runners...advice please

I am doing a 5k in a little over a month. I normally do a 5 min walk before I start my jog, which i am up to jogging a mile and a half without dying lol, I am wondering if I should stretch before running or not? I have researched and see very conflicting advice. When I got on the treadmill a 2 days ago, I stretched quickly before, started jogging after my 5 min walk and started having shooting groin pain on my right side and also shooting pain in my inner shin area. I have been scared to get on the treadmill since :( Any suggestions would be helpful!!!


  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I've always heard that stretching is best done after a workout. Your muscles aren't sufficiently warm and loose before. Warming up is best. Do a few jumping jacks, high knees, brisk walking.
    I've been in training for a 10k for only a month. I hadn't heard about it in time, and I've been really pushing myself to the limit. I'm not a runner normally, so this is a challenge! I've read that in the first year of running, nobody should attempt to do a 5k of strict running. A maximum of 7 min running, three minutes walking is recommended on many sites I've been to.
    Listen to your body. If something gets to be too much, stop.
  • As a marathoner, I would suggest never stretching before you run.

    I usually go a little slower at first if I'm feeling a little stiff. Otherwise just go if you feel good.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I walk a few minutes and THEN stretch. It's better to stretch warmed up muscles so that you don't tear anything. I know someone who runs about a mile and then does her stretches. So everyone is different, but I definately think you should stretch.
  • I would only stretch after.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    First, make sure that you have to right running shoes.

    Before your race do what you normally do! If you normally warm up with stretching and jumping jacks, do that. This is what your body is used to, Don't change anything the day of the race.
  • babs24
    babs24 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree, I always stretch after my runs
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    thanks, I'm looking up stretches now. I am at a pretty slow mile so not too worried about the 5k but I understand being prone to injury etc. Thanks for the advice and good luck at the 10k!
  • medwards89
    medwards89 Posts: 97 Member
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Active (dynamic) stretch before, static stretch after.

    Here's an active stretch article:,7120,s6-241-287--13442-0,00.html

    I just do the leg lifts. Sometimes.

    After, I stretch gastroc, soleus, hamstrings, quads, IT band.

    I've always heard that stretching is best done after a workout. Your muscles aren't sufficiently warm and loose before. Warming up is best. Do a few jumping jacks, high knees, brisk walking.

    I've read that in the first year of running, nobody should attempt to do a 5k of strict running. A maximum of 7 min running, three minutes walking is recommended on many sites I've been to.

    Not so much. Going slow and following a good training plan is important, but it's possible to run a straight 5k the first year.
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    for those who stretch after running, what do you do if running/jogging becomes painful? what about shooting pain, run through it? the shooting groin pain stopped me in my tracks.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I normally don't stretch or warm up before my run workouts--I use the first mile to build and hit pace during the second mile. I definitely cool down and stretch afterwards.

    If this is your first race and your only expectation is to finish, you can use your first mile this way.

    I ran a 5K this past weekend and did some light warm ups in the pen prior to the race so I could hit the ground running at the gun.
  • I do not stretch before running. I too did research on this when I started running about ten months ago. Muscles should be wamed up before stretching and if you did it before running that is not the case. Listen to your body and do what you feel is best. Good luck.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    The pain may have been from you trying to do a quick stretch before running and before your muscles being warm. Try running without stretching and see what happens...if it is just soreness you can probably run through it, but if it is sharp shooting pains you should stop and evaluate if you have injured yourself. Good luck.

    (I have learned from experience, for me, that it is better not to stretch before, but never to skip stretching afterwards!)
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I've read that in the first year of running, nobody should attempt to do a 5k of strict running. A maximum of 7 min running, three minutes walking is recommended on many sites I've been to.

    Hmmm--I think you may have read some bad information. I started running in earnest in May. The 5K this past weekend was my first race. I ran it in 26:06 and lived to tell about it. (Oh, and I'm 42 years old.)
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 180 Member
    I am doing a 5k in a little over a month. I normally do a 5 min walk before I start my jog, which i am up to jogging a mile and a half without dying lol, I am wondering if I should stretch before running or not? I have researched and see very conflicting advice. When I got on the treadmill a 2 days ago, I stretched quickly before, started jogging after my 5 min walk and started having shooting groin pain on my right side and also shooting pain in my inner shin area. I have been scared to get on the treadmill since :( Any suggestions would be helpful!!!

    I started the C25K program on 8/2/12. I just finished week 6. I get those pains in my inner shin area also. Just below my calf muscle. This happens when i run, and it will be sore the next day. I always stretch afterward. Any tips? Shoe suggestions?
    I am doing a 5K Walk/Run on Oct. 6. I know i can't run the whole thing, but i will certainly try to do as much as i can.
  • I haven't experienced pain but I would suggest if you have not done so, visit a running store and get a gait/foot analysis. You may be wearing the run type of shoe. I used to have horrible shin splits until I did this and got the right shoe. I have not experienced shin splints since. Above all else, always listen to your body.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I stretch a little before (my calves and ankles) otherwise sometimes one of my feet will fall asleep, or my calf/shin will cramp up. I also kind of stretch out my upper body (I find this helps with side stitches and other upper body pain). Then afterwards I do a little more stretching. I think the more experienced you are, the more you can get away without stretching or without warming up because your muscles are more used to it. Probably important not to try to do too much stretching with cold muscles (I walk first then stretch, as another poster pointed out) but also important to find out what works for you and what helps for you. Good luck.
  • kathyrazz
    kathyrazz Posts: 52 Member
    I run a lot and never stretch before, and rarely after either. I only stretch after I run if it's a really looooong one and my muscles are tight (like after 90 minutes or more straight running). I *do* do yoga during the week and believe that helps me stay limber though, so maybe incorporating some stretching into your weekly exercise routine helps.

    I agree that if you're feeling pain at all then you should visit a running store and make sure you're wearing the proper shoes and that they're in good shape..that would make a TON of difference!

    Otherwise just take it slowly and look for small improvements in time/distance week over week. That's the way I learned and I never had any injuries.

    Good luck!!!! :-)
  • I agree bad information. Perhaps they are referring to competitive racing. If you are fit enough, you can do a 5k. I did my first 5k 6weeks into Couch to 5k training. I ran/ walked it and got it done.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I've read that in the first year of running, nobody should attempt to do a 5k of strict running. A maximum of 7 min running, three minutes walking is recommended on many sites I've been to.

    Hmmm--I think you may have read some bad information. I started running in earnest in May. The 5K this past weekend was my first race. I ran it in 26:06 and lived to tell about it. (Oh, and I'm 42 years old.)

    I am new to this, so I have been doing alot of reading, and I agree, some of it may be bad info! I was sort of wondering about it, and was hoping others would pipe in their opinions. For now, I'm going to just stick with what feels right, and not panic if I can't run a whole bunch, and end up walking quite a bit of it.