Michigan and Missouri Crew



  • Yes I'm happy with the little my changes too. Dropped a pant size down to 10 comfortably was squeezing into 12. When I was at lifetime I was a size 8 but comfortable. The thing I'm worrying about is losing to much of my azz. Hey Charlie likes it.:laugh: Gots to keep the man happy. Sorry had to put it out there.:bigsmile:
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Hey woman! Keep this site pg! We are all family and i think we wanna hear that dirty stuff. Anywho so I think this is an update on everyones weight loss:

    Kristin- 30lbs
    Mike - 28lbs
    Ben - 18lbs
    Steph - 13lbs

    Change it if I am wrong. Again remember this is a change in lifestyle and don't settle till your at your target weight. I dont know about you guys but I feel amazing when I move around. I feel that I am very agile now and feel like I can run faster than I use to be able to. When i pick up a 30lb weight and imagine i had that extra weight on it just disgusts me. Just keep at it. Everyone is doing well. I've been reading a metabolism book as far as how to keep it running at top speed to break down/burn stuff up. I agree with some of the ideas thus far. Some of the things it recommends are things we know such as:

    Don't starve yourself, eat small meals
    don't starve yourself
    eat balance meals.

    Some of the interesting things I have read is that spices play a big role in metabolism as well. The spicier the food, the more your metabolism is in high gear. Also just adding cinnamon to stuff as well makes it faster as well. The big one is to make sure you eat slow enough because you will end up overeating by accident. Takes your body 20 minutes to register the food your taking in so you may be full but wont realize it till 20 minutes later. By than we've all stuffed our faces. Lastly looking through some of the comments on this site, one guy posted a really good link to a study on weight loss. The study shows that cardio is fine and dandy but if you want to kick your weight loss in high gear you should add weight training with it as well. Here is the link if anyone wants to read it. I'm sure Ben already knows but I still thought it was informative.

  • Today I'm SORE!!! It hurts to move and sit. It took me all morning to get breakfast. Charlie didn't came home yesterday so no disc 3 today for me. Wii Active here I come. I hope he gets my disc done soon!! I know I have to do something today. After dinner and the boys are asleep. The boys have been sick off and on this week. First Marcus then Logan and Marcus again. I guess they are no losing this bug. :grumble:
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Hope everyone is doing well. I was thinking for an added motivation to maybe kick it into high gear for any if not all of us to make sure we haven't fallen off the band wagon. Maybe we sign up for some form of relay? I know during marathon races sometimes there are relays where its broken down by 4-5 people. Well anyways I thought it might help motivation. Let me know
  • I would have think about it. Haven't be running at all. Sound interesting!!!!:wink:
  • I love that idea, I think it would be really fun and motivating for everyone! I'm in if everyone else is :)
  • Hey where has everyone been??? I have not p90x all week last week the boys are still sick. They have lost TOO much weight I'm calling the doctor this morning. They are afraid to eat. They start to turn the corner and feel better and eat something and that night they are puking it up. Marcus got out of the house Saturday for a few hours. He was dead on the couch yesterday. I'm so worried about them. I got sick Friday but about head stuff and dizzy. So I kicked in the vitaminC that helped. I ate very bland. So steak dinner last night was awesome. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I could go back for more. I hope everyone's Valentines day was great. Excited about Anya big birthday coming up!!!! I hoping for some heathly choices.:bigsmile: So i can save room for CAKE!!! I told the boys when they get better we are going to ColdStone. We deserve it!!! They really do. Mom will get a small serving but it will be what I like!!! YUM YUM. Don't talk me out of a treat. I deserve it. Everyone at my old store thinks I look great and not to lose any more weight. So I'm just going to tone up. I do like my curves yes that mean my azz too.:laugh: That's for you Mike. This girl is not PG!!! So deal with it.:wink: Peace out!:smile:
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Yo: I think everyone had some set backs or just slowed down. Kristin is happy where she is and plans on toning I believe. We shall see how that goes with me in the house. Ben is on the injured list but still losing weight as far as I know. I am bouncing around the 170-174 which is below my target weight of 175. Now I just gotta get my *kitten* to have a stable mind and running. I'm about to switch my diet shortly so we will see how my body reacts. I am in the same spot as everyone else where I would like to tone. I dont care if more weight comes off to be honest because that is less weight I have to carry for 26 miles. I really want to get on this diet or life style change that I have been reading in this book called, "fit for life NOT FAT for life". Its a really easy and enjoyable read. Has a lot of simple tips and just seems to be easy to retain the information. Anyhow good job for everyone. Did anyone do a "before" and "after" photo? I only have one for the 60 day insanity trial which i'm 2 weeks in. Anyways congrats on everyone if they are where they wanna be. I'm looking to turn into that ninja assassin body so I still got ways to go. I dropped the weight, but my body fat has to be little high still which my diet will fix. Ill have ben check me out when i go home. Keep it up and man keep this site pg woman! I dont wanna her about my brother's wife rated r material!
  • :laugh:
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