Pished off.

Right now I want to walk to ASDA, get a mini tub of Nutella, lie in bed and eat ALL OF IT while skipping my lesson of Muay Thai (that's in about a half hour).

This is basically just a venting / me feeling sorry for myself and wanting chocolate thread because I have the motivation of a used condom and feel like rhythmically bonking my head off a wall.

I'm apparently anemic, regardless of my entire lifestyle change and new healthy, happy, nutrient rich diet full of wholegrains and eggs and leafy greens and lean meats and exercise.

Which is a bit of a slap in the chops.

Anyone else experiencing feelings of complete: "Why am I even doing this" or mopeyness today?


  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    For a brief moment this morning, then decided that I am not going to do THAT to myself....way easier to be excited about losing! Remember, it takes time to reverse damage done to the body. The body heals itself at it's own pace, not at the pace we would love to see! Keep your head up! You can do this! Stay strong!
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    I felt a little like that earlier today. :grumble: I feel better now. It's just Monday, and it started off a little rough after a not so great Sunday. I'm optimistic that the rest of the day will just get better and better. :smile:
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    yeah a little. ive been exercising my *kitten* off the last 2 weeks, but i cant keep my eating together on the weekends good enough to lose anything and its frustrating me today... I ran 4 miles non stop for the first time outside this weekend and I was hoping to see a scale victory... sigh. The KFC got me ...
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello there,

    Trust me everyone on here probably have days of not wanting to work out and eat healthy. All of us have had days when we over eat and feeling like crap and giving up. I found out that what works for me is my attitude. If I do have a slip up day, I don't call the the whole thing off. I just make a promise to myself to do better the next day and so on. It's not easy getting to the stage being healthy is second nature in the thought process, it takes a few weeks or even months.

    I just asked that you don't give up. If you are a stress eater, like I am, I try to figure out what made me stress out that day. I keep 100 calorie snacks and fruit cups in my office, I drink a lot of water or I go out for a walk. But when I want chocolate, I have chocolate. I just make sure I don't go over board because when it all comes down to it, it's moderation with the portions. My downfall is chocolate, soda and chips. Do I still have them, yes. But I don't have them every day and when/if I do, I don't beat myself up about. I just remember, I'm the only one that can get this weight off of me. I'm the only one whose responsible for me. The only way this weight is going to come off and I can fit into my two dresses that I would like to be in by November, is by working out and eating healthier.

    I have to take responsibility for what I eat, how I eat it and when I eat it. I can't blame no one else. I had to learn how to food shop differently and talk myself out of all the wonderful treats to eat. I'm thankful that my son was never a big treat person. Even now, he's 19, and I can buy him something and it can sit for days...except Butterfinger ice cream, that's gone within 10 minutes...hahahaha. But he's tall and thin, so he can eat that ice cream in 5 minutes.

    You have great support on this website...use it and inhale the great advice that is here. Stop beating yourself up because you had a bad day. Just make the rest of your day a priority of eating right and do a workout and go from there..
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    Yeah that happens to me too. I've stolen a motivational quote off of someone else's profile that helps me get through it though: 'You can be sore tomorrow, or you can be sorry tomorrow. It's your choice.' Because as much as I hate feeling mopey and unmotivated, I absolutely CANNOT STAND feeling guilty/ashamed the next day if I didn't suck it up and go work out. Hope it helps you too!

    PS... right now I'm feeling pretty jealous that you're taking a Muay Thai class!! Wish there was one around me!
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    I'm thankful that my son was never a big treat person. Even now, he's 19, and I can buy him something and it can sit for days...

    Oh man, my last roommate was like that too!! It used to drive me nuts seeing all those goodies sitting in the pantry for so long!! But I must say, I wish I had will power (or just indifference) like that lol.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I am this way on and off!! It has been hard so far.
  • aforange
    aforange Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks sweeties, I'm feeling a lil better. Going to go to Muay Thai regardless and work my everloving *kitten* off... then faceplant a plate of iron supplements so I don't die or something. (Who knows, I may have a mysterious chemical reaction and turn into Iron Man. Everyone needs at least one day of being Robert Downey Jr in their lives.)

