I'm not making excuses but I need help!



  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm gonna go another route here. If you say you "have the diet down", why not just eat at a deficit and not worry about exercise? You'll still lose weight. Unless your goal is to be fit and thinner, I wouldn't stress about fitting in exercise.

    I was actually thinking this as well. Exercise is great for getting fit, but if you feel fine without exercise, you definitely don't HAVE to do it! If you're seeing great results with diet you can just stick with that :) I lost the majority of my weight with no exercise. Now I exercise because I like it, but that's beside the point!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    There's a gap between waking your son up and getting lunches and things prepared. How about making sure everything is organized before you to go bed, set an alarm for your son and use that half an hour to work out?
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    How about working to get your fitness in on the weekends and then just pick 1 day during the week. That way you will have 3 days in and you will feel great! And if you have to get up earlier it would only be one day a week, as opposed to five. I definitely tip my hat off to you as a mom! I'm sure with all of that running around, you are burning some calories!
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    I am guessing your a single mum so must be pretty tough and all that rushing around is exercise of sorts. I would suggest perhaps some biking or walking if you can fit it in.

    Is it possible to walk to collect kids ?

    There is a 10 minute work for you

    run up and down stairs 5 times or run on spot for 5 minutes then do 10 press ups repeat do 10 sit ups repeat do 10 squats you can increase as you want its good i can tell you.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    youre up at 5.
    get up at 4.

    This......it sucks balls, but on days that I know I'm going to be working both jobs and running my daughter around, I have to do it because NOT getting the run in is simply not an option for me.

    "If it's important, you'll make time. If it's not, you'll make excuses."

    (please don't think I'm being mean, I'm not....that's just a quote that REALLY helped me :happy: )
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Cook most, if not all of your meals on Sunday to open up time during the week, then you just need to reheat instead of cook full meals. Then, do all of the morning routine stuff as far as packing lunches and after school activity gear the evening before, wake up 30 minutes earlier, and get the workout in in the morning.
  • gec1266
    gec1266 Posts: 201 Member
    Find a half an hour throughout your day. 10 minutes here,5 minutes there...etc. It doesn't have to be a full body workout but you can sneak in a few lunges...push ups...crunches...walk (always a winner)..etc. Take the time out for yourself and just say that you have to slow it down and just get it done. Best of luck..
  • AuburnGirl2001
    AuburnGirl2001 Posts: 36 Member
    Make good use of a crockpot to help with dinner -- that way it's ready when you get home
  • JudieBK
    I'm in a similar situation, with two kids playing two rep sports, jobs, etc. I have started incorporating a run (or brisk walk) during their practices. It's 2012 - you've probably got a cell phone and they can reach you if they need you. Time to put yourself higher on the priority list!
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I'm up at 6:30, commute 1.5 to 2 hours each way, M-F to bring my daughter to my MILs and continue to work (Car to train to ferry then back). Once I'm home (7 PMish) we make dinner, bathe the kiddo and off to bed with her. We clean up, spend time with eachother and go to bed...exhausted.

    I keep a pair of sneakers at my desk and walk for 30-45 minutes on my lunch hour. I either eat at my desk before or after walking and there's my hour. If you want to do it. you'll make the time.

    Good luck.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I also want to suggest to you that even 20 mins inserted somewhere in your day would be sufficient.
  • Ivana331
    Could you try to get a carpool situation going a few days a week with one of the other moms?

    You guys could alternate who takes the kiddos to practice and what not.
    My thoughts exactly, I am sure your daughter has made a good friend or two at cheer or gymnastics who could carpool. I would say even if you workout for 30mins a day for at least 3 days a week, that should be good enough. It works for me, and I am not nearly as busy as you are as my kids are 4 and under.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    All sorts of ways to pack things in. If I don't have time for an "official" workout I keep trainers in my desk drawer and go for a power walk at lunchtime. You could make lunches the night before.

    It definitely looks like you could tighten up your morning routine too - it looks like you have an hour and a half just to get washed and dressed and wake up your eldest son. Cut that down to an hour (or even half an hour - I can have breakfast, wash up, shower and get dressed in that time) then you've plenty of time for a workout.

    Also: weekends.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    How long did it take you to log in, type this?


    maybe she is like some of the rest of us and is sitting at her desk getting paid to be on MFP??? Doubt she could go work out or she probably would.

    Sarcasm it was....reality is we are all busy. Play here at work, etc. Just even 10 minutes of anything is better than nothing:flowerforyou:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Lady, if anyone needs sleep, you do. Your brain & body need it to recover, and not sleeping will slow weight loss.

    This! You are one busy mom!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    also, if you start bulk cooking it frees up a lot of time. winter meals, such as chilli, pastas, stews, etc really lend themselves to that.

    also, that whole line "945pm finally take off my shoes and get comfortable" kills me. i'd feel like crap walking around in work clothes all day. do you really not even have five minutes to change??

  • trtmom
    trtmom Posts: 76 Member
    I lost 35 of the 42 pounds without exercise. I started just walking and doing light body weight exercises to get the last of the pounds off. I've been maintaining just with diet only and I think I look pretty darn good! LOL

  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    Why aren't the kids helping? I've been a single parent. I know how tough it can be. Your 2 oldest should be making their own lunches, and maybe yours too. They should also be in charge of their own clothes. Can one of the kids give the 6yo a bath? My 9yo plays with my 2yo sometimes so I can do things while the little one is playing in the tub. Last night I got to work out and watch my favorite tv show at the same time!

    Can the 6yo do their HW in the car while you're picking up/ dropping off kids? Not ideal, I know...but some kids can handle this.

    Asking other parents to carpool is also another great way to make time reappear into your schedule.

    Take sneakers to walk at lunch.

    I do leg lifts under my desk.
  • Raychel_P
    Raychel_P Posts: 9 Member
    Totally agree with what others said about getting your kids more involved. My 10 year old has been waking himself up with an alarm clock, getting dressed and ready by himself, and walking across the street to the bus stop and going to school by himself since 5th grade. No offense but its sort of absurd that by 12 or 13 your kids cannot wake themselves up pack their own uniforms. Tell them to do it, and if they won't, they lose priveleges. That, by itself, should free you up at least some time in the morning to go for a walk, do some light weight training in the house, or work out with a kettlebell. If you have an hour lunch break, bring some shoes and get a 30 minute walk in for cardio, that still leaves you 30 minutes to eat.
  • trtmom
    trtmom Posts: 76 Member
    also, if you start bulk cooking it frees up a lot of time. winter meals, such as chilli, pastas, stews, etc really lend themselves to that.

    also, that whole line "945pm finally take off my shoes and get comfortable" kills me. i'd feel like crap walking around in work clothes all day. do you really not even have five minutes to change??


    If I were to change into what I think is comfortable, (sweats and a hoodie) my kids wouldn't let me out of the house! lol