Starting Over!

So I got a bit off track this summer so Im "starting over" I only gained 5 pounds back but I still want to loose about 25 pounds to be at my goal weight but mainly need to tone up. Add me =D I was doing awesome before finals and summer started! Ive been back on it for a week and am doing awesome!


  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I fell off the bandwagon too and today is my 10th day back on MFP. It's so good to be back. Good luck and we can do this!!
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    Yes we can! I lost 45 pounds last time Im so mad that I fell off but I feel so motivated now! Its going to happen!
  • This also happend to me this summer, I also have about 25 pounds to go. I just started on MFP, I was on WW but it was getting too expensive.
  • You know, I was down to my ideal weight (200) at the end of May. I totally fell off, and I was afraid to check where I was. I did this morning,and I'm at 242!!! I'm so disappointed. But today was me starting over again. Good luck to you guys, and I'll use what you all go through as my motivation.