rawr O_o

So I'm 19 and my username here is my real name. I've always been overweight. My highest was probably 247lbs. That was about 5-6 weeks ago. About a week or a week and a half ago, I weighed in at around 236lbs. I think it's good progress so far. My main problem so far has been motivation. Unlike most people my weight ( I think ), my weight doesn't really bother me. I'm not too big into physical appearances on the whole, so looking into the mirror every morning doesn't do much for me. I suppose the main reason I'm doing this is just to be healthy and fit in the long run. It just doesn't make sense to out of breath after I go up the stairs every morning. I'm pretty much a nerd so increased brain performance appeals to me as well. I'm in my second year of university. ( I'm in Trinidad, forgot to mention that. ) I'm doing my bsc in Computer Science. Comp. Sci. and Mathematics are my life. I'm a programmer and a security enthusiast. ( Maybe there are some of you here as well ? :p I can hope... ) That's about it :D


  • HelloImKelsey
    HelloImKelsey Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome! I'm also a 19 y.o second year B.sc student but I'm psychology. I'm taking a computer science course this year though! It's a lot of fun! Although appearance is probably the biggest factor to why I'm trying to lose weight, I know what you mean about just being tired after walking up stairs. I hate how when I'm walking with my friends I'm always the first to get tired. Try and stay motivated though! The people on here are really great!