friends and encouragement

Hi my name is Keira and I am the proud mother of two beautiful little girls, 2 and 5mths. My weight issues began 6 years ago when I started the depo shot. Over the course of a year I gained 30lbs all of which I still carry today. That took me from 135 to 166, where i stayed for a few years until I got pregnant with my first daughter. Up until my 7th month of pregnancy I had only gained 10 lbs and then i was put on bedrest....and 20 more lbs quickly came. At her birth I was 196lbs, then my weight began to decline and so did my milk production and my doctor told me I was not eating enough. So I began to eat more but at the same time I was returning to work and the stress of everything killed my milk supply and then my weight crept up. In my second pregnancy i only gained 16lbs and loss it all after so here i am today weighing 188lbs and not happy with the way I look. I just discovered Myfitnesspal and am hoping to meet some friends to share in this experience and encourage eachother this hard times. My goal to be at least 150lbs. Good luck everyone!!!!


  • Soundwav3
    You can reach your goal. Just remember to take it one day at a time and if you have a bad day that's ok. Just push through it and get back on track.