
Hey everyone!

I'm Katie, 27 years old, from Connecticut. I started reforming my eating habits 2 weeks ago and I've seen a pretty good start to my weight loss so far.

I'd be more than happy to gain friends to help encourage me on my journey (and of course, I will do the same for you)!


  • mdplopez3
    mdplopez3 Posts: 24 Member
    Congratulations on making your lifestyle change! Making that first step is always the hardest! But the results are so worth it in the end.
    I'm Melanie I'm south of you here in Maryland :) I've got three kiddo's and my hubby is in the service. I'm an emotional eater, happy sad, anxious, stressed, you name it, I eat it. Now that I've pin pointed some of my triggers putting down the fork has gotten much easier!
    Feel free to add me I'm on most everyday! Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • m0ll3pprz
    m0ll3pprz Posts: 193 Member
    I'm new here too, feel free to add me! I will happily share any and all motivation that I can!
  • Dr_sparky
    Dr_sparky Posts: 52 Member
    Same here, feel free to add me. On here every day.
  • Katiedid717
    Katiedid717 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone! I lost 12 pounds in my first 2 weeks...but that's pretty easy to do when you start eating more chicken and spinach and less pizza ;)
  • runnerblues86
    It is always helpful to have more friends. Just sent a friend request. Happy to have more support on this weight loss journey...
  • JPZ98
    JPZ98 Posts: 70 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I am over half way on my journey but I would love to help support you through yours and maybe gain some support for the second half of mine.