5'3'' losing 10 lbs, looking for girls with similar goals!

Hey, my name is Sarah! I'm 5'3'' (well technically 5'2'' and a halfish :p ) and am looking to lose ten pounds. I currently hover around 119-121 but would love to be around 110. I'm okay with my size, I think it'd really just like to be more toned than anything, and just be more fit and healthy in general.

My nutrition goals are 1200 calories, 30%carbs, 35% protein, 35%fat. I made the carbs lower only because I found I wasn't eating as much to begin with and tended to go over on the fats instead (healthy fats/oils). My difficulty is sticking to the sugar limit, although the great majority of the sugars come from whole and natural foods. But other than those, I did notice a lot of sugar was in the yogurt I've been eating for breakfast, so I cut that down to 1/3 portion (if any at all) and I also have a little creamer with my coffee (which, sigh* I guess I'll have to cut out altogether), any other suggestions to lower sugars? To be honest, all the other sugars are coming from fruits and veggies mostly, and the occasional slice of wheat bread, so what can I do? I've already given up eating grapes :( (my favorite fruit) and am learning to become absolutely obsessed with strawberries! Or is it okay to go over the sugar limit as long as it's the good stuff (I'm currently set to 30g of sugar).

As far as exercise goes, I do strength training (body weight and 5-10lb weights) MWF for upper body and abs and TTh for lower body, for about 30m each session. On TTh I also walk/jog a 4.2m trail (I'm currently at a walk 1min/ jog 2min pace). The past couple of days, I've also started to add in more walking each day (anywhere from 20m-1hour). On Saturday or Sunday, I may do some light exercising and rest, but occasionally bike ride or hike. I think I have a good strength training-cardio ratio, but would love some pointers. I know it's best to concentrate on strength training for toning and I also even heard somewhere that petite girls should avoid cardio altogether to lose weight? But I can't imagine not walking or jogging, I just have this fear and feeling that I won't be able to lose weight if I don't.

I would appreciate any advice and pointers and would LOVE to meet you all with similar goals!


  • funnybunnyz
    Hi Sarah! I'm Jes. I'm around 5'1.5 and my starting weight was the same as yours around 123 two and a half years ago. If you just started 1200 calories it is a bit extreme. I just started on that too and its hard to maintain. When I first started I didn't even count calories or anything at all. My biggest advice is just start running, maybe a mile or two at first then work your way up from that from a treadmill then maybe outside. Just from running I went from 124 to now 106 in two and a half years.I know slow.. but the diet and exercise is sticking thats whats important.I run 5 mile 4x a week now :) Most people start hard and never maintain.

    Ive almost completely cut out sugar except for strawberry jelly and a muffin here once in a while. Sweets are also my biggest downfall. Here's what really helped me : breakfast I have fresh squeezed grapefruit juice mix with orange and lemon, half or a whole avocado, coffee, toast with jelly (its better to eat whole grain that wheat), oatmeal as a snack then banana and apple. Then during lunch I usually have a big protein like chicken sandwich and a carb like brown rice. I try to throw in a few veggies there or a salad (but usually fail). Then nighttime I have maybe tomato slices, smoked gouda or any cheese, bread or hummus. Then I close the day off with carrot juice. I strongly recommend the grapefruit as it boosts metabolism and fills you up and avocado its good for the skin. I still have sugar at least once a day like a scoop of ice cream or a peice of chocolate. Its really hard to give up. If you drink soda at all just cut it out all together.

    The best advice is...Keep it simple...dont count too much. Dont count the carbs or proteins...it will drive you insane. Just make sure for a meal keep it 40% veggies or fruits, 35% lean protein and 25% whole grains. Just have fun with it and it does take time. Good luck!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    It's kind of counterintuitive, but I think you need to eat more calories and up the weights you are using for weight training. I am 5'3" and 108-110lbs. I've been this weight since high school, except for my pregnancies. I started MFP to get ride of the jiggle after my 2nd baby turned 19 months. I haven't lost any weight on MFP, but I am tighter (before and after in profile, if you are interested). I wouldn't worry too much about the sugars and carbs from fruits and veggies, but I only track my protein level because I want to increase my lean mass.
  • demelza123
    demelza123 Posts: 66 Member
    Similar to yourself ... being 5.3 ft when you put on those extra punds - there isn't a lot of places it can hide. So if you wanna buddy up - friend me. Good luck and be patient! The toughest part of the whole process - truly!
  • cartoonfruit
    hello :) i'm 5'2" and want to lose around the same amount. but it's so difficult, right? if you have any pointers for me that would be good too lol
  • Kittyhawk10
    Hello Sarah.....
    Im not 5ft 3 but i am looking to lose about 5-7kg and it seems to be so hard ....
    I am 5ft 8 and i am 49yrs old.... weighing in at 73kg
    i have just joined here yesterday to help keep motivated.

