30x30 Starting OCT 1st 2012 -For Beginners and Everyone!

30 Minutes a day of exercise every single day for a month. This means getting up of the couch, chair or wherever else my lazy bum decides to lay about. AND DOING SOMETHING.

my ideas:

- walking outside
- stationary bike
- chasing my kid around the yard.
- dancing to the music

I know I have to add some strength training in there too. So I'll mix it up with some push ups, squats, and sit ups. also lifting heavy things. (like my thirty pound kid...lol)

Please join me and make me accountable. I promise to do my 30 min workout and post on here everyday for the month of october.


  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 318 Member
    Count me in!!

    I haven't joined a challenge in quite a while, but I think this one is doable....

    Will you be starting a group or just using this thread as a marker?

  • dncyng
    dncyng Posts: 53 Member
    Well, I don't know how to start a group, so I was going to use this thread to keep accountable. Let me find out how to start a group...I'll post back with something when I figure this out.
  • OdeToEmma
    OdeToEmma Posts: 31 Member
    I've never joined a challenge before, but this one sounds perfect for me! I've just gained back two of the 25 lbs that I lost and I want to keep working hard - not give up like I have done in the past.

    I'm in!!
  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    I am in!!!
  • gnmarshat
    gnmarshat Posts: 14 Member
    This is exactly what I just joined this site for! Exercise helps me stay motivated in everyday life, but I've been in a slump of not doing, and I need to get back on track! If you figure out how to start a group let me know how to join lol!
  • dncyng
    dncyng Posts: 53 Member
    HI People!!! I think I've done it. Go under groups, if they have a search box then look at "30x30 OCT 2012 Beginners" (without the quotes) There should be a quote for the banner "I don't exercise to burn calories...I do it to jump across train cars, climb burning buildings, and duel with the bad guys...so when I am ready I can do it all!"
  • dncyng
    dncyng Posts: 53 Member
  • dncyng
    dncyng Posts: 53 Member
    Sending an invite to everyone who has posted so far, To the group!
  • clearnsimple10
    clearnsimple10 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new and looking for ways to motivate me to exercise. Thanks!