NSV - First time someone has noticed the change in me


I have been on this journey for 6 weeks now and last night was the first time someone (other than my hubby) has noticed that I have lost weight. I was so excited to have someone say "You look great, you've lost weight haven't you?" that I was grinning from ear to ear.

I have felt it and seen it in my clothes but no one else had noticed and I was thinking that it really wasn't a big enough loss yet to register with the outside world, but now I know it has. And this came from someone who is very active and healthy, so that made the complement even sweeter, for me anyway.

As I had been struggling a bit on the weekend with food choices, but had gotten myself back on track, this was just what I needed to hear.

Can't wait for more NSV's


  • ritasice21
    ritasice21 Posts: 200 Member
    The first is always the sweetest. Enjoy it and use it as motivation in your weak moments..Congrats!
  • mdaniel6405
    That is wonderful! Congratulations! I needed to read your post today. It reminded me of when people noticed me losing weight about two years ago. Now that I've gained it all back, I have to start over again...but thanks to you I can remember that feeling of people noticing and keep on trucking!

    Thanks again!
  • LCgymnast
    So happy for you. It does feel good when others notice your hard work. Keep up the great work you're doing!!!
  • psully1387
    psully1387 Posts: 5 Member
    LOVE IT! This last weekend an exes friend commented on my weight loss and for some reason it really hit home. Enjoy it! Soon everyone will be noticing.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    that happened to me, just yesterday! I've been on this journey for quite a while but only serious the past 70 days or so :)

    Congrats to you!!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    That's great- it happened to me recently too. Someone in my office said my face looked smaller. Then yesterday, I was clearly flirted with, which hasn't happened in a long time. :)
  • rmojo13
    rmojo13 Posts: 80 Member
    That must have felt great. Congrats to you. I'm sure that feeling will last a while and keep using it as your motivation and be careful not to become satisfied by it. That happened to me before when I started feeling a bit too good about my progress and then I got lazy with workouts and logging foods. I know that won't happen to you but just thought I'd mention it since I let it happen to me.

    Keep up the great work!
  • treineck
    treineck Posts: 103 Member
    Congratulations!!! You're doing excellent and thanks to the person who complimented you - everyone needs to hear those things once in awhile! I always try to give people honest compliments, you never know how much it might mean to them, I know it makes me feel better about myself. Plus, it only takes a second to make someone feel great!:wink:
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Good for you. I needed to hear that. I don't usually get comments and its very discouraging. I know people notice but they don't say anything to me. Meanwhile another lady is getting massive comments. I've noticed that the ones who starve themselves and lose weight get all the comments. They are on fad/crash diets but they look flabby and out of shape. I haven't lost much but have lost many inches and 2 pants sizes due to cardio and weight training yet no one seems to notice. Feeling a bit sorry for myself today... A girl would like a compliment every now and then.
  • treineck
    treineck Posts: 103 Member
    That's great- it happened to me recently too. Someone in my office said my face looked smaller. Then yesterday, I was clearly flirted with, which hasn't happened in a long time. :)
    lol I was walking into the mall on Sunday with my daughter (in the picture with me) and some guy who was walking past told me to call him! My daughter who's 12, was more excited than I was lol mostly because I couldn't believe he was talking to me!! I'm not gonna lie, it felt good!
  • rmarley05
    rmarley05 Posts: 29 Member
    That's awesome!! Congrats on that!! Can't sit for mine!!
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    That is great! I am still waiting for mine. People who know that I am working on weight loss have said that they can tell but no one else has. I think part of the reason is I got quite a bit cut off my hair back in June so people who haven't seen me since then look at me and say "Wow, your hair looks great!". I'll be honest it is a little frustrating. Mainly because I want an unbiased opinion to know if my weight loss is noticeable. I have gone down three pants sizes,soon to be four, so I know it must be. Darn, cute haircut, lol.
  • IzzyBmydog
    IzzyBmydog Posts: 58 Member
    Sometimes a comment such as this can be more motivating than the numbers on the scale.
  • TheBiggestLosee
    That's great! Keep up the good work!

    The first time anyone noticed a difference is when I lost close to 20lbs. I get comments from time to time (as I'm still losing), and it doesn't get old.
  • NewNalu
    Congrats and keep up the good work.

    I've been on my routine for about 6 weeks too. Went to the pool the other day, and totally got checked out by three different people! I'm used to being the awkward lanky guy without a shirt...and honestly the change felt amazing, I can't wait to see what 6 months or a year of work brings!
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