Prednisone Weight gain won't leave.

Was on Presnisone for 3 weeks start of August (hi dose tapered off) for horrible skin rash. Put on everything I had lost plus some. Had to stop workouts except walking cause rash was also on hands.
As soon as I could, started my workouts again--- but despite watching what I eat/calories and working out--- cannot lose any of this weight. Thought by now I would have lost at least a couple pounds.
Workout includes walking dog 1.5 mile daily, circuit machines hour daily, weights 15 min daily (working up on length & weight) and hula hooping 30 min. thrown in.
Any suggestions?


  • Mom2: you have been ill, rashes are a generalized whole body illness of the largest organ you have.. Give yourself time to heal. and time for your body to recuperate. Prednisone helps many things but also stimulates the appetite. It may take a while to work all of it out of your system since you were taking high doses for three weeks. Stick to your basics and things should right themselves in time.
    Good Luck!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    From a medical perspective - if you consider Predisone is taken from the highest dosage and then weaned as each dose becomes smaller and smaller... that is the typical prescription. I dont know which script you were issued, but that is the number one drug that must start off as a high dose and it gets tapered from there.

    Your body is dealing with what they call, a 'threshhold' - your body will still have the drug in you until it is completely depleted..

    You must give it time to leave the body - its still fighting off whatever else you are dealing with.

    Patience is key - but also keep your prescribing physician up to date as well....
  • Was on 10mg pills, started out 5 a day for 3 days then on down (4, 3, 2 then 1) per day every 3 days. Drank loads of water when on and still since off meds.
    Just very frustrating to have lost all that weight to only have it back along with extra. Despite trying to watch what I ate while on meds.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Prednisone (or The Pred as I like to call it) is a strong drug. It really hit me hard when I was on it and I took time to get back to normal. Once its out of your system there is no reason why you can't get back on track.
  • How long does it take to get back to 'normal'? Have been off the medicine for a month now.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    It can take a while. When my asthma was very bad I was on it for 4 months, starting off on 40mg (8 x 5mg tablets a day) for the first few weeks then reducing the dose by one tablet every fortnight then every week. I put on lots of weight.

    Keep at it, your body will eventually get back to normal but it may take some time.
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 113 Member
    ive been on predni for about a year and i DEFINITELY found that it increased my appetite. i try to take it only as needed for my RA, and found taking it before bed helps with the increased appetite. I typically wont wake up just bc IM hungry thank goodness. On the unfortunate case where I miss it at nite and have to take it in the morning i pay for it dearly. im STARVING all day. So hungry I feel like I can comfortably eat a small child. Until tonight / this morning its dawned on me that there is a good chance that being on predni might be whats stalling my weight loss. im working out more and for the most part following a lower calorie diet and Ive lost less weight in my sleep practically in the past - pre predni. Unfortunately I cant kick it just yet bc when my flare ups get bad - its the ONLY thing that seems to help... so if it takes me longer, so beit. Unfortunately with trying to get pregnant im limited as to what meds for RA I can take - Pred seems to be the easiest one to be weaned off - the other - shots and such are too powerful and can supposedly offer longer term effects to women trying to conceive... or so Ive been told.

    thanks for posting about predni... and together we will all have to work THAT much harder to meet our goals, but I believe we can... and will!
  • Clarissia_Nicole
    Clarissia_Nicole Posts: 79 Member
    Hmm I recently stopped taking Prednisone a week or two ago. I was also on a high dose that tapered down. I didn't gain any weight while I was on it, but during the whole time til now, I have NOT been able to lose at all. I didn't know why, but now that I read this, I'm thinking maybe the drug has something to do with it? I have been monitoring my eating since I stopped taking it but maybe it's the drug itself...
  • Had yearly dr appt this past week--- he assured me would evenutally drop the weight but would take a while. Said lot is water retainment. Just said to keep on doing my workouts and watching food intake.
    Oh by the way--- in case ya did not know---- will case your cholesterol levels to go way up. Mine are usually really low but this time were right at the border levels. That too will slowly go down.
  • bob99
    bob99 Posts: 32 Member
    I on it now for a week only, I've eating more n not logging bit depressing to read I could be in doing everything though :(
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    I am the prednisone or was the prednisone queen. I was on 100 mg a day for 8 months then began the slow taper. Took a LONG time for me to get rid of all the weight. Patience, patience, patience. Water. water. water. If you feel you are still getting a case of the hungries, substitute carbs for protein and veggies. I ate EVERYTHING that wasn't nailed down on the preds. Ballooned up to 199.5. It is so incredibly frustrating especially since I only enjoyed about 8 months at my goal weight before the docs started me on the preds.

    It can be done, but you can't be too hard on yourself.:wink:
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Nothing constructive to add, but commiserate with you because prednisone is awful and was a big reason I gained the weight that I did.

    Be patient. Knowing that the prednisone messed you up is a huge part of the battle. Identify your hungriest parts of the day and drink lots of water or exercise through them.

    Hopefully you know what caused your rash so you won't have to repeat this!

    (I am very allergic to poison ivy, which we have in our yard. I've been on massive doses of prednisone each of the last 4 summers from doing yard work. This year I skipped doing the yard work and was spared.)
  • Know was not poison ivy for sure. Best bet---- get this--- was a weed from the group Pigweed family. Can cause awful rashes almost like burns (which I had).
  • ktouton
    ktouton Posts: 20 Member
    I just need to vent a little. I was on 30 mg of Prednisone for days, then 20 mg for 5 days, then 10 mg for 5 days. I got off the pills on October 29. I made the choice to not weigh myself because of the Prednisone. Luckily, it hasn't caused me to gain more than a pound or 2.

    I just hate having asthma and having to be on those stupid, little pills. I will get off my soapbox now. Thanks.
  • Lucky you. I have to start all over with weight loss---- had a traveling temp job this fall--- so have not been able to exercise at all. Good part--- have not gained any more weight since started traveling. LOL