Hi! I'm new :)

My name is Victoria, I'm trying to lose ~30lbs before Jan. 29, 2013. Unfortunately for me, I have a desk-based job (high stress) and hardly any energy to ever workout. Hopefully that will change. I wish everyone much success in their weight-loss endeavors! Any words of encouragement, motivation or success stories are welcome :)


  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome to the site =) I am also new and still finding my way around the site. So far the boards are fun and addictive, though I am sure you will feel right at home.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Hi both and welcome - great support here.
  • krae070
    krae070 Posts: 13 Member
    My names Kristen. I also have a job where I sit all day. I have celiacs disease, hypertension, and hypothyroidism. I def feel you on you so called disadvantages. I've lost almost 45 lbs. I cut my portions, walked only at first I always feel fatigued bc of the low thyroid. I've slipped from exercising bc of an auto acc two months ago n I'm still recovering from. Just try very basic things like buy a sculpting circle from Walmart for $15 n I bought winsor Pilates sculpting circle on eBay for another $15. Add me. Good luck.
  • Victoria! I thought I was reading my bio when I just saw yours! I'm there with you- 30lbs and stressful desk job! Let's do this together!!!
  • Hi I am new to this site as well, hoping to lose 30 pounds and looking for daily support. I am still looking around the site but am totally impressed with the food diary. It makes tracking so easy. Love it. Wish the best for all of you.
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    I have a similar job. I workout in the early AM because its the only time I control everyday. It sucks a lot in the beginning but after about two weeks, it does get easier and after 11 weeks, I actually look forward to getting up early. I don't know if I'd have any success without the consistency. Also, keep work priorities in their place. You need to be healthy to be able work stressful jobs successfully.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Hi new I'm Zach!
  • ashleyrose90
    ashleyrose90 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome :) I will add you. I know what it is like to work an office job with little movement.
  • ElegantEvil
    ElegantEvil Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much for all of your replies! I really appreciate it. This site has a great community from what I can tell :) Please feel free to add me. I think the only way anyone can make progress is with support, especially when it comes to those early morning workouts!
  • We can all use more friends to keep us motivated. Sending a friend request now.
  • ElegantEvil
    ElegantEvil Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your reply! I completely agree with you on keeping the work at the workplace. I typically bring the stress home and let it sit on the couch with me and my chips. Hopefully, that will no longer be an issue as of today.
  • my name is pamela and i wanting to lose 30 pound I have a some what active job I do alot of walking , my problem that I like to snack alot on junk, and not eat food the way i should.hopefully on this I can learn to eat the way i should and guit depending on the junk food.
  • You can definately do this Victoria! I have been doing MFP with my wife (she has similar circumstances to yours) since mid July. I have gone from 205 to 185 so far, which is my target weight. Wife has struggles since her situation is like yours, but I try to encourage her each day. So if she and I can do it, so can you. Good luck and may I add you as a friend, maybe get my wife to follow too so she will have more encouragement?