i went over my calorie limit.. now what

oatmeal 945 am--> 160 cal
slice of wheat bread with peanut butter and banana with skim milk and cheese stick 1:30--->300-400 cal
Nectarine and half of a natures valley dark chocolate and almond protein bar 2:30--> 200 cal
2 laughing cow wedges with 4 servings of pretzels 4:30--> 400 cals
Salad with grilled chicken and lite red wine vin and watermelon at 7:15 300 cal
Strawberries and pineapple 10:00---> 100 cal
More pretzels with homemade mango salsa dip/ other half of protein bar/ 100 cal bag of popcorn/ special k cereal 11:00 PM--->500 cal

=2000cals - 430 exercise
1600 cals eaten today....

PS: the pretzels are natures promise organic honey wheat pretzels sticks at 100 calories for 8 sticks (And i had a lot of sticks)

is this a horrible thing that i have done for my diet!!? I am supposed to be getting 1200 cals daily but it usually turns out to be less with exercise. I WAS SO HUNGRY TODAY!!! why???? I'm disappointed in myself :(


  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    Just work it off this week. So tomorrow have a longer workout to burn those calories you ate.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    It's one day out of the rest of your life. Move forward and onto tomorrow.

    No sense in beating yourself up or feeling guilty. Going over a few or a few hundred will not BREAK you. If it happens alot then you might want to evaluate if you're at a goal you can meet, and evaluate the choices you make throughout the day.

    Tomorrow will be better...
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    Now what? Whats done is done. It happens. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    Do better tomorrow. There you go :P

    and you probably need to eat more anyway if you are hungry like that....maybe look at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/3834-eat-more-to-weigh-less OR this one.... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/7965-in-place-of-a-road-map

    Both amazing groups/message boards etc and lots of helpful people, and best of all you aren't starving!!
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    Dont; feel bad,you did pretty good,When you exercise you need to eat a little more to make up for what you lost during exercise.If you don't eat enough and your'e exercsing,your body will hold onto fat.You haev to eat to burn,eat small amounts more frequently,that helps me spread it out through the day.Give yourself some credit,it wasn't as bad of a day as you think.Good luck:)
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Don't stress about it. I think it's important that we listen to our bodies and not deprive them when we feel hungry, even if it means going over our limit.
  • AliciaAnne1984
    Don't beat yourself up over it. Remember how disappointed you feel now and move forward. Going for a walk and thinking about your lifestyle and how you want to live never hurts either.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,148 Member
    Over your calorie limit? That's the final sign of the apocalypse. Prepare for the rapture. Throw off all of your clothing and run into the street. Good luck and see you on the other side.
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    Some days I find myself hungrier than normal, it's less frequent now because my cravings are really rare, but those days sometimes come. Tomorrow is brand new, waiting for you to write it :)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I keep posting this. I hope it helps...

    How to lose weight and keep it off:

    Don't quit.

    So you were weak and went over on calories.
    Big deal. Go burn off what you just ate.

    Don't quit.

    Ugh, I'm so tired. I'm bloated and don't feel like doing ANYTHING!
    Look back at why you're doing this and rededicate yourself to that goal.

    Don't quit.

    I'm depressed and don't want to look at how much I weigh.
    If you gained weight it's not a failure. It's a new point to work from.

    Don't quit.

    Those cupcakes were soooooo delicious, but my calorie count is TOTALLY RUINED NOW!
    Psht, just log em. Maybe you can still work them off. Anyway, tomorrow is another day.

    Don't quit.

    I was away on business and I'm not sure how many calories I had, and I had a few drinks and didn't log anything for a few days!
    The diary is still there, waiting for you. It does not judge. Go back to it.

    Don't quit.

    Oh wow, this diet is making me fat! The numbers are totally off!
    So, fix the numbers and keep going. Many people know how to fix them if you're not sure.

    Don't quit.

    I've hit a plateau! It doesn't work anymore!
    Sure it works. Open up your diary and ask a few people to check out your profile to figure out how to fix it.

    Don't quit.

