What excites you about losing weight?

Losing weight is the only thing in my life I have never conquered...one of the reasons why Ive struggled is I just cannot think of any reason to be excited to lose weight....I mean I know I should, and I know it will help my health...but that is dull...its just not exciting yet I cannot think of any exciting reasons for me to lose weight....

...so thought I would ask this community....what is it that excites you about losing the weight and hitting your goal?

Cheers for the responses!


  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    i can totally relate to changing for you health being dull! But that will change. When I first started, it wasn't for my health, or cute clothes, or for my daughter, it was for the worst reason ever. i wanted to show someone I was no longer "fat." I know this woman, yes a grown woman mother of 3, who doesn't like me. The only negative thing she could say about me was that I was fat. And she did any chance she could get. It was huge motivation in the early stages of my weight loss. I couldn't wait to lose the weight and see her. 65 pounds lost, and I have yet to see her!! Because she no longer matters, well that much. Some where along the way, I started enjoying being healthy for positive reasons. Like my health! And my daughter and yes my looks and cute clothes. I have 25-30 pounds left to lose and sometimes it is hard to stay excited. But then I look at my before picture and I get so proud of how far I have come and that pushes me to be better. But there are days, when i dont want to work out or finish my last set, and I hear her words, and that pushes me too.

    It is a very hard thing to do, losing weight. Just find something to motivate you to start.

  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    I don't know if it "excites me" so much as makes me proud when my kids compliment me on how good I look & that they're proud of my accomplishments. I haven't really lost much weight yet, but have run a 5k with each child (they're 17 & 18) & it's quite a rush to think I'm keeping up with my kids! (granted, I know they're pacing themselves so they don't run off & leave me but it's still a rush!) When I was going over obstacles at my first mud run with my son, it almost made me cry when he hopped the wall then turned around to cheer me on, "C'mon Mama, you got this!!". Then after the 5k with my daughter last weekend, she posted all over facebook how proud of me she was that I crossed the line with her & she finished 3rd in her age group. Another teary moment! I guess for me, it's always been my kids to inspire me & keep me motivated.

    Good luck!!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I'm more excited by eating well, feeling fit and healthy. Weight loss is a bonus. I've got 20kg to go but am feeling pretty darn good at the moment. My fitness, stamina, strength, self esteem, motivation etc is the best it's been for years.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    I'm kinda excited to realise I'm not being a victim anymore. it feels....... I dunno....... lovely at the moment. Nothing seems like a battle, it just seems like an internal big sea change in the way I'm viewing everything. Before it was all diet diet, evil food - now it's more hey, look at that carrot, I quite fancy that and I don't think I fancy a cake and hmmmm, nah, no wine for me. No big battles, no internal warring dialogue.

    And it's not zealous or forced but feels like it is coming from a really good, grounded, great mental place to be. Peaceful almost.

    That's different from every other time I have tried this and that feels exciting.
  • jenneal89
    Knowing that I'm doing this all by myself and doing a great job on top of it!
  • martintanz
    Going shirtless to the beach.
    Doing a long charity bike ride with my wife and/or son.
    Running a 10k.
    Getting back into my old suits, shirts, pants.
    Going into a retail store and pulling a large off the rack and worrying that, maybe, it is too big. Even better, getting a shirt with an athletic cut.
    Ageing gracefully.
  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    Today was the day I lost my first 100 pounds. Let me tell you that was pretty exciting! Seeing that number on the scale go down is a great feeling. Also knowing that I have the love and support of my husband is wonderful too!
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    feeling comfortable in cute clothes....i hate feeling like i have to stuff myself in the clothes i have.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    What started as a chore became an addiction. I get excited everytime I wake up in the AM to workout at home before getting ready for work because this puts me in a good frame of mind. I get excited & catch myself daydreaming at work about my evening workout at the gym (yea, not sure if this is healthy or not.. :wink: ). I love the rush after a hardcore weighted workout where guys are gawking at my back & shoulder muscles as I push out a few more reps. I love seeing my muscle cuts in my legs through my workout pants and realizing that there is an 18 year old kid staring at my legs, too. I'm excited that because of exercise I do not take any anti-depressants or pain drugs, with the right combination of strength, cardio, & tai-chi-based workouts I've taken my life back & taught my body and brain to produce almost enough serotonin & norepinephrine to work without assistance and have recovered 90% of my body after severe damage from car accidents where I was told I needed surgery, would be on pills for life & would always have a noticeable limp... yea - you wouldn't believe me if you saw me working out now!

