Overate.. seriously

I read some topics about overeating and find out that someones completely miserable about some hit up at mcdonalds and a sweet dessert afterwards.. well, last night a friend and I went to an Indian restaurant, I had never been to one before and had that lovely dish chicken tikki masala and some cheesy naan and garlic naan.. yes, I ate the whole thing. Along with 3 or 4 cups of 2% milk at home, close to 4 tbsp. of peanut butter, 2 ginger snap cookies and 2 chocolate peanut butter no bake cookies I had made. Yeah.. jeez right?
To top this diet for the obese I had 4 slices of fat boys pizza (pepperoni,sausage, green onion, mushroom, and cheese) and a 1/2 cup of french vanilla/chocolate ice cream with 2tbsp. of peanut butter, 1 tbsp. of hersheys hot fudge sauce, and half a low fat-like that mattered by now- graham cracker for dinner tonight.
Just typing that kinda makes me laugh... lets just say I may not be overweight but I'm definitely capable of becoming so with my bottomless pit for a stomach that so often has a huge hearty appetite for... everything.
To make the situation more ridiculous, I will be on day 30 of Insanity tomorrow. I've kept to and will continue to keep to the workouts 100% but just yesterday and tonight's dinner has put me in a nearly 4000 calorie deficit. This is supposed to be recovery week as well... so. Obviously I can't take all that food back so I won't allow myself to get too hugely upset over this but is there any extra advice that ya'll have other than the obvious Tomorrow's another day! eat better tomorrow! ... ?
I read somewhere about caloric redistribution. Which seems pretty logical for those in a situation of eating only a few hundred more than you should've rather than a whopping few thousand.... but anyhow.... some advice would be nice because I am kinda bummed about it.
I won't try to do anything dumb like starving myself but I've already done several extra insanity workouts "just because" over the past few weeks so too much more is not an option either.


  • Keltinator
    I think it's good that you're being honest with yourself and still logging even though you overate. Overeating once in a while isn't going to kill your progress, so I'd say just continue on tomorrow and eat healthily. Don't try to compensate for the extra calories by over exercising or under eating -- just trust your body to sort itself out.

    Sometimes eating a little bit more (okay, obviously not 4000 calories but still) is good for the metabolism, too, so really, don't sweat it too much!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    What's your calorie deficit per day?

    You can either count out the number of days it will take to set yourself right and take that out of your projected weight loss plan or you can increase your deficit by 100 calories (do not cut out enough to starve yourself) for 40 days and stay on track.

    Alternatively, you could just not worry about it. That's what I'd do.
  • sammyjo0402
    sammyjo0402 Posts: 106 Member
    Yes that's exactly what I had meant with the redistribution... and I had already put that into my goals.. Normally I have my calories to be at just barely under 1700 so I knocked it to 1500 so I'll still be eating over my BMR.
    Yesterday I was doing fine to keep to that until I get a text asking if I wanted pizza for dinner. ..... Um... yes?!!! I'd been mentioning that I was craving that for like 3 weeks now lol.
    Anyhow... I was debating last night to continue the workouts from month 1 through this week and pushing the recovery week until next week however I know the importance of rest... and come month 2 with a little extra workouts like I'd been doing thus far I'll probably be fine. If I'm doing extra than who knows... probably won't get the same optimum results that I could have been perhaps at least the same results I'd get had I just been sticking exactly to the schedule without anything extra.
    Ha. It's a happier thought at least. I just really really want to flatten out my stomach... I've been seeing awesome results in my arms and legs and I was starting to in my tummy until the other night. Yes, it honestly has added a little bit more fat to my stomach.
    Anyhow... thanks. Hopefully it won't make too much of a difference.