Need to eat more calories but over in another category?

Is anyone else having trouble getting in enough calories without going over in other areas?? When I max out the recommended sugar in a day I'm only sitting at about 1000 calories. I eat quite healthily, but I find it's the natural sugars that are killing me. Before I started this, I would eat a lot of various fruits, (breakfast, snacks throughout the day) but with this program some fruits more than my daily sugar allotment (28) in one fruit! I don't really have a problem with going over in fibre, and I go over in protein almost on purpose daily, but the sugar I am finding extremely difficult. Does anyone know of some higher calorie/low sugar foods or snacks?? Any insight or tips?? I can't be the only one that can't eat enough calories without being over in the sugar/salt categories!


  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    I would suggest looking at some days when you know you ate well, and that all, if not most, of your sugar came from natural sugars like in fruits. Increase your sugar allowance to that.

    I eat a ton of fruit. It's not uncommon for me to have strawberries, raspberries, watermellon and a pear at lunch-- and that ends up taking me over the default limit that MFP set for my sugar intake

    As long as you're focused on minimizing your refined sugars, and meeting your other goals like protein and fiber, you should be fine :)
  • tifarahmonteith
    tifarahmonteith Posts: 23 Member
    That's how I always feel too........that I don't really consider the natural sugars in fruit to be bad like the sugar in junk, which I don't eat. But I also hear and kinda believe that sugar, regardless of whether natural or processed, are alike in the fact that they hang on around your waist. I am not really on here to lose weight, I am at a great weight but just want to tone up around the waist and flatten out my stomach. I am told that sugar in general, regardless of whether from fruit or junk, will behave the same way in regards to not letting you lose that tiny bit of "extra" on your stomach and muffin top :)
  • pinkyleigh83
    pinkyleigh83 Posts: 148 Member
    Most of my sugar is natural sugar so I don't pay attention to it anymore. While I wouldn't eat an entire watermelon in one day I am more careful with my heavily processed sugar intake.

    Sodium has been easier for my to be under thanks to oatmeal. :)
  • Katydone
    I wouldn't worry about going over some in the protein category and if you are sticking to mostly natural sugars and do not have a blood sugar problem I would not worry about it. I'm diabetic so I try to go lower carb and more protein and fats than they recommend. kate