newbie needs help (and friends)

i kept within my calorie goal yesterday, then did an good hour cardio workout at the gym. the calories i burnt off mfp says i should it eat the same amount of calories. is this true?


  • Kalebdylan
    Kalebdylan Posts: 15 Member
    I do not eat the calories I "earn" through exercise. You cane friend me if you would like.
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    Yes it's to ensure you remain in a constant deficit of say 500 cals which equates to about a 1lb loss a week, depending on your settings.
  • "they" say 1 lbs of fat = 3500 calories. So you need to burn 3500 more in a week than you consume. Either by doing exercise, or staying under your calorie goal.

    If you exercise even for just 20-30 mins, then these extra calories you've earned, go towards the target by the end of the week and will help you lose weight.

    If you eat extra that you've gained, then your weight will stay the same with zero weight loss.
  • gazrec
    gazrec Posts: 38 Member
    great thanks. its just that i get back from the gym at 10pm and im expected to eat 500 calories according to mfp just sounded weird
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    "they" say 1 lbs of fat = 3500 calories. So you need to burn 3500 more in a week than you consume. Either by doing exercise, or staying under your calorie goal.

    If you exercise even for just 20-30 mins, then these extra calories you've earned, go towards the target by the end of the week and will help you lose weight.

    If you eat extra that you've gained, then your weight will stay the same with zero weight loss.

    This is what I thought so I went and did the math.

    Lets say your TDEE is 2300 and you want to lose 1lb a week, so your calorie intake should be 1800 a day because as you say a weekly deficit of 3500 cals is equal to 1lb of weight. But if you exercise and don't eat your calories back you are obviously increasing the deficit to a much higher extent which can only be detrimental to your weightloss goals in the long run for example burning precious muscle and ending up skinny fat.

    MFP has already accounted for your daily deficit of 500, 100 or whichever setting you only need to keep that deficit consistent by eating back your exercise calories.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Depends on how you have set your goals. I've set mine to give me a one pound loss per week so my deficit is approx 500 net calories per day. So I eat back most of my exercise calories. It's not compulsory though!

    Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned

    Feel free to browse my diaries or add as friend.