New runner question

I just started running, up to a 20 minute run. My question is I'm running about 3-5 days week, trying to, today I ran since Friday and my front of my legs were burning. I couldn't go very far and had to do walk / run versus straight run. How do you prevent this?? Tips on running longer??


  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    Could possibly be your shoes. If you want to take up running more you may want to go to a running store and get fitted for a proper pair.
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    I'm not a pro runner, just an expert this sounds like shin splints!

    Are you pounding pavement? Trail Running? Treadmill?

    Do you have supportive shoes?
  • nikaeda
    nikaeda Posts: 1 Member
    I would consider a beginner's training program, such as Couch to 5k. I've been running off and on for years; back on for about a year. When my legs start to hurt, it's because my shoes are run down and need to be switched. If you plan to continue running, you should definitely get fitted for running shoes at a running store. You will find great deals at the outlet stores and malls, but a running store will consider how you run and where your feet need the most support. Running stores also typically have running groups. I am definitely more motivated when I have company during my run. Good luck!
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    First off, unless you are coming from another sport, you may be going too much too soon. You are brand new? And running 1.5+miles? That is a lot. You may need to do run/walk intervals. Not just for your lungs and stamina but also for your body/joints to get used to the pounding. Look at C25k or any other intro program

    Also if you are going to make this regular, go to a running store and get fitted. Not a big chain but a specialty running store. Make sure you are stretching afterwards, especially your soleus and gastro.
  • mariaeaston
    mariaeaston Posts: 2 Member
    good shoes and good stretching after a run is key. I started running with The Running Room a little over a year ago and I still do 10 min of running followed by 1 min walk than repeat till I finish. I cherish my 1 min walk and find it really helps as you get into the longer distances. Good Luck!!!
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks! Brand new, I've been running off and on for 2 mos. so pretty new...I have a great pair of shoes, that were costly, so don't think that is it. I have heard about shin splints, may have to look into that.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    you can tape for shin splits. But it could also be your bones trying to build up density for this new activity. Make sure you are getting enough calcium.
  • If you're dealing with shin splints, try shortening your stride a little. When you take really long strides you tend to bring all your weight down on your heel. This sends all of the force straight to your lower legs (shins). By shortening your stride, you will land more to the middle of your foot. This will allow the natural motion of the foot and ankle to absorb some of the shock. The more force absorbed by the foot means less of it goes to your shins.
  • Just because your shoes cost a lot doesn't mean there good for you. It's about how you run and if you need support or not. I would go to a running store and see what you need.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    Expensive shoes doesn't mean they are right for you. How you run is what determines best shoe. Both my husband and I run in Asics. I am neutral and he over promotes. We both pay $100+ for shoes. But his wouldn't be right for me or vice versa.

    Shin splints means too much and no stretching. Easily remedied. Seriously, get fittd for shoes.
  • regraves
    regraves Posts: 12 Member
    I get shin splints all the time if I don't stretch. The stretches towards the bottom of the page at this link work great for me.
  • Google "Chi Running" and get the right kind of shoes for it!

    Take it slow---speed and endurance will follow all by itself.
  • baoneill29
    baoneill29 Posts: 138 Member
    My first thought was shoes too! I can always tell when my shoes are shot because my legs start hurting. You may research and make sure you have a good running stride. When I started running I wasn't landing on my feet right. Having good form can make you an efficient runner too. It may also just be normal pains that your legs are going through from being a new runner.
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Thank you, much help! Gonna watch video on running, and need to get new shoes.