To eat, or not to eat? That is the question.

I'm looking for some advice. I seem to be at the dreaded plateau. My weight hasn't moved for over a month. I have been consistent with staying under my calories and exercising. I always eat more than 1200, but will work out and usually still have a 400-600 calorie deficit. I guess I'm wondering if it would actually help me to eat most or all of my exercise calories just to change things up. I'm thinking of trying this for a week to see what happens. Anyone else ever try this? Any insights or advice? Thanks!! :happy:


  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I have not reached a plateau yet, however, if I did, I would do exactly what you suggested. A combination of eating more, eating half or all of exercise calories, maybe not eating exercise calories, if you already are.
    I would also change up my exercise routine and up the intensity or add weight training to your regimen if you are always just doing cardio, etc.
    Try new foods. Take it a week at a time and see what works for you.
  • cheriba
    cheriba Posts: 4 Member
    You are probably on the right track thinking you should eat more. Try some kind of protien bar or drink. This might help.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Shaking up my workouts is definitely something I've had in mind. I mainly bike, so I've recently started some weight training and may start running again to see if that helps. I've also been thinking about trying a protein drink. Glad I seem to be on the right track with what you're all suggesting. :happy: