New to MyFitnessPal, new mom

About Me
I have joined MyFitnessPal because I am a new mom who needs to get in shape. My daughter was born in July 2012. I was overweight to begin with. I weighed 223 last I checked before I got pregnant. While pregnant I reached a weight of 236lbs. At my 6 week check up I weighed in at 218 and then 216 two weeks later when I got my IUD placed. So I weigh less than I did before I got pregnant which is AWESOME however I feel much fatter than I did before. My stomach is flabby and covered in stretch marks. I know that I wont wear a bikini again because of the stretch marks, but I want to get in shape and toned up so that at least I feel comfortable in a one piece or a tankini. My current goal is to get down to 150lbs, walk a 5k in November 2012, and walk a half marathon in March 2013.

I am married to my husband of five years, Brett. We have two Golden Retrievers, Juno (4) and Riley (12). And we have our gorgeous brand new daughter Roslyn. I am a nurse and going back to work in a few weeks. I will be teaching nursing and working on an orthopedics unit per diem.

Why I Want To Get In Shape
I want to get in shape so I feel better about myself. I want to be a good example for my daughter. I have dealt with being overweight my whole life and I don't want her to go through the same struggles. I want to look healthy and feel healthy. I want to feel good in a swim suit, heck I just want to feel good in jeans and a t-shirt! I also want to feel better about intimacy because right now I just feel so fat and ugly.

My Inspirations
Getting into my pre-pregnancy clothes - and having them be TOO BIG
Example for my daughter
To live a long healthy life
Not have to go back on antidepressant medications


  • GlowstickGirl
    GlowstickGirl Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, Welcome! I'm a new mom too, my daughter was also born in July. Feel free to add me. :) Best of luck!
  • childofArtemis24
    Hi, Congrats on the baby. I see your are also an RN, that is awesome. I love making friends who are career driven, it motivates me lol. Check out my profile and add me if you like,
  • csi4us
     I am new to mfp. I signed in back in nov 2011. But actually logging faithfully for about 27 days or so. I started working out cause I was told by my doctor I have diabetes.  That was 2 1/2 years ago. I never took it seriously until my blood work came out super abnormal. My doctor told me that my liver looked like I had been abusing alcohol for 40 years. This was a surprise to me considering that I don't drink that much.  Maybe 1 or 2 margaritas a month.  Needless to say if I didnt change my diet and start excersizing, I would need a liver transplant eventually and my diabetes would also affect my health. I have tried several diets and many diet pills but I know that will be a quick and temporally fix. I want this time to be a lifestyle I can live with.  In total I have lossed 22lbs. I would like to follow you and maybe get some tips. Support is one of the key factors in succeeding. I also like friends  that are positive, funny, witty and who log daily in their food dairy. Friends who are willing to be truthful and comment. If this is you welcome!
  • csi4us
    Congrats on your newborn!
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    Congratulations! And your goals seem very well thought out and prepared. I wish you every success!
  • kaileysmommy12
    About Me
    I have joined MyFitnessPal because I am a new mom who needs to get in shape. My daughter was born in July 2012. I was overweight to begin with. I weighed 223 last I checked before I got pregnant. While pregnant I reached a weight of 236lbs. At my 6 week check up I weighed in at 218 and then 216 two weeks later when I got my IUD placed. So I weigh less than I did before I got pregnant which is AWESOME however I feel much fatter than I did before.

    My daughter was also born July 2012 and I too had my IUD placed and want to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes.
  • newatbritt
    newatbritt Posts: 23 Member
    Hey fellow newbie! I recently joined and am recently back in nursing. I was formerly an ICU nurse but now I work in managed care. Congratulations on your baby! I have about 80 pounds to lose which is completely overwhelming to me, but, the success stories on this site are completely inspiring. Hope we will be posting about our victories in time also!