


  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I've lost 23 pounds so far, and I have about 40 more to go.

    I know that so far, I've had a couple of weeks here and there where my weight didn't change. Didn't think much of it. It's a bummer for sure, especially when you're still eating right and working out. But don't stress over it!

    I'm not going to consider anything a plateau unless I go a month without losing anything, in which case I would consult my doctor.

    I don't like the idea of plateaus at all. I think it makes it easy to jump to the conclusion that just because you've gone a little while without losing, you can't and it makes it easy to get discouraged and give up.

    My belief is that EVERYTHING you do counts, always. The food you eat, the exercise you do....as long as you're keeping on track you are bettering yourself. Even if there's a small stall where your body decides to take a little more time to process what you're doing, you're still going to see that end result eventually, so it's not pointless. And it certainly isn't something to feel bad or get stressed over.
  • jeddy3mcc
    jeddy3mcc Posts: 177 Member
    I am so glad to hear you say that your are not quiting. Working hard and continuing your process is the only way to get off the plateau. Try mixing up your workouts. Do tuesdays on Thursday and Wednesdays on Mondays and give your body a different schedule to work with. Whatever you do DON"T QUIT!!!!!! There are too many ppl here who have overcome plateaus. I have overcome 4 in the last year. You can do it!!!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    As much as we'd like it to be consistent, weight loss is never linear. Some days, you'll be up a pound or two for no real reason...and others, you'll be down. Assuming your plan is solid, just stick to it and you'll continue to make progress...if not right now, eventually. (However, "give up" and drop your plan and I can almost guarantee you will not end up where you want to be.)
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    the plateau isn't the end of the world. If you aren't ready to change up your diet or your exercise plan, then just keep plugging through, your body will eventually respond. I hit a "plateau" about every 3 months. I'll sit for what seems like forever at the same weight for 6 to 9 weeks. It feels so discouraging, so unmotivating, so depressing ... then I look at my scale and I remember that I have lost almost 60 pounds! I look at a picture and realize that I have lost over 50 inches from my body! I look at my activities and realize that I could barely maintain the energy to go to work and come home ... let alone everything I am doing now.

    If you want to keep your diet and exercise plan the same ... then just have patience. Let you body adjust to the new you. The weight and the inches will still come off. I honestly haven't changed a thing. I've been doing pretty much the same exercises, same amount of time, same diet, same calories for 16 months. I am pretty happy about my progress.
  • 08AmandaC
    08AmandaC Posts: 33 Member
    Two things that have really hit home since being on mfp:
    1. It took years to get this size....it's not going to disappear overnight!
    2. Eat more calories - since upping my calories I am losing weight!

    You have done fantastically, be patient and keep going! Good Luck x
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    16 lbs in 7 weeks is AMAZING. The weigh isnt going to all fall off at once, just stick with it. It's taken me 7 months to lose just 12 lbs, but i'm finally almost there. Be patient and work hard and you can't fail. :smile:
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I'm sure you'll break through eventually. I've been on a weight plateau since November of last year practically. Scale is not moving AT ALL, but somehow I've dropped pant sizes, muscles are much more visible and clothes fit better, so I really don't care that much...it's annoying but that's about it.
  • Khymera
    Thanks to everyone who responded.

    I saw both my dietician and my physiologist yesterday. Both of them suggested adding one "mini-workout" (aka, a 30 minute walk) a week and briefer walks at a slower pace whenever I feel like it. The physiologist also wants me to add one resistance training session a week at home.

    Food intake will stay the same for now. Dietician doesn't think there's a reason to go up, and she doesn't think I could sustain it if I went down (I'm at 1600 net; I usually try to get within 200 calories of that).
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    After muscling through a few plateaus, I found something that has worked every time, and it's a nice treat. Take one (read ONE) meal to eat something tasty, fattening, and bad in so many ways. One fattening meal isn't going to throw away all that you've worked toward, and it won't make you dive right back into an unhealthy lifestyle. Take one meal, go nuts, and then get right back on track. Every time I have had a plateau, I have done this, and shortly after getting back on track, the weight started coming off again.

    Now's that interesting; I need to remember. I know I try not to eat too much of the same thing and keep my pattern erratic so my mind/body doesn't shut down. Even so sometimes there's a small loss in there...or worse, a gain :laugh: