Aspartame, Splenda, Stevia, to use or not to use artificial

Raphi Posts: 124 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'd like to know your opinion on this everyone: I'm kind of new to this weight loss universe, and I notice that there is a LOT of artificial food out there! I LOVE desserts, chocolate, cake, cookies, name it! And I'm tempted by the guilt free recipes like diet soda cake, fat free cool whip, etc. But, I can't bring myself to feed artificial sweetener to my kids or to overindulge myself... Am I over-reacting??


  • Stevia is a natural sweetener made from the Stevia plant. =)
  • I don't think you are overreacting. There are a ton of studies demonstrating the harmful effects of aspartame and sucralose (splenda). I don't think this applies to stevia, however, since it is quite simply a plant and is all natural. I'm not sure the effects it has on blood sugar but I think its safe to say that there are no chemicals or manmade products added to it.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Stevia is ...from the Stevia plant. =)

    Yes, and HFCS comes from corn and Heroin comes from poppy plants. ;-)

    OP, I don't use artificial sweeteners and even avoid sugar alcohols, but I've seen that most people here live on the stuff.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I use Stevia and unrefined natural sugar sparingly. I refuse to use anything else. I'd rather eat a tiny bit of something that doesn't contain poisons that scarf a plateful of something that does.
  • Your not overreacting at all! Aspartame and splenda have been linked to causing other health issues and a lot of people are actually allergic them. While Stevia does come from a plant, be careful of what you buy and read every label because sometimes they do extra processing. Even refined sugar goes through multiple processes that are questionable. Personally, I only eat pure cane sugar or sugar in the raw. They are the most unaltered and natural. Also, try substituting honey at times instead of sugar like in your hot tea. It is all natural, never goes bad, and if harvested locally can help relieve outdoor allergies.
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    there are those that swear by the stuff and those that wouldn't touch it if their life depended on it.

    Personally, i go for moderation. try to limit the amount of artificial sweeteners. If it comes down to no sweets or artificial sweets, it won't kill you to treat yourself every now and again. :flowerforyou:
  • where do you purchase Stevia? Trader Joes? or any local supermarket?
  • Do NOT eat artificial sweetener!!! I highly recommend Jillian MIchael's book, "Motivate your Metabolism"... it will open your eyes to what you are putting into your body and doing to your natural hormone levels when you eat artificial foods. I lost 20 pounds alone, just from modifying what I eat, now i'm working on how much I eat.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    Well I eat it.

    I picked between the lesser of two evils...The 100 extra pounds I carried around or eating (in moderation) artifical sweetners. It goes with everything else in life, dont over do it.
  • afyfe
    afyfe Posts: 93
    I eat splenda in very small amounts. Otherwise, I LOVE Sun Crystals which is a mix of stevia and pure cane sugar. I try to do natural as much as possible within reason.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Stevia is ...from the Stevia plant. =)

    Yes, and HFCS comes from corn and Heroin comes from poppy plants. ;-)

    OP, I don't use artificial sweeteners and even avoid sugar alcohols, but I've seen that most people here live on the stuff.

    stevia is not comparable to heroin and the comparison is ridiculous! Stevia is an all natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant similar to how raw sugar is derived from sugar cane. Check lables on commercially packaged products.Good organic stevia can be purchased at natural food stores
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    stevia is not comparable to heroin and the comparison is ridiculous! Stevia is an all natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant similar to how raw sugar is derived from sugar cane. Check lables on commercially packaged products.Good organic stevia can be purchased at natural food stores

    Would you prefer marijuana? Not even "derived" just grown and smoked.

    I was making the point that it being natural isn't indicative of how good or not good for you it is.
  • Please read my sugar article called: The Secret Poison--it will answer your questions--by the way stevia isn't an artificial sweetner it is a natural form of sweetness from the stevia plant.
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Please read my sugar article called: The Secret Poison--it will answer your questions--by the way stevia isn't an artificial sweetner it is a natural form of sweetness from the stevia plant.
    Where can I find the article?
  • stevia is not comparable to heroin and the comparison is ridiculous! Stevia is an all natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant similar to how raw sugar is derived from sugar cane. Check lables on commercially packaged products.Good organic stevia can be purchased at natural food stores

    Would you prefer marijuana? Not even "derived" just grown and smoked.

    I was making the point that it being natural isn't indicative of how good or not good for you it is.

    I'm not even sure why or what you are arguing here. You're making a strawman at best. Stevia has been used for CENTURIES in South America as a sweetener in food and drinks and Japan has been using it widely since the early 70's. Aspartame and Sucralose are both heavily processed chemicals while stevia is a mildly processed version of a leaf.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Where can I find the article?

    I didn't have anything nice to say about the article, so I didn't comment, but I did see it so I found the link for you:

    edit: Once more for the crowd that didn't get it the first time:
    "I was making the point that it being natural isn't indicative of how good or not good for you it is."
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks for the link :)
    I get your point: the fact that a product is natural doesn't mean that it is automatically good for us; even though at times, it is.

    Thank you everyone for your answers, they are very enlightling :flowerforyou:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I use stevia in my green tea and I love it! honey is great, but honestly I don't want the extra calories it gives me...yay Stevia! I even bake with it.
    Holy toledo I have to edit everything this morning. I cannot spell.
  • Sometimes I use artificial sweeteners in moderation. I agree that stevia is now said to be good, but so was every other sweetener that ever came out right? I still think it might mess with your metabolism, tricking your body into thinking it's getting energy when its really not. That being said I still use them in moderation. Although sometimes an extra 15 calories to sweeten my coffee with real sugar isn't that much of a stretch of my diet. Good luck in your choices, hope you choose something you are comfortable with!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Stevia is ...from the Stevia plant. =)

    Yes, and HFCS comes from corn and Heroin comes from poppy plants. ;-)

    OP, I don't use artificial sweeteners and even avoid sugar alcohols, but I've seen that most people here live on the stuff.

    This is me for the most part.............

    I do use a bit of stevia on occasion. But not the Truvia stuff.............I get sweet leaf stevia from my local Coop or another health food store.
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