Shin Splints, someone help?



  • I used to get them also, but i bought a good running pair of shoes and problem solved.

    My trainer told me the reason for them is running with your toes up, if the shoes doesn't solve it try taping your two of you toes, this will force you to run or walk with the toes down.

    Good luck.

    Wow that actually makes sense. Gotta change my shoes ASAP...
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    i share your pain and i'm an experienced runner. any number of things can cause it--increasing intensity, speed, or frequency of your runs. running on a hard surface, improper form, or bad shoes.

    If they started feeling a tad sore after increasing speed a tad will they eventually get adjusted? Like I said they don't hurt when I run. They're just a tad sore during the day after the run.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Ahh im in Coventry.

    Lots of swimming pools in glasgow city centre. I bet there is one close to uni you didnt even know about! most will let you pay for 1 off pool sessions so its worth asking.;&pq=swimming+pools+in+glasgow&cp=32&gs_id=2i&xhr=t&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1441&bih=573&wrapid=tljp1348610717103212&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=swimming+pools+in+glasgow+city+centre&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=swimming+pools&hnear=0x488844212086c7b3:0xe51f2a0e45f3222a,City+Centre,+140+Sauchiehall+St,+Glasgow+G2+3DU&sa=X&ei=nypiUN7_Koyo0AWlv4CICQ&sqi=2&ved=0CKsBELYD

    Its daunting going swimming on your own for the first time when you're overweight. I hated it! i get extra attention because i have a massive tattoo on my back that always gets comments but just work through that, get yourself to go for the first time and work through that initial 15 minutes of pain (as swimming is a serious workout) and you'll totally get into the rythm and see some great results.

    You'll also find swimming gives you a better calorie burn for the same amount of time spent cycling or jogging at a moderate pace.

    After each swim i treat myself to a jacuzzi :)
  • I too have suffered from shin splints. I was a couch potato for years and took up running marathons as a hobby. The first thing you need to do is STOP running! You need the inflammation of the muscles in the front of the lower leg to go away. Ice is a wonderful thing and every athlete’s friend, an over the counter anti-inflammatory (such as Advil) may help as well. Of course you always want to talk with your health care provider before taking any type of medication. Once the inflammation is down and the pain is gone begin strengthening your shin muscles, start with toe raises using just your body weight, 2 sets of 10-15 reps 2x per day (morning and night) with a 60 – 90 second rest between sets. Do that every day for two weeks and then try running again, no more than 10 min (per workout) the first week. Week two 12 min, week three 14 min and so on until you work your way back up to 20 min. I’d also recommend you use at least a 1% incline or the treadmill is doing a lot of the work for you.

    Good Luck!!
  • Thanks for all the tips. Will take all of it on board!
  • Justheartme
    Justheartme Posts: 5 Member
    I just started my exercise routine and I have been getting shin splints like crazy. I have noticed that If i use the bike before the treadmill to warm up I don't get them. Hope this helps!
  • i share your pain and i'm an experienced runner. any number of things can cause it--increasing intensity, speed, or frequency of your runs. running on a hard surface, improper form, or bad shoes.

    If they started feeling a tad sore after increasing speed a tad will they eventually get adjusted? Like I said they don't hurt when I run. They're just a tad sore during the day after the run.

    yes, your shins get used to it but the important thing is to listen to your body, rest, and ice them. don't push through pain.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    Definetely new shoes are a good thing to try. You might also try slowing down. When you say "8-10" I assume you mean kilometers an hour and not miles (8-10 mph would be bloody fast), but even at kilometers that's pretty fast for someone just starting out. Try slowing down a bit. Running is a funny sport. You may have the endurance in your major muscles and the cadio fitness to run faster, but you need to build up a lot of stabilizer muscles and connective tissue over time.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I USED to run, not so motivated these days... As a matter of fact, I look back on my life and can't remember how or why I ever did it. My roommate at the time was into it and we did it together...

    Icing, stretching, and strength work...

    Point and flex your feet through the alphabet over and over again to get a good stretch. Don't know where you are running, but harder surfaces are brutal.
    A shoe fitting and a good pair of running shoes can change your world!

  • Jesi0725
    Jesi0725 Posts: 92 Member
    I used to suffer from these quite badly, it is a really annoying injury! I found that doing all sorts of other training (including more resistance training) helped, along with losing a good amount of weight.

    The combination of stronger supporting muscles and less weight (impact stress) did the trick for me.

    This worked for me too!