
Hi all,
This is my first time posting, so bear with me...I've got a lot to say this morning =)

I started this weight loss journey when I became completely disgusted with myself. I had hit my largest weight (179.8 pounds) and I was sad and tired ALL THE TIME!

So, in August I made some major life changes. I started going back to school (an hour and a half away) to get my Masters in Social Work on top of working a full-time job as a Rape Victim's Advocate. If you're doing the math in your head--that's 7.5 hours at work--3 hours on the road--and 3 hours in class. That's 13.5 hours of my day that are planned out for me 3 times a week. So what was my excuse? I HAD NO TIME!

Luckily for me, I have an amazing friend who had started her weight loss journey nearly a year before. I saw that she was waking up early to go to the gym (and she has 3 kids on top of going back to school). YUCK! So what was my excuse again? I had none.

So I joined the gym and set my alarm for 4:54 AM. This has been going on for a little over a month now, and I must say, I LOVE it!!! There is no greater feeling than already having an hours worth of burning calories in for the day before the sun even rises.
This morning was hard though. REALLY hard. When my alarm went off--I groaned. I had just spent the weekend watching one of my best friends marry the love of her life. And I got to spend it with all of my best friends from college. It was a wonderful, tearful, beautiful reunion. Needless to say, I was not ready to get back to my jam-packed schedule. But, I rolled out of bed and headed to spin class.

This morning, however, my typical instructor was not there--the scary lady that teaches crossfit classes was there. I was shivering from the 38 degree temperature from outside when she told me not to worry, I'd be warm very soon. Seriously, she scares me. After about the first 10 minutes, I seriously started thinking, "What would happen if I puked right now...if I just stay on this bike and puke...but I keep riding...I'm probably going to puke." I'm happy to report that I made it through the entire 45 minutes of PURE HELL uh, spinning (AND I DIDN'T PUKE!). When I walked outside, it was 38 degrees--and I turned my A/C on....seriously. It was torture. But now, it feels soooooooooo good!

I'm so glad I dragged my big butt out of bed this morning, because some really awesome things happened for me. I'm no longer afraid of the crossfit teacher--in fact, I look forward to my next class with her. Also, I have officially lost over 10 pounds since being at my heaviest weight (168.8 now!!!!!) ANDDDDDDDDD I'm back in my size 10 jeans!

So, I celebrate this Monday. It's a beginning. A time for change. A time to take care of me.



  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    Great personal story! Thanks for sharing and congrats on all your personal victories!!
  • lrireland
    lrireland Posts: 8 Member
    Woah, 4:54 am?! You need to teach me your ways! I was going to wake up early before my classes this morning to work out... and it didn't happen haha.

    And that's exciting to go back for your Masters! I hope it's going great :)
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    LOL I loved reading your story! That instructor scares ME, haha, but I'm glad she's grown on you! At least you know she'll push you and you'll feel great after :) loved how you thought you were gonna puke on the bike hahaha I have definitely thought that before!

    Congrats on your loss so far!