    If you quit you may as well have done nothing at all.
    Do you really want to waste all that hard work?

    Don't quit.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Sometimes I have those hungry days too. Nothing wrong with it. You won't gain from 1600 calories one day, and if you do, it's water weight from extra food, NOT fat. If you find yourself having days like this more often, time to up your calorie goal! 1200 is not enough for most people and I doubt it is enough for you. You shouldn't be eating below your BMR so find out what that number is and go from there. There's a whole wealth of information here on MFP about upping your calorie limits to lose more weight. Good luck!
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    1 day won't hurt, don't stress. Some days you are just hungrier than others.
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    That NEVER happens to the rest of us. Weird.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    oatmeal 945 am--> 160 cal
    slice of wheat bread with peanut butter and banana with skim milk and cheese stick 1:30--->300-400 cal
    Nectarine and half of a natures valley dark chocolate and almond protein bar 2:30--> 200 cal
    2 laughing cow wedges with 4 servings of pretzels 4:30--> 400 cals
    Salad with grilled chicken and lite red wine vin and watermelon at 7:15 300 cal
    Strawberries and pineapple 10:00---> 100 cal
    More pretzels with homemade mango salsa dip/ other half of protein bar/ 100 cal bag of popcorn/ special k cereal 11:00 PM--->500 cal

    =2000cals - 430 exercise
    1600 cals eaten today....

    PS: the pretzels are natures promise organic honey wheat pretzels sticks at 100 calories for 8 sticks (And i had a lot of sticks)

    is this a horrible thing that i have done for my diet!!? I am supposed to be getting 1200 cals daily but it usually turns out to be less with exercise. I WAS SO HUNGRY TODAY!!! why???? I'm disappointed in myself :(

    No. If you're hungry, you need to eat.
    Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat back your exercise calories. If you're netting less than your 1200, no wonder you were so hungry. MFP includes a deficit in you recommended caloric value. So your 1200 should be 1200 net, not 1200 - exercise.
  • StephanieEmpson
    Just one day, right?.... So no bigge, just don't make a habit out of it. We are all human and have gone over. Don't be so hard on yourself. tomorrow is a new day!!!
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    Pretzels and cheese for 400 is a poor meal. I bet you did not feel very satisfied with that. Painful I know, but you have to get more bang for your buck.
  • jacqui1612
    jacqui1612 Posts: 128 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough. Try searching for 'In Place of Road Map 2.0' in the message boards and read that.

    Also as others have said it's one day. It is a calorie goal not a limit. Try to aim for the exact number you are given. If you go over or under by a bit it's nothing to worry about. Tomorrow is a new day. Though you ate 400 more calories than your goal it will still mean a loss. Just make sure you are weighing and measuring everything to ensure you are not eating more or less calories than you are logging.
  • butlerangelia
    butlerangelia Posts: 10 Member
    exercise a little more tomorrow and try to keep closer tabs on the calories. don't give up! sometimes if i add the food before i actually eat it helps me to decide whether i actually really want those calories or not. peanut butter and carrots have been the most deceiving to me! keep on going!
  • eratess
    eratess Posts: 19 Member
    I'd definitely suggest calculating your BMR (lots of calculators if you Google, posting from mobile so copying link isn't working well....) I believe MFP calculates calorie goals a bit low - if you're eating consistently under your BMR, it will negatively impact tor energy levels, metabolism, etc. That's how many calories you'd have needed to rest all day, let alone work out, go to your job, etc. Consistently eating well below your BMR does nothing to help you keep weight off - which is why sometimes you find upon eating more, you begin to lose faster. I've noticed my calorie goals are quite low, and need to adjust them. Might be something to look at..
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    It happens - I went over by five calories, and said I'm not eating any more today. I'm hungry NOW. Can't sleep because my stomach is gurgling from all the water.. :drinker: :yawn:
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    do you feel bad when you drive over the speed limit? forget abt it... it happens...not end of the world...just keep in mind next time and try to stay within your parameters...

    dont beat urself up abt...good luck