Getting Started...

I have been really struggling with getting healthy again. I'm a junior in college with a full corse load on top of other daily activities and obligations. My freshman year of college I lost 20 pounds and felt AMAZING. Two years later I've gained those 20 pounds back through an unhealthy life style.

I need help getting started again! I have a serious sweet tooth and if I cut out daily desserts I usually end up bingeing on them later.

Anyone have any tips on how to get motivated and STICK to being healthy?!


  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I just saw this post from you and wanted to tell you what has helped me snap out of it a little bit . First of all, someone will constantly be offering food, there will be events, there will be food... just be prepared for it . And, have a plan. it's ok to turn something down, walk around at events with a bottled water . it's ok to pass on the dessert or just cut yourself off a small promised sliver and let that be that. it was very hard for me to do that but now i can. usually i eat weight watchers ice cream at night and that is it. it satifsfies my sweet tooth. the other thing i do is mix sugar free cocoa, protein powder, almond milk, pumpkin pie spice into my coffee and that makes for a delicious beverage... ingredients are in my diary for the past few days!
    don't cut them out, but make smart dessert choices. that is pretty much the only thing that would work for me.
    now i let myself have stuff but jsut a few bites if it's really bad. yesterday i was at a fall festival. had 1-2 funnel fries, a little bit of kettle corn, part of a hot dog... the best way is to give in but in moderation . walk away, drink water, etc. also i set my calories at 1600 and that has helped significantly. i always preplan breakfast and lunch and they are usually very similar. dinner is more variety. and that is the best for me because seems like once i let the morning get away from me it is downward trend from there. you can do it, just think about what small changes you can make to allow small treats and some things you enjoy eating.
  • runnerblues86
    I am just working on it one day at a time and allowing a cheat every once in a while. It keeps it from feeling like I am not "grounded" from eating the stuff I really want to. There is enough in life to feel guilty about in a world surrounded by people who don't have to worry about their weight. Take one day at a time and do your best. Fit in a workout when you can - like walk more than you drive and stuff like that.

    If you want to add me as a friend - feel free. We can work together on motivation.