running... sometimes I wish...

Sometimes I wish I’d never fallen in love with running… especially running outside…

Today I slept in through my alarms… raced out of the house, got to work late. I usually try to run on my lunch time on M W F… but lately, life has been tough – a lot of personal drama and stress and external meetings that are preventing me from my lunch runs. If I hadn’t slept in today, I COULD have run. But instead, I found myself 30 mins late and therefore I needed to work through lunch.

The air outside is beautiful, the trees are dropping their leaves and those that are holding on are brilliant shades of red, yellow, orange, with some green ones refusing the inevitable. The smell of fall is amazing… Geeze, it would be a gorgeous day for running…

and I find myself getting grumpy.

Resenting that I can’t go running.

Can’t go at lunch… Can't go after work... I have to grab the kids (ages 5 and 7) after work and go get groceries… by the time they’re in bed, it’ll be dark and I’ll be faced with my treadmill – which has suffered serious neglect since I fell in love with the road.

Winter is coming soon. Soon there will be 2’ of snow and -40 temps outside. I am NOT – repeat NOT a winter runner – so I find myself really really resenting this missed opportunity.

Boy do I get cranky when I miss my runs!

Sometimes I wish I’d never fallen in love with running… especially running outside…


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I can relate to enjoying fall.

    Yesterday was the Army Run and I signed up for the 5K, rather than driving downtown and having to fight for a parking space (the run attracts about 18,000 participants between the 5K and half marathon) I decided to bike to the race and the ride along the river at 7:00AM yesterday was breathtaking, between the smell of the leaves and the colour of the early morning light it was just about the perfect start to the day.

    Try to get to bed a little earlier tonight and run tomorrow morning. Not as good as running today but better than nothing.

    Try winter running, you'll be amazed - I started running outside all year 'round a few years ago (I'll miss a few days due to freezing rain) if you dress for it -40 is not so scary.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i LOVE running outside. hate it indoors!!!
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I love running out doors as well. In the hard winter months, I usually resort to running on the treadmill. As long as there is not too much snow on the ground, I will run outside at least one day a week. I have installed screws on the bottom of my shoes to grip the ice. It works well. The hard part is how to dress. I find that I ovberheat easily, and have to dress in layers. The problem with running in layers is carrying the layers as you remove them. I am still figuring this out, but getting better about it.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I can totally relate... not just limited to running though.
  • goldenguymsw
    goldenguymsw Posts: 191 Member
    You actually are biochemically addicted to running. Runner's high is not a myth... your brain produces endorphins in higher amounts for avid runners like you. You are cranky because your brain is not producing those endorphins when you are not running. I agree that nothing compares to the beauty of running outside... but maybe you could put something pleasant and beautiful to watch on the tv while you are running on the treadmill... Anyway... sorry for your missed run... it will make your next run... that much more pleasureable.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Thank you everyone for your posts! I have signed up for a half marathon (which I am apparently NOT training for) on Oct 27th.. I may very well be learning how to run in the snow...

    I am so looking forward to my next run, but it still doesn't stop me from stamping my feet and screaming...

    *but I wanna run noooooowwwwwwwwww* :explode: :sad: :cry:

    hehe... I am so addicted.
  • jagger27
    I loathe the treadmill...I'm an outside girl too...days I feel like this I usually just look forward to my next run more and focus on giving it my all that run :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Thank you everyone for your posts! I have signed up for a half marathon (which I am apparently NOT training for) on Oct 27th.. I may very well be learning how to run in the snow...

    Nice! I did one in Feb last year (I live in central NY) - wasn't a blizzard, but was definitely "wintery conditions" lol. It was a lot of fun, will probably do it again this year.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    This is a beautiful post! :)
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Winter is coming soon. Soon there will be 2’ of snow and -40 temps outside.

    Move to Texas. (Yeeee haaa) Here in the North Dallas area 30 degrees is extreme cold and it rarely ever snows. Winter mornings are just brisk enough to make you wear gloves and something for your ears. You can still run in shorts if you like.
  • halejr23
    And here I am in Phoenix looking forward to winter so I am not running in extreme heat anymore ...
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Winter is coming soon. Soon there will be 2’ of snow and -40 temps outside.

    Move to Texas. (Yeeee haaa) Here in the North Dallas area 30 degrees is extreme cold and it rarely ever snows. Winter mornings are just brisk enough to make you wear gloves and something for your ears. You can still run in shorts if you like.

    Unfortunately it's the exact opposite in the summer time, where it feels like you're trying to run through a warm swimming pool of humidity, and even after the sun sets it's still 85°... I am so looking forward to the cooler evenings, I do love my runs. ♥

    Great post, OP :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    All of you shut it about running and lifting and stuff. I'm heading into week three of doctor's orders not to run or lift (lower body) due to a hip issue.

    *grumble* *grumble*
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Winter is coming soon. Soon there will be 2’ of snow and -40 temps outside.

    Move to Texas. (Yeeee haaa) Here in the North Dallas area 30 degrees is extreme cold and it rarely ever snows. Winter mornings are just brisk enough to make you wear gloves and something for your ears. You can still run in shorts if you like.

    Unfortunately it's the exact opposite in the summer time, where it feels like you're trying to run through a warm swimming pool of humidity, and even after the sun sets it's still 85°... I am so looking forward to the cooler evenings, I do love my runs. ♥

    Great post, OP :)

    Thank you!

    I think this is precisely why so many Canadians are "snow birds"... we fly south to escape the horrible cold, and come back for the perfect summer temperatures! lol

    I can't wait til I retire!
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    -40? where the hell do you live?? Move!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    -40? where the hell do you live?? Move!

    Just north of Winnipeg, Manitoba - Canada. :-D
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I'm training for a marathon (or will be soon) and posted about what to wear in the cold to run... I'm in MN so the temp is regularly below 0F with crazy windchills...

    The first poster gave some great info about running in the cold
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm training for a marathon (or will be soon) and posted about what to wear in the cold to run... I'm in MN so the temp is regularly below 0F with crazy windchills...

    The first poster gave some great info about running in the cold

    k, so this is kind of embarassing, and kind of funny...
    I stop running in the fall because when I've gone to look at running clothes for the colder temps - all the womens stuff is WAAAAAAY too short in the legs. I hate baggy running clothes, and the men's tights just, um, don't fit quite right...


    anyone know where I could find great, relatively inexpensive, running clothes for women with a 37" inseam?
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm training for a marathon (or will be soon) and posted about what to wear in the cold to run... I'm in MN so the temp is regularly below 0F with crazy windchills...

    The first poster gave some great info about running in the cold

    k, so this is kind of embarassing, and kind of funny...
    I stop running in the fall because when I've gone to look at running clothes for the colder temps - all the womens stuff is WAAAAAAY too short in the legs. I hate baggy running clothes, and the men's tights just, um, don't fit quite right...


    anyone know where I could find great, relatively inexpensive, running clothes for women with a 37" inseam?

    ^^^ please note: this is an OP sanctioned rabbit trail off topic...
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    -40? where the hell do you live?? Move!

    Just north of Winnipeg, Manitoba - Canada. :-D

    You've got me beat, Winterpeg is definitely colder than Ottawa (I lived there for a couple of years as a kid.....)