body to process it. Usually these foods are more expensive than buying fresh veggies from your produce section at your local grocery store or market. You'll be able to eat more and attain more natural nutrients if you eat as close to the "real deal" as possible. Plus your bank account will also thank you!
  • jdtd1967
    jdtd1967 Posts: 44 Member
    It says should I be eating that many calories ?? Trust me ALL this stuff really confuses me.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Checked your tape measue?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    are you losing inches and are your clothes fitting looser?
    what type of exercise are you doing?
    how close are you to a healthy body fat percentage (please note that this can be very different than healthy weight)?
    how long have you been trying to lose weight?
  • jdtd1967
    jdtd1967 Posts: 44 Member
    I did use the tape measure and its about an my is it that you may lose the inches before weight?? Maybe I just need to have patience. I do feel I have a lot more energy..I have been drinking 2/shakes a day and one a day vitamins and supper at night..I really appreciate everyones help....Thank you ALL
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    Don't give up. It will happen if you give it some time. Make sure that you are eating exact proportions of the food you are tracking and if you aren't exercising, add some exercise. Mine has been very slow too but I am finally losing. Sometimes when you haven't lost for about a week, you are due to lose a pound or two the next day that you weight! Good Luck. :flowerforyou: