Needs Support same age group? 19?

Hi, I'm currently about half way through my weight loss, and although it is not as significant as some others, I'm looking for some people around the same age/and or with similar goals.

Starting weight 160lbs
Current weight 139lbs
Goal weight 125lbs


  • jonsgrl93
    Anybody out there?
  • I am certainly in that age group! Lol I am currently at 216 and i need to get to 180 O.O im a bit frightened
  • jonsgrl93
    Don't be frightened, if it seems daunting then focus on smaller goals, like losing ten pounds by a certain date, that always helps me
  • uhmmyess
    Hi there. :) I added friends from a post like this before but they pretty much all left... :( So I need new supportive friends around my age.

    I'm Kyra and I'm 20. add me "uhmmyess" :) I'll comment on your stuff and I try to post every day haha.