

  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    Know what it's like to need to lose 80+ lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • I have 7 lbs left to go but I know how you feel so send me an invite! That goes for everyone here!
  • Hey 26 and have around 100lbs to lose. Feel free to add me for encouragement and support.

  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I was 24 and needed to lose over 100 pounds. I am now 25 and 123 lighter, reaching my goal weight. YOU CAN DO IT!! Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can! I tried (and failed at) every single diet and fad diet out there. After about month of dieting, I would binge and fall completely off the wagon. It was once I took the word DIET out of my vocab that I reliazed I can do this. Instead of 'dieting', I just took small steps to getting HEALTHIER. For example, I cut out Soda and started to walk everyday, once I got in routine with that, I started watching my portion control and started doing exercise videos. After a month, I lost 8 pounds. I decided to join a gym(for the 3rd time!) and it finially stuck. The gym is now my GO-TO place whenever I need to de-stress, think or blow off some steam. The gym is where I go to get my "ME" time.

    If I can lose 123 Pounds, You can definitely lose 80! I was the poster child for living unhealthy, and I have done a complete 180. Like I said, If I can make the change, so can you!!
  • I am 22. I have 100+ left to lose. If anyone wants to send me a friend request go for it! <3 I love helping keep people motivated, but it helps me in turn too... I need a lot of motivation.
  • funsteps
    funsteps Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 23 and have 80-90 to lose. Feel free to add me! I love new MFP friends to keep me motivated and accountable.
  • Thankyou all for your success stories, friend requests and motivation. A lifestyle change is definately what i aim to do. Had a brilliant healthy day today and feeling better already!!

    One step at a time...