Looking for some supportive weight lost buddies

Im 33 years old, married with 5 kids. I had my last baby last year and need to lose this baby weight. Hoping to find some support friends to help me out along the way. I will also help you out if needed.


  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Hi! My name is Tracy. I am quite a bit older than you(49), and I also have five kids, three of which are grown now. I started my diet/lifestyle change on August 20 and found MFP two weeks ago. It has been a great help to me to log my food and exercise each day and see the progress. I am doing South Beach diet because I desperately needed to get off of the "bad" carbs. So far, so good. I have lost 11.5 pounds and would like to lose between 53 and 60 more pounds. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you like!
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, I'm Jennifer. I'm 37, no kids, and (after losing 35 lbs) I have 55 to go! I'd love another soul to help motivate me & to motivate back. I am following Dr. Fuhrman's recommendations for healthy eating, and this first 35 lbs has just melted off.
    Feel free to send me a friend request!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi! I'm new also. Let's do this thing!
  • Hey five kids wow! I only have 3 and its crazy. Am looking for some losing weight buddies too! If ya want send me a Friend Request as well!
  • summerfool
    summerfool Posts: 72 Member
    I have one kid and I'm tying to loose baby weight too. Feel free to add me!
  • HeatherSanto
    HeatherSanto Posts: 138 Member
    I'm always looking to support and be supported. You can add me too and anyone else from this thread too
  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    Hi, I'm a good bit younger than you, but I log pretty much every day, and I have a pretty good idea of how this all works. Feel free to add me (anyone else can, too!)
  • Hi Alauniira! I'm a raw beginner here too :) All the best for your journey!!
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Hi! I have one kid :) My son will be 3 in December and I'm still trying to get rid of babyweight :tongue:

    I've been out here since June and am making good progress. Welcome and feel free to add.

    ***Edit**** - I'm 31. Forgot to add that.
  • trospert
    trospert Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone! It'd be great to have support! Add me if you'd like.

    I'm 27 and not married, have no kids...but I do want to lose some weight.

    I'm not what anyone calls "overweight" but I need support/help too. Sometimes those 5-10 lbs are just the hardest to lose!

    Any tips or thoughts, feel free to share & I'll try to help you too! :)
  • xkdrowex
    xkdrowex Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 27 with 2 kids ages 5 and 7. Here's my story - http://krystalrowe.blogspot.com/2012/09/confessions-of-former-chubby-girl.html add me if you like I use MFP just about every day consistently.
  • dayotte33
    dayotte33 Posts: 80 Member
    Add me too if you'd like. I'm 43 and juuuuuuuusstt about half way to my "goal" weight. Been doing this all summer and still learning. I'm a juvenile probation officer so I LOVE working with and being around all sorts of people. Good luck!!
  • Hello I'm amanda. I'm only 26(27 in Nov.) and have two young boys I'm on everyday. Seeing other ppls posts helps me and I try to comment to help them back fell free to add me.
  • Hi feel free to add me if you like!
    PAIRDIZE Posts: 13 Member
    hi my name is love but i use my granddaughter name on her her name is pairdize... i am 38yrs of age and recently i have loss 12pounds in 2weeks! i have 8childern and 3grandchildren as well...i am looking for some true weightloss buddies to do this with and stay healthy for life! can you plz add me asap? much luv and godbless you all!! i was 398pounds....now my weight is 386pounds...
  • Hi ...
    I am Christi and am 48 years old and have had my (baby weight) all of my life:) I would love some buddies to do this thing with. I am a stay-at-home, homeschool, Christian woman who describes herself as a "God girl on a mission!" Would love to meet and motivate you all!
  • DOB1973
    DOB1973 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I am 39. Feel free to add me.
  • Charmof3
    Charmof3 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I am mom of 3 looking to loose about 50ls. We can do this! :smile:
  • Wow! I bet you are busy with 5 kiddos! I am 42 and have just let myself and my weight go for the last few years. I have tried off and on to lose without success. Today I was thinking about joining WW but had been introduced to this site a while back so thought I would give it a try first. I have had success with WW, it's just that tracking is not my favorite thing. Anyway, I need support and want to help others as well! Good luck & think positive!:smile:
  • vander7679
    vander7679 Posts: 109 Member
    Feel free to add me...for that matter, anyone can ;-)