Soooo unhappy with me!! :(

Hi I am an over eater!! I have been struggling with my weight ever since I had kids. I am a serious eater of any kind of emotion out there. I eat cause I'm bored, sad, stressed you name it it's me! My husband recently got a job so he is working first shift now and I am working third shift. So I have the respobsibility of coming home and taking care of kids and trying to stay awake through out the day. So of course I am very tired and just grab whatever there is to eat, which is always bad. The desire to eat right isn't there because I am so tired and of course exercising, oh yeah good look finding that energy. I have pumped myself up many of times telling myself I have to do this, I can do this but I always fail. I am beyond disappointed in myself and disgusted with what I see in the mirror. I hope with all the words of wisdom and the success stories I can finally get to where I want to be because face it I can't hold onto those favorite jeans that I wore before kids forever.


  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Welcome, you came to the right place. This website is great to show you what you are eating and how much of it. You already know you are an emotional eater so for starters get rid of your go to foods. Like when you are sad you go to ice cream, get it out of the house. If that's too drastic at first do low fat and eat it in coffee mugs instead of bowls so you eat less. How about weekend meal planning? Set up your meals on Saturday/Sunday (or whenever your days off are), and then stick with it. I defrost meats the night before because then I will feel guilty not eating them and wasting that food if I stop for fast food on the way home. Not sure of your kids ages but get them involved. Great to see parents getting in shape and eating right, sets them up with good decisions for later in life. Once you get in motion you will be surprised how much more energy you have. Make a date with the kids to go to the park and play basketball (again not sure of ages), or if they are very young put the baby in a carriage and do a walk/job around the neighborhood. Basically you have to stick with it, make the commitment to be better to yourself. Feel free to add me as a friend. I don't have all the answers but I do try pretty hard. I still have my off days (it's football season so every Sunday LOL) but I have been going like 200+days and I feel wonderful. Stay positive and don't give up!!
  • Bnspired711
    Bnspired711 Posts: 8 Member
    Meal planning is a great idea and I always cook meals on my days off. I usually make a big crockpot of a healthy soup and then just eat it at work all week with a different side to change it up a bit. One day I will take a turkey sandwich or the next a salad. I am a bored snacker too so what I found to be helpful is baggie things up in small portions so when you are wanting to snack its a lot less the calories than if you grab a whole bag of something and before you know it you ate the whole thing. I also worked 3rd shift for awhile and I found that I was eating a lot of high sugar foods to stay awake. Fruits and nuts actually give you more energy and are much healthier. I am not sure what your job is but I did workouts at my desk or on breaks..There are plenty of websites out there that give you helpful info into how to workout in weird places like at work or even in the car. You could look into those for some ways to fit your workouts in. Good luck!
  • jshaen
    jshaen Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you very much for the advice. My kids are 7,5 and 2. So of course they like the junk food. My oldest is very picky and will not try things. I hope someday I can change that so she doesn't deal with a weight issue. Thanks again and keep up the good work!
  • jshaen
    jshaen Posts: 27 Member
    Oh yes those high sugary foods are my worst enemy!! The sad thing is they really do nothing for me but put on alittle more weight. I am a CNA so I do get alittle bit of workout in some nights when I have to repostion a resident in bed at night, but not enough of course. I really hope I can make this change and become a better me on the outside.
  • dljones8410

    My name is dj, & I have battled my weight all my life. I understand about working 3rd shift, I use to work that shift & hated it. I ate light during my working hrs because I know my body rather be sleeping, but I only had 1 kid after 8 mos. I quit the job because my one year old would wake up and watch tv while my husband would be sleeping in another room. I never got enough sleep because she would then be up during the day while I needed to be sleeping. I was tired all the time, so I gave up.
  • ShannaHeidelberg
    Welcome, you came to the right place. This website is great to show you what you are eating and how much of it. You already know you are an emotional eater so for starters get rid of your go to foods. Like when you are sad you go to ice cream, get it out of the house. If that's too drastic at first do low fat and eat it in coffee mugs instead of bowls so you eat less. How about weekend meal planning? Set up your meals on Saturday/Sunday (or whenever your days off are), and then stick with it. I defrost meats the night before because then I will feel guilty not eating them and wasting that food if I stop for fast food on the way home. Not sure of your kids ages but get them involved. Great to see parents getting in shape and eating right, sets them up with good decisions for later in life. Once you get in motion you will be surprised how much more energy you have. Make a date with the kids to go to the park and play basketball (again not sure of ages), or if they are very young put the baby in a carriage and do a walk/job around the neighborhood. Basically you have to stick with it, make the commitment to be better to yourself. Feel free to add me as a friend. I don't have all the answers but I do try pretty hard. I still have my off days (it's football season so every Sunday LOL) but I have been going like 200+days and I feel wonderful. Stay positive and don't give up!!
  • ShannaHeidelberg
    Great idea about the coffee cup. That's why I love this site. I get ideas I never would've thought of on my own! :)
  • Lsadlier77
    Lsadlier77 Posts: 27 Member
    I have found this site brilliant to help me with portion control and I always log before I eat as occasionally when I find out the calorie content of something I realise it is no way worth eating it! By eating better I found I have more energy, I have 2 kids 9 & 7 and do every shift as my dh is out early and in late but by being organised and planning I find I can stick to it-I still have pizza, chips, crisps, chocolate and alcohol but in moderation and to be honest I no longer crave the sweet and sugary foods anymore :) I have a desk job so make sure I get up every so often and walk about and am fortunate that I can fit a run in before work which really energises me for the day and also helps me sleep better.

    Feel free to add me as a friend I log on everyday.

    Well done for joining and you can do it!

  • Dreajewkes
    Sounds like you have a very busy schedule. Pre-planning and pre-measuring meals and snacks can help you avoid over eating or eating the wrong foods that make you gain instead of lose. As for kids I have a daughter who struggles on eating veggies or fruit. But i'm still going to keep putting it on her plate and let her try a little bit. I'm also trying to include her in making the food so she may be more likely to try it. Good luck on your new adventure for healthy living
  • jshaen
    jshaen Posts: 27 Member
    I can relate I have daughter like that. The other two will eat anything you put in front of them!! I might have to end up hiding my fruits and veggies so get some!!
  • Lsadlier77
    Lsadlier77 Posts: 27 Member
    My friend had a son who wouldn't eat fruit and veg, she ended up making smoothies and putting them in a McDonalds cup with lid and straw and he drank them!! :happy:
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Is it possible to put the kids in day care so that you can get some sleep? I think that once you get some good sleep every day, you'll find it easier to make up meals and snacks.
  • Jongfaith
    I was surprised at how much more energy I have now as apposed to when i first started. I have never been a morning person but now i dont want to throw the alarm out the window and sleep for the entire day. Having lost a few now it feels easier to get motivated to get out of bed, work out, and even stay away from the junk food because I just feel better! I have always been Obese and am excited to be wearing non-plus size clothes for the first time since middle school. You can do it!!!
  • jshaen
    jshaen Posts: 27 Member
    That is what I really should do but I don't want to pay the cost of daycare. My husband and I have been struggling for the last few years with the lose of both our jobs. So now we're both working and we would like to get caught up and get some money saved up. So I am going to have to fight through being tired and try to plan healthy meals and snacks.