    I can't stand feeling guilty / ashamed either so it's better to NOT put myself in a situation that will ultimately lead to that in the first place! Doing my stretches at my computer chair as we speak girls, huff huff huff.
  • lukeevans85
    lukeevans85 Posts: 108 Member
    I feel like that almost daily. The first 5 months (January - May) were great. I was doing fantastic except for a plateau that started in April I believe...eventually I got discouraged and got a "f*** it all. Why am I doing this" sort of attitude...

    I then gained back the 30 lbs I had lost. Or most of it at least.

    Now I'm trying to lose the same 30 lbs I've already three times before. It sucks. And it's also discouraging.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    I had a pity party of one last night, not exactly sure why, but sunday nights just do me in! Especially now that its getting darker earlier, and now that it's getting cooler and Fall is officially here (I'm in Buffalo, NY) I've started to crave comfort foods too, and those are definitley not salad or cottage cheese type meals!

    One thing I figured out for me was that when I do sit and read I need to NOT have the TV on. Those $^@#^ food commercials are my achille's heel!! and I don't even have to be hugry for them to tempt me. BUT I AM NOT GOING BACKWARDS!! I've come to far to let one or two missteps take me all the way back down that slipperly slope!
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    I'm sorry your day's been a bit duff, but I loved the Britishness of your post, it's refreshing to see amongst all the misspelled words (Color? Aluminum? Favorite?) and I immediately feel endeared towards you!

    Hope you feel better after your class. Chin up chum. x

    P.S. your pooch is adorable!
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    Hey at least you wanted to walk to Asda :)

    Seriously, when I feel like giving up, I read the stories here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/15-success-stories. If a 300+lb woman can get to 150lbs, there is no excuse for my sad sorry *kitten* not to lose the weight I need to. Same goes for anyone.

    Don't feel bad about losing motivation, it happens to the best of us and being low in iron will doubly make you feel that way.

    Take your iron, do your class, delight in logging your cals burned and next time you feel this way, it will be a whole load easier to fight the feeling off.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    P.P.S... at least you wanted to *walk* to Asda? (silver lining and all that :laugh:)
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Nope...Mondays are always, "Time to buckle down and kick some *kitten*" days.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Ugh. Days/feelings like that suck. But don't get down on the anemia. Despite a healthy lifestyle for many years, I have it, too. Fortunately, I've been able to get it balanced with a supplement. Doesn't mean you're a failure; sometimes we just need a little boost. Keep up the good work!!!
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm apparently anemic, regardless of my entire lifestyle change and new healthy, happy, nutrient rich diet full of wholegrains and eggs and leafy greens and lean meats and exercise.

    anemia isn't always caused by a deficiency in diet... it can be caused by other deficiencies (b-12 for example) or it can be an deficiency in how your body metabolizes things... it can also happen around or just after TOM... (I actually used to become so anemic with TOM that they considered blood transfusions monthly... thank God for mirena!)

    also sometimes when you make a change in your diet it may take a while before ALL of your blood levels reflect this... if you have recent blood work your doc can tell you if you are more/less anemic than you were... they can also check your b-12 and ferritin levels and get an idea for why you are anemic...

    if you are not symptomatic the best thing may be to just wait a few months and have them check again :)

    to answer your question... YES... I currently have a broken foot... I just want to order a dominos bread pasta bowl and have them bring it to my house and eat the whole stinking thing... I have been on this blasted couch for a MONTH and I am tired and frustrated and sore and and and and and and and (a million other little things that have been piling up on me... SIGH)
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I was severely anemic as well and had a incredible diet and exercise program. It has a lot to do with just being a woman and what happens to us every month. It will be okay, get an iron supplement and you will be fine.

