To weigh or not to weigh...

Hi lovelies

I usually weigh myself every morning before having a shower. I starting to get a little discouraged by it. I think I want to start weighing myself every fortnight or so.... I dont know if I can resist long enough!

Do you weigh yourself daily, weekly, fortnighlty?


  • nays1983
    nays1983 Posts: 63 Member
    When I was trying to loose a lot of weight I weighed weekly!! Then when in maintence I was doing monthly but now I am fortnightly to keep myself in check!! Dont know if that helps or not lol
  • m6rsy
    m6rsy Posts: 21
    I weigh myself almost every day and it's not a good idea! I think a weekly weigh in is more than enough. Before heading into the shower I see the scales and find the temptation to jump on them is too much ......... then I berate myself if it's not gone down and I get annoyed and despondent. I keep telling myself that Tuesday mornings is my weigh time (because I started MFP on a tuesday!) same time each week is a better idea! :-)
  • running_mum
    running_mum Posts: 59 Member
    I am the same M6ry!

    I might have to hide them :)
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, at the same time, I don't care what the scales say I just think it's fun.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, at the same time, I don't care what the scales say I just think it's fun.

    I don't really pay attention to the scale, mirror is much better, but if you do it frequently

    this is the attitude imo.

    I think some people obsess about the arbitrary number, and when it goes up or down they go nuts and think

    they are getting fat, or dropping muscle mass.

    However if you understand that weight fluctuates, then have at it.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I can't give up an excuse to say fortnightly, so I'm going to pick that.

    Seriously though. Whatever works for you. I'm impatient, but also scientifically minded and somewhat removed. So weighing daily works for me. Multiple times a day even. I like the fluctuations. I only record once a week though.

    Whatever keeps you motivated works for you!
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    I was a daily weigher but I'm trying to re-program I think about all this 'stuff' - if I'm NOT on a diet but am simply living a healthier life then why would I weigh every day? So I weigh on a Friday - so that weekend lapses have a week to be worked off ;) and I keep telling myself the number isn't the thing, it's how I look and feel, inches lost etc. It's hard when you're programmed to think as the number as the most important thing - but it's not. At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself :)
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    I weigh every morning before a shower and after number 1/2. I've always done this. I may be unique in this.

    I don't care about the number on the scale daily. I just look for patterns. I chart it in a graph.

    I do mostly go by my clothes and how I look (naked!) in the mirror. When I was 5.5st heavier, I never weighed myself, looked at myself naked and just kept buying bigger sizes. That didn't work obviously!

    Like someone said, if you can not get obsessed about the scale, I say go for it.

    Another helpful thing for me is writing my goal weight in marker on the space between my thumb and forefinger. Reminds me of what I'm working towards if I go to grab something unhealthy to eat! Worked for me!
  • jamface11
    I weigh most days but only record once a week.
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    I weigh weekly and I don't own a scale. My Friday routine is to use the scale at Boots that also measures body fat and tells me my BMI and then go to Starbucks for a skinny iced latte. If I weighed daily or had a scale at home, I'd become obsessed by it (been there, done that) and it's too easy to get frustrated when things done move.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Often, when I am close to a scale - so about 3-5 times a week. Some days I'm curious about how much I gain intra-day or lose over night, so a few times more.

    Why? Because it is the best measure of my weight, which I am trying to bring down and it is a great motivator for me to keep going. If it fluctuates or goes up a little I know it is ok.

    But as the weight loss slows down -- it matters less to me - I can now do push ups easily, my running endurance is way up, these are are the measures of my success.

    So go ahead and weigh if you want too, don't let it rule you.
  • megster4359
    megster4359 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been weighing myself every morning when I wake up.
  • summerfool
    summerfool Posts: 72 Member
    I weigh myself daily but only log my weight weekly. I find that a daily weigh-in helps to keep me on track with my calories during the day. However there are days that I find it extremely discouraging and I just have to push myself through it, which isn't always easy.
  • wilsonm24
    I weigh myself daily, sometimes multiple times a day.

    I don't understand people getting frustrated with the scale not moving day to day.

    One, we know our weight can fluctuate by a few pounds hour to hour based on food and water consumption (even if it is healthy food...). One gallon of water weighs a little over 8 lbs. If we drink the minimum recommended water (eight 8oz cups) that is 4 lbs if you are just drinking the bear minimum. That doesn't take into account food and any other liquid consumption. It takes time to process and pass that intake.

    Second, most of us agree that it is healthy to lose 1-2 pounds a week. That comes out to 0.14-0.28 lbs per day. With all the variables involved with how an in-home scale work, that isn't something that is going to be always evident.

    So knowing this, why do I still weigh every day? Because I find the changes interesting and like to experiment. How much will my weight change between when I start my workout to when I finish my workout? What about before and after a shower? Just ate dinner? Lets see what the differences are.

    I know this is important to a lot of people (we wouldn't be here if it wasn't), but step back and realize that this is a long road (hopefully a lifetime long road) and that if you stay the course the weight will come off. It might take me longer than you, or we might move at the same pace, but eventually we will get there. I might as well have a little fun while I am walking down the path.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I weigh myself every day at the same time in the morning. But I only "pay attention" to the Saturday number since that's my actual recording day. I actually log my daily weight into a spreadsheet and it's been extremely valuable information for me being able to see the trends of ups and downs in comparisons to meals eaten, type of food, time of the month, etc.

    I've actually found that it's helped to keep me more level headed about my journey to my goal weight then I was when I was only weighing weekly since now I understand that Saturday number in more knowledgeable way when I see it.
  • YukonLandcruiser
    Food for thought: remember it's not JUST about weight it's also about inches! Once you start dropping weight AND increase your exercise output muscle tissue weighs more than fat. That's why it's important that food and exercise go hand in hand. Personally I record both weight and body measurements once a week, but take a weigh scale "peek" once or twice a week. All the best with your journey. Note it's not about the destination, its more about the journey to get there.