Quitting Job

I just recently got offered a job in my field, but I have only been at my current job for a few weeks. I am afraid if I quit they will go slander me to my former employers. The company I am currently at has about 1300 employees. I am just a customer service rep. Do you think they would do that?


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Is your field a customer service rep? Or is this a different field you are getting into?

    If you want to work at the new place, give the current job your two weeks notice, and get out of there. They can slander your fellow former employees all they want, why care? They would only be slander-ing because you left them. If there are 1300 employees, I'm not sure they would be that worried.
  • eyestylemom
    eyestylemom Posts: 107 Member
    Its hard to say what any company will do. If you already have the other job offer and its a good offer, will it really matter if they say anything afterwards? And do they really need to know where you are going? Can't you just quit? Yes, I agree...give them 2 weeks and get out.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    What do you care if they talk to your former employers? I think you'd be more worried about future employers.

    As a small business owner I can tell you I certainly didn't have time in my day to waste it on the phone talking about you to other companies. My interview was about you, not about hearing sugar-coated reports of what you did at your previous job. And any request by a company to speak about one of my former employees was generally ignored.

    If you are a customer service rep its likely you are so low on the corporate food chain that any future inquiries about you will be met with "Who?" . A few weeks on the job is still in the honeymoon phase, you can walk away and say the job wasn't as described or the company didn't suit you.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    If you really want the job you have been offered, I wouldn't let the current job hold you back, worrying what they will think or what they will do. I would work out the offer with the other job, accept that job, and give two weeks notice at the old job. There is nothing more they could really expect from you, so let them yap all they want if they choose.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    Don't worry about it. IF they call a former employer all the communication they are really allowed is "did this person work here?, How long and when?" Slander is against labor law and they will generally lose a lawsuit if they are taking part in the slander, so 99.9% don't even try.

    Since you already have a job offer from another company, they have already done all the contacting they plan to do. They are no longer interested in anything your former employer has to say.

    Besides, unless you really burnt some bridges your current employer understands that everyone is trying to improve their lot in life and that changing jobs is a big part of that. The current average for staying at one job nationally is somewhere around 3 years anyway. Gone are the days where a large majority stay at the same job for 30 years. They may be disapointed in you leaving, but most people with the power to make comment understand that things change and they generally aren't spiteful.
  • Thank you all for the great information! definately helped me :)