    On a brighter note, at least you are not anemic with diabetes and high blood pressure. :flowerforyou:

    Take time, pout and be mad then get over it. Life is what we make of it.
  • You were saying that you've found out that you're anaemic as well. That might be part of the reason that you're feeling as you are. Have you discussed working on your anaemia with your doctor? Ask for suggestions. Stop by a health food store once you have those suggestions and talk with them about getting supplements that absorb more readily by the body and are more effective.
    In order to keep my levels up, I have to take supplements. I eat right. but that's not enough. Apparently some of us will always fight anaemia even when not living a regimented lifestyle. I only need to take a multivitamin, a good dose of calcium-magnesium and extra Vitamin D because we don't get alot of sun where I live. It has made a world of difference for me.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member

    Seriously, when I feel like giving up, I read the stories here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/15-success-stories. If a 300+lb woman can get to 150lbs, there is no excuse for my sad sorry *kitten* not to lose the weight I need to. Same goes for anyone.

    I do that too. It is very motivational!
  • JennWeighZen
    JennWeighZen Posts: 32 Member
    Yes! I had a crying spell over this just yesterday. I've been "serious" about this since the beginning of June (got my fitbit, started logging everything)... that's not to say I hadn't already done a complete overhaul of my eating habits over the last few years. So by "getting serious," I meant making "good" into "better" and putting more effort into the exercise aspect. Where am I? I'm at a 5 pound gain and no inches lost. I don't know why I'm doing this, and I also thought about "quitting"... but then I couldn't figure out exactly what I would be "quitting".... the only things up for "quitting" would be the logging my food, caring about inches, and caring about that blasted bathroom scale. And I guess caring whether or not I get any exercise in at all.
    Okay, I started this out as an attempt to perhaps provide some encouragement to you. But I have failed! At least you know, you are not alone, so we will, together, not allow ourselves to "give up"... whatever it is. I still want to be able to wear a pair of knee high boots one day, damn it.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Get supplements...
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Id it just regular anemia or is it pernicious anemia? If it's the pernicious variety you diet has nothing to do with it. Your body can't absorb the B (think B12 but might be all) vitamins. Will you have to get the shots for it?
  • ksarkarati
    ksarkarati Posts: 24 Member
    Oh Mondays. Not to minimize what you're going through but I notice that for about the first 3 hours of Monday morning I am basically in a subclinical depression as the body/mind shock from going from weekend to Monday mode is in full-force. I totally get the feeling down and what's the point. I think that's natural, and like all thoughts and feelings, it fades. I try to remember that when I'm feeling esp. blah, or like every Monday morning, convinced that the blah feeling is permanent.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Meh, it's a Monday. It happens.

    You'll feel better if you go to your class and you probably know that. At least go and try.

    We all have our ups and downs.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Not sure if you think you're anemic or that you've been tested and know you're anemic. There is 2 different types only one has to do with iron the other is a B vitamin. Feeling tired/lethargic can be related to other things as well: not enough quality sleep, a VLCD, expending to much energy for the amount of calories taken in, a diet high in sugars (even natural ones), not enough protein, not enough fats, and many other GI issues I won't bother to go into.
    If you are feeling tired/lethargic most days, go get tested, don't guess!
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    If you need the B12 shots to help with the iron retention, you may just be lucky as they can assist with weight loss. You wont feel miserable then............
  • That was me yesterday... Don't give in... You'll regret it! Keep pushing through and thinking about the results you'll achieve if you keep pushing.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Anemia is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay common among teenagers and 20-somethings, especially girls (myself included). And if the diet change is recent, maybe your body hasn't caught up yet anyway? Don't stress about it, you'll be fine.
  • aforange
    aforange Posts: 116 Member
    I feel like a right grumpy git now reading back on this.

    Went to Muay Thai and am feeling a hundred thousand million times better, thanks all of you for your support regardless. I only found out I'm loooooooow on my iron because I was supposed to give blood today and got turned away because my levels are super depleted. I'd say it's mainly down to TOTM and exercising my butt off lately, so it'll level out.

    I could do without the, "I see you're feeling great today, let me change that" surprise blues every now and then though. It's like depression puts on its little party hat and explodes into my life with confetti and grey streamers just to pish all over my day. The b*****d.

    I'll get some supplements tomorrow and look into the B12 shots. Got an appt with the Doc coming up so they'll (hopefully) set things straight and I'll stop turning into the Incredible Sulk every twenty minutes.