    It amazes me that I look in the mirror & know I'm 37, but I honestly look & have been told I look around 25/26! I love the fact that I am stronger, more agile than I've been in decades. I love when we do our now monthly day shops to BJ's, Walmart, grocery store, and other running around that Hubz is worn out after 2 hours & I'm still going, plenty of energy to keep going for the remaining 6-8 hours we're out (granted, by the time we get home, get dinner ready, eat & sit to watch a movie I'm out within 15 mins!).

    I still have about 10 pounds I would like to lose, but I'm not counting the scale as much as the measurements & actual fat % now - a year ago I was scale obsessed! I'm excited to see where I'll be in another year. It gets more & more exciting each day, week, month, year that I LIVE this lifestyle.

    Oh, and the best part of all - I've extended my life just by LIVING it.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Underweight women earn more. A lot more. I am average weight and would like to earn an extra $22K a year. We shall see if that pans out.
    According to a study in the Journal of Applied Psychology, women who are "very thin" earn nearly $22,000 more than their "average weight counterparts." The study was conducted by Timothy A. Judge from the University of Florida and Daniel M. Cable, from the London Business School, who examined the relationship between income and weight in men and women.

    High fashion only looks good on thin people. I want to be able to pull off high fashion at some time in my life.

    My whole family-of-origin is obese and suffers from health conditions stemming from obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, hypertension, osteoarthritis, gastrointestinal disorders like acid reflux and IBS, depression and early onset Alzheimer's disease. I'd like to do what I can to avoid those things, if I can.
  • Navy4571
    Navy4571 Posts: 32 Member
    I want to be able to look like I did in high school!. I want to feel comfortable taking off my shirt and just mowing the grass or something lol.

    I know it sounds stupid....but just being comfortable :)
  • sbowl
    sbowl Posts: 82 Member
    There are so many reasons besides feeling better and getting healthy, but my main one is to look like person I am on the inside.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Today was the day I lost my first 100 pounds. Let me tell you that was pretty exciting! Seeing that number on the scale go down is a great feeling. Also knowing that I have the love and support of my husband is wonderful too!

  • shelleyspots
    It sounds like you are searching for your "want to." Everyone needs a good reason to go to bed hungry, skip dessert, wake up early and exercise, eat tofu etc.,. You need a very good reason and you need to remind yourself of it often. You also should write it out and post it on your mirror in the morning so you can read it while you brush your teeth.

    There are some very good reasons people are giving here: looking good, feeling good, wearing nice clothes, earning more money. But those are their reasons. None of those reasons motivated me, until my health began to fail and I saw my future didn't look good. I had acid reflux, sore knees, sore feet, irritable bowel, fatigue, uncontrollable fluctuations in my sugar levels and sleep deprivation because of snoring. I'm only 50!

    After just 5 pounds loss, my knees stopped hurting. I take notes, and count out the blessings every day. My miserable condition was my "want to" at first. Now that I'm feeling better, I want to cement these good habits into my life, finish what I've started and get to the goal, make my children proud of me, and most importantly, be a good testimony to other people that God indeed can change us and give us self control.
    I hope this helps you!
  • dncyng
    dncyng Posts: 53 Member
    What excites me about losing weight? I want to feel sexy in my own skin... I mean, I feel sexy now. average sexy. I want to feel so sexy that I just can't help it.
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    Being able to walk into any shop and find something my size.
    Being able to wear a dress/skirt in summer without my thighs rubbing together.
    Having no weight related aches and pains.
    Being able to have a good nights sleep.
    Being able to run and play with my daughter.
    Being able to enjoy a burger or cake when I am out without feeling like people are looking at me.
    Not being so self conscious wearing my bathers at the beach.
    Being able to get up from sitting on the floor without it being such an effort.
  • pantalunez
    Wow woke up to all these great responses....thanks everyone for sharing your views...really helpful.