    I am taking chromium tablets to alleviate the sugar cravings and it seems to be working.
    Although I only have sugar in my coffee and now i have replaced coffee with tea (no sugar).
    And a biscuit with half a chocolate fudge protein bar ....they are so yummy

    i tried a chocolate protein drink this morning, after my workout and it seemed so sweet ..sickly sweet even...

    Pizza and wine on a Friday night is my weakness.....

  • malystrasza
    Hi Sarah, I'm 5'3 as well and also started around 120ish, back in July. Since joining MFP and working out consistently, I've dropped 10 pounds. I'm currently hovering around 110-111. I guess I have a really tiny frame because dropping to 110 has made a significant difference! I'm still planning to drop a little bit more, since I still have some flab in some areas. :ohwell:

    About starting at 1200 calories, it is hard at first, but doable. Some will say to eat more, but I think you should try it first and see how you feel and find out what works for you. I started at 1200 and then upped it to 1300, and have been losing consistently eating around 1300. Could I lose eating more? Maybe, I don't know. I'm happy with my current results so I don't feel like experimenting right now. :laugh: If I do hit a plateau, I'll adjust. No biggie. So yea, don't be scared to experiment a bit to find out the amount of calories you should be eating to lose. As for the sugar, if its coming from like fruit or veggies, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    Also in regard to the cardio for petite women, I don't think its true. If you enjoy doing cardio, keep doing it. It'll help. I personally don't do it because I find it boring. I prefer lifting weights instead. Weight training does wonders for your body. If you're doing weights, like another user suggested, up the weights too!

    Hope that helped and good luck ladies!
  • pedraz
    pedraz Posts: 173
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hey, I'm really similar, just two inches taller. :) I lost around 4 lbs, and looking to lose another 5 maybe. I really want to get more toned too.

    My goal is also 1200, and I think it's really not that bad at all! Just see how it works for you. Personally I think it's enough, sometimes I can't reach it.

    Good luck!
  • raylynn244
    raylynn244 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I dont really have any great advice for you.. sorry! I just wanted to write you because we are the exact same size with the exact same goals and the exact same problems.. LOL!! I just thought that was funny... so ya if you get any good advice let me in on it. Thanks.. btw I'm Briana.
  • dustygn
    dustygn Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'4 looking to lose about 10 pounds I guess. I'm currently about 67kg (147 pounds) but get surprised looks when I tell people that, maybe I have a bit of muscle? I gained a bit of weight after I finished training for my half marathon. Got up to 73kg, which would be my heaviest ever!
    I'm currently aiming for 1200cal, weekdays it's hard to stay in that 180cal gap between my min and max, weekends I tend to sleep half the day so I eat only a half days worth of calories, not sure what my metabolism makes of that. I try to run every so often so I don't lose the fitness I worked soo hard to gain.
  • sadyel
    sadyel Posts: 250
    im 5'4" and want to lose around 14 lb im 140lb now
  • sscad
    sscad Posts: 73 Member
    Wow, didn't expect so many replies! :D

    So I've also been curious about BMR. Mine's 1365. I've heard you shouldn't eat lower than that. Earlier this year, I actually did a couple of months of tracking weight watchers points, but also added up calories out of curiosity and found I usually ate around 1450-1600 cals! That's how I got to the 119-121 range (I was around 124 before). I just wanted to try MFP for something different, and experiment to see if it would be better. Since eating more than 1200 has worked before, should I at least up it for my BMR? What are your thoughts on BMR?

    As far as experimenting, how many weeks is a good trial? I find I experiment a lot (ie- different calories, different carb/protein/fat ratios, different rates of exercises, different number of meals, etc) but I'm so afraid of wasting time doing something that's not working, so I tend to switch tit up almost every other day. I know I need to stick to something to truly figure out what works for me.

    qtiekiki, do you have any recommendations/sample meals for good protein? I try to have a lot, like having eggs/eggwhites with breakfast, chicken and tuna with lunch, peanut butter or greek yogurts for snacks, salmon/chicken for dinner, etc, and also 1-2 protein shakes a day, and so I'm having no problem reaching my goal around 100g, but I can't imagine eating even more! I'd feel like I'm eating protein all day.

    Thanks guys!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You don't need more than 100g. My goal is also 100g. So I think you are doing well with the protein. If you were losing weight with 1450-1600, I would eat that. It's not so much the BMR that I worry about. It's more about feeling satisfied and being able to stick to the calorie goal.
  • sscad
    sscad Posts: 73 Member