Difference in AM vs. PM workout?

I have noticed on the mornings that I go to the gym (from 5:20AM to 6:20AM) I burn less calories, sometimes up to 100 calories less than when I work out in the afternoon/evening (after 5PM). I feel like I physically can't push myself as hard first thing in the morning. Does anyone else have experience with this? Is it in my head?


  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    I'm not even fully awake when I do manage to get up around 8 or 9 a.m. I am NOT a morning person.
    But I could've sworn I heard somewhere it's best to workout in the morning, but in reality it's just best that you get in a workout no matter the time of day.... whenever you have time and feel up to it.
  • CaLaurie
    Exactly the opposite! Too tired / thinking too much / feeling time pressure in the evening. Mornings are better for me, but can only do that on the weekends. I usually wait until I've been awake a good couple of hours, though. Everyone's different - do what's best for you.
  • 4GorgeousKiddos
    I'm not even fully awake when I do manage to get up around 8 or 9 a.m. I am NOT a morning person.
    But I could've sworn I heard somewhere it's best to workout in the morning, but in reality it's just best that you get in a workout no matter the time of day.... whenever you have time and feel up to it.

    I am that very rare morning person (I think it is the promise of coffee!). You are right, a workout is a working out. Too, the AM often is the only guarantee of me getting my work out in but MAN it's frustrating!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    What do you mean? How do you know your calorie burn? What kind of exercises are you doing? If you are using an HRM, could simply be the heat? HRMs are not all that accurate.
  • 4GorgeousKiddos
    What do you mean? How do you know your calorie burn? What kind of exercises are you doing? If you are using an HRM, could simply be the heat? HRMs are not all that accurate.

    The personal trainer that did my orientation told me about the inaccuracy of the HRM so I don't use them but the machines tell me after I enter my weight etc. I'm not working as hard in the morning, I can tell because I physically can't push myself as hard. On the treadmill I'm not able to walk as fast (3.7MPH vs 4.0) and my SPM are much less on the elliptical. The only machine I don't see a difference on is the bike.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I'm sure it's true. Burn is about either intensity or duration, and most people are more alert/able to work intensely later than 6 30 am. I read somewhere that early a.m. exercising can mean greater risk for injury from lack of coordination & inattention. Maybe not for larks :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    What do you mean? How do you know your calorie burn? What kind of exercises are you doing? If you are using an HRM, could simply be the heat? HRMs are not all that accurate.

    The personal trainer that did my orientation told me about the inaccuracy of the HRM so I don't use them but the machines tell me after I enter my weight etc. I'm not working as hard in the morning, I can tell because I physically can't push myself as hard. On the treadmill I'm not able to walk as fast (3.7MPH vs 4.0) and my SPM are much less on the elliptical. The only machine I don't see a difference on is the bike.

    I can't push as hard in the mornings, but I'm way more consistent. I blow off a lot of workouts when I do it in the afternoon after work. So, it's kind of like, would I rather workout consistently and pretty hard, or at least as hard as I am able at 5 am, or would I rather do it in the afternoon where I can push myself physically harder, but will skip half the workouts?

    I choose the mornings. I don't really sleep in anyway. I'm an early riser. So, im already up.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    A good HRM would be far more accurate than the machines.

    I cant do morning workouts. I simply have no energy in the morning. I have to do it later in the day after Ive had a few meals.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Maybe it's worth factoring it into your approach to the whole week/program (e.g., do an upper/lower split vs full body program if you lift, plus medium vs high intensity cardio; or doing calisthenics at home to shave some time off the commute, etc)
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    I don't really trust myself to do any sort of hard workout in the morning. I was running a mile every morning for about a week, but just couldn't keep that up.

    I find that I'm most consistent in my workouts after work simply because I sit at a desk all day, and working out helps loosen me up after being sedentary for 8 hours.
  • Mamoonie
    I gave up going to the gym before late afternoon. I just can't do the programs my trainer wants me to do. I feel dizzy, not strong enough, simply not at ease if I work out before 4 pm. I think it's because I have not had enough calories for the day yet if I work out before.
    The only exception I make is walking the dog. I can go for 2 hours, and even try to jog without any problems at AM.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    I personally like working out in the morning....I never was a good "morning person" - but I've adapted, I feel the work out routine in the a.m has helped me wake up :) BUT, then on the other hand....I recall reading somewhere work outs should not be done in the evening......something about it increasing your energy, etc....it can make it hard to fall asleep.....but that's complete opposite for me and my gf.....we sleep GREAT after our late, 8-9pm work out.....
  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    Depends what you're ingesting before training. If you're training in the PM, then the fact you're eating during the day is probably giving you the energy.

    Personally, I take a pre and post workout shake when I train, so it doesn't affect what time I train, I still work the same level.