How do I make up for a "quick binge"?



  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    I hope this doesn't sound harsh, because I don't mean it to, but I am training myself to realize that if I am only eating food so it doesn't 'go to waste', I'm kind of treating myself like a garbage can.... Hug yourself, love yourself and recognize what wonderful things you have already accomplished for yourself!
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    If I'm reading you correctly, your binge was made possible by you bringing home goodies you made to sell at the Farmers Market, so you should go back to doing what you did before: give the stuff away to your fellow vendors or give it to your next door neighbor when you get home but under no circumstances should you bring it in the house if you are tempted to binge on it.

    Like you, I was raised not to waste food. This may have served my grandparents' generation, but it does not serve mine very well. I understand the mentality but I have fought for years to break out of it. Nothing bad is going to happen if two brownies hit the trash, know what I mean? Despite what we've been told, cleaning our plates does absolutely nothing to help "starving kids in China." And as long as you sold most of what you made, you probably did okay.

    Another idea is to watch the time, and give some extra goodies to the folks who shop later in the day. Our local market people do this, and it saves them from having to lug the stuff home again. Win win.

    Finally, don't beat yourself up over it, but make sure you are not doomed to repeat it. Go back to eating healthy right away, and try to avoid the scale for a few days just in case.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    print your post and put notes of how you regret this binge and put it on your fridge and read it every time you open the door.

    Live and learn.

    good luck

    That is a great idea - reminders of how you feel at certain times means you'll be less likely to allow it to happen again. As for "making up" for a binge, to be honest you can't. You just need to come to terms that it happened and do you best to not let it happen again. You can maybe walk in place while watching TV, drink water with lemon to help ease some of the bloat and aide digestion and just make better choices for the next few days,

    I know arthritis can be a hinderance in getting enough exercise, but keep in mind the more you do exercise the more you can build up & keep arthritis at bay (I have it due to several car accidents & bad genetics from the neck down, but no one would ever know - I can only hope what I do now helps me in the future!)
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    One bad day is not that big of a deal, so long as you don't continue into a pattern.
    Just move forward, and have five good days in a row. You'll fee better, and see that you can do good days. :)
  • Sandy307
    Sandy307 Posts: 70 Member
    Just letting everyone know that I did get back on track today, I forgave myself and won't let myself get into that situation again..(Going too long between meals and getting mega hungry!) Had a great "workout" in my garden doing the things I love best. Thanks for all the support and ideas you posted to me.
    Good luck to everyone on their own weight loss journey.
  • jarrett515
    I was so there yesterday so today I am making sure I am working extra hard to ensure I do enough work to try to recover from yesterdays bing any movement is better than nothing do what you can if there is any dusting you have been putting off maybe today is that day or even scrubbing the tub the bing may set you back a bit but in reality if you have been doing good all other times you should be back on track in no time =)
  • yesmikan
    yesmikan Posts: 98 Member
    Like you, I was raised not to waste food. This may have served my grandparents' generation, but it does not serve mine very well. I understand the mentality but I have fought for years to break out of it. Nothing bad is going to happen if two brownies hit the trash, know what I mean? Despite what we've been told, cleaning our plates does absolutely nothing to help "starving kids in China."
    This is something that I've had to repeat like a mantra to myself. We as humans have bodies that are built to survive catastrophes such as famine, so we're built to store energy and even to want to gorge in times of plenty just in case we have to survive drought, etc. But we no longer really need this capacity. As a modestly affluent person in a 1st world country, I will never starve (bar some horrible catastrophe). Food is available for cheap on every corner. I do not need to binge to survive, and when I am hungry, I will not starve. Basically trying to teach myself to overcome millions of years of evolutionary instincts.