Helllloooooo Out There!

I'm not really new to MFP... but I never really paid attention to the forums. I've actually been on here for a few months now, and haven't really lost weight. Kind of discouraging, still all in all, I'm a pretty happy camper. I lost 100 lbs on my own a few years back but can't seem to take anymore off.

Maybe joining forums and saying hi to people will encourage me to work even harder to see even a 5 lbs change! SOOO HIII!!!


  • ksmcq1967
    ksmcq1967 Posts: 41 Member
    HI! I've only been on MFP for 2 weeks, so I'm a newbie. Congratulations on the 100 lb weight loss!! I'd be happy to have you as a friend so I'm adding you now.
  • westie007
    westie007 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi new to MFP would like to be your friend.
  • kiangel
    kiangel Posts: 246 Member
    Hi !

    I think the forums help , just looking at the success stories help me when I need motivation :)

  • mikayla112211
    Hi, I am the same way. I have have been on here for a while but havent lost weight nor paid attention to the forums.

    Great job on the weight loss!!! you can do it!!
  • sergiotacchini
    The forums are great as some of the stories are really motivating! :smile:
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Well, hey there. Welcome to the forums.
  • Luebella
    I just joined, ooh...I'd say almost an hour now. There is power in numbers, so I'll share in the support that's offered out there. This is the missing link to lose my last 20 lbs...Keep track of my consumption and output ! I have plateaued for the past three years, so I would love to hit a new lower plateau that I can maintain with little effort and every day lifestyle. Cheers!
  • lanacamp
    lanacamp Posts: 4 Member
    I also feel like I should read the forums and acquire more friends. I added you!
  • Jacsrocks
    Jacsrocks Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Everyone!!!!

    I've tried many different diets, I typically like the low/no "bad" carb ones. No bread and stuff, but on the weekends that doesn't always happen!!! Out of everything I have tried, I never once tried to reach out for the support and to support others myself! Maybe it'll help :) I'm always happy to listen to other people and motivate them along as well!
  • icklekimmy
    icklekimmy Posts: 205 Member
    Hey good luck with your weight loss, 100 pounds is amazing! I find I tend to faf about if I don't come on here and there are some lovely people too! I also find it helpful to have my diary open to friends so they can advise me when I am not eating the best of foods and also helps you to get ideas for meals too when looking at your friends diaries too!
  • Kalebdylan
    Kalebdylan Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. I am new just started this month.
  • sd75
    sd75 Posts: 49
    Hellloooooo back at ya.
    I'm back after a month off - but with little success prior to that. Also hoping that with the help of a few friends might just push me along in the right direction ... so good luck to us :-)
  • Bex2Bslim
    Bex2Bslim Posts: 1,092
    Hi, welcome, and anyone feel free to add me, the more friends you make on here, the more encouragement you receive and you feel good for encouraging others too
  • 0MissErin0
    0MissErin0 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm new two, been here for two weeks. Feel free to ad me :)