Weird things nobody tells you about losing weight



  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I had to start playing soccer so chicks would stop hitting on me.

    How does playing soccer make chicks not hit on you? If anything, I would think they would hit on you more because now you are an athlete/jock...
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    One thing people never tell you is how annoying it is to have to keep buying clothes and bras while you are still losing weight!

    I need to buy new gym clothes constantly, because every pair of leggings I own falls down now when I run. I also bought a couple of really beautiful dresses when I was overseas recently that no longer fit me and I have a whole section in my wardrobe of clothes I love but can't wear anymore. Grr! :explode:

    It's also really hard to adjust mentally to your new body, I still feel like my old fat self! I had a friend's 21st birthday last week and went into a store to find a dress. Immediately, I grabbed a size 14 and it FELL off me. I ended up having to buy the size 10 and was so confused (in a good way). :laugh:

    The other thing I've noticed is definitely the extra bones. I was at work the other night and was working on the back counter in front of some drawers when I suddenly felt this pain in my hip and realised that I had bumped my hip bone on one of the drawer handles. My co-worker was pretty amused by my reaction.
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    I lost one of my rings.Previously it had been stuck .then one day it was gone:),also when working out all of a sudden my watch started to bash my wrist bone...I where a Braclett type metal thing it didnt half hurt. Who knew you could get links REMOVED hahahah
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    The thing that gets me is that no one tells you how expensive it is to have to keep buying new pants every month, and what the heck they do with all the old big pants. I mean, I'll keep one pair of starting fat pants, for comparison, but I'm not keeping any of these other pants around. I have NO intention of ever needing them again.

    What do you do with them? How many pairs of pants do you buy every time you drop a size?

    You should keep all of your denim fat pants, cut them up into squares, sew them together and make a quilt out of it. You will need the warmth for when you get cold. Its also a great way to recycle your pants and you get to keep them as a reminder of your journey. I actually have done this with old pairs of jeans and its super cute. Also, take a back pocket and put on the quilt to hold things like your cell phone and remote controls. <3
  • benhacks
    Sitting on my wallet in my back pocket now hurts my *kitten*. Thought I'd chime in with my weird thing :)
  • Caseyann2501
    Caseyann2501 Posts: 43 Member

    this will be my motivation for when it gets tough. I am starting to lose the weight now and cannot wait to experience some of these (especially to be able to see my collar bones again! :happy: )
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    It definately hurts to sit too long. Also, sometimes I feel like I'm not used to my body. I feel like I trip and run into things alot more..wondering if maybe it's because I'm still moving to accomodate the larger person I was?

    ^ this. I def. feel like I'm not used to my body-I'm 41 lbs lighter but i still move sometimes for the old me-like use too much force to get up or move, and so go further than i want and bump into the wall, ect.

    I was feeling my hipbones today too. Honestly, it feels so damn good tolose weight. Way better than that extra dessert tastes.
  • kimmarie63
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    One thing I figured out losing weight is that it is not just your clothes sizes that go down. My shoes went down an entire size and my ring size went from a 4.5 to a 3 -i know, weirdly small to begin with.

    But I agree, I also noticed parts of my body more. I still get confused/shocked when i touch my rib area and it is not the same cushioned area as before or my hip bones being more pronounced/ visible. It's definitely interesting haha

    My ring has gotten SO LOOSE im going to have to take it off soon!! :{
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Boob shrinkage....and I mean *extreme* boob shrinkage.

    I went from almost a very full D to a B cup. Although, now that they're smaller.....I've grown to like them much better this way. :happy:

    I'm starting to shrink in the boob department too!! But like you.. I think Im going to grow to like them better... :D
  • ktbrett22
    ktbrett22 Posts: 17 Member
    The other day I was about to order a burger (cheat meal!) and said 'I probably shouldn't' and went to shake my blubber on my stomach to emphasize my point. But it wasn't there! I definitely still think of myself as way bigger and flabbier than I am!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Something Im SCARED of after I lose more weight is sagging. Ive seen some crazy pictures of people after significant weight loss that have all kinds of extra skin and flat, deflated breasts. Thats my one big worry about all this :[
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Did someone say gas? Never realized eating veggies over heavy starchy foods and sugar would change my bowels so ridiculously. Besides that, I haven't lost enough to notice all the awesome things you people listed, but I'm kinda pumped to find my ribs one day :tongue:
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    My wedding band is titanium so it can't be resized. Once I maintain my loss for a bit I will have to replace it.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Weirdest thing I ever heard obout losing weight: guys gain a half inch of "useable length" for every 20 pounds they lose.

    So now I just need to figure out how to lose 300lbs
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    What I didn't's a total mindf*uck and people are just plain nicer to you when you aren't fat.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    That fat doesn't go away nice and evenly all over. Sometimes it goes away in pockets and makes you look like a garbage can that's had a ball thrown at it.
    Mostly you can't see it in clothes but the inside of my thighs atm are screwed! And when I lie down you can feel the pockets in my tummy. It's weird.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    When I lost weight the first time, I lost shoe sizes and ring sizes like others mentioned. I also found out I had a tail. Ok, I didn't really have a real tail, but my fat had been covering up the fact that I had lump on my tailbone, turns out I had broken it at some point (I am pretty sure it was from falling down 5 ice covered concrete stairs on my *kitten*!) and because I didn't know, it grew back wrong. I had no idea it happened until I had too little butt left to sit comfortably on the lump!
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    What I didn't's a total mindf*uck and people are just plain nicer to you when you aren't fat.

    YES! I tried to explain this to people when I lost weight the first time, and people said it was in my head, but it is NOT. People started being nicer to me, talking to me more, holding doors for me, etc.
  • squirmmonster
    squirmmonster Posts: 98 Member
    I had lost weight last year and I lost one of my rings in the mud at church when i was putting my youngest into his car seat. I didn't notice at that time until we started driving and I touched my hand. It was such a rainy messy day w/ so many cars going through the parking lot, that we never did find my ring. I added 20 lbs over this year, that I am trying to get back off(and then some).

    It looks like I am on a ring losing streak. On our way back from a beach trip w/ my inlaws, I shockingly found out that the diamond in my engagement ring was gone. No tines were broken or bent. I have no clue how it happened. When I told my parents about it, my dad said that he still had my mom's engagement & wedding rings(she died when i was 8). He said that he had been waiting to give them to me for quite some time now. She was a petite woman, so her rings are a bit too small for my fingers right now. This is another motivation to lose the weight, so that I can wear her rings. ::trying not to cry!!!:: It gets me every time I think about her.

    This often happens when there are too few tines around a stone. Advise your husband that every stone should have at LEAST six things to enclose it. Not the four you sometimes see. While that is aesthetically pleasing, a diamond is the last thing you want to lose. Six is best.