Anyone else trying to GAIN weight?



  • meldavis581
    meldavis581 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'1, 90 ish lbs. it actually varies a few pounds one way or the other per day. people don't understand... they say they'd kill to look like me, but when I look in the mirror I want to cry. I want to feel full again, plump even. I want to go outside and not put on a sweater when a slight breeze passes by. I want to not take 6 days and $100.00 worth of food to get me on my feet after i get sick. Hoping that writing it all down and tracking it will help. I've tried over th years to do this but it seemed impossible to write down, keep track of, and have time for life. try cross referencing all this data manually let alone writing it down in the frist place in an organized way so can even cross reference, impossible. Oh how I love the interweb :D
  • KoukieDoh
    KoukieDoh Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'8" and currently 117. I feel comfortable in my skin, but my BMI says I'm underweight. I don't want to gain fat but muscle. What should I eat that is healthy for you and will do this? I don't just want empty calories. I workout and eat so healthy now that I am ALWAYS under my calorie goal. My sugar is usually over, but that's because I eat a lot of fruit, so I didn't think it was bad.
  • aliciavr6
    It's been a while since anyone has posted here... but... I'm 31, single mom, 5' 8", have pretty much stayed around 115 lbs since high school. Started taking meds for migraines last year that decreases appetite - it's also used as a weight loss medication, such luck! So I'm currently 100 lbs - my lowest ever. At one point my scale said 98 lbs. Have never really tried to gain weight. Trying now. Eating as much as I can, light strength training 3x a week (squats, lunges, hand weights), lots of Ensure Plus (2 a day so far, might up it to 3)! I cook most of my meals so calorie counting is difficult. I just eat as much as I can, even though I never want to. I didn't eat much at all before because I'm never hungry. I only started this two days ago... weigh myself in the evenings. I'll come back and keep editing this post, and hopefully can get up to my goal weight of 120!

    9/23: 100.4
    9/24: 101.6
    9/25: 102.2
  • Tyrone_S
    Tyrone_S Posts: 94 Member
    I am using this tool purely to gain weight. I struggle to put on mass and finally decided to seriously try and break a plateau that I had been stuck on for close to a year. +8kg (17.5 lbs) in 10 weeks. Slight increase in body fat, I would guess to about 10%, I average 5000 calories a day. I'm not particularly strict on myself but try to make it at least 80% healthy and not go below 4000 total or above 6000 total on any one day. I'm also fairly protein heavy in my diet. This is working well for me now, but I imagine I will eventually hit another plateau and will have to clean up my diet more and improve my consistency.
  • Carmikins
    Ha! Wow Alicia we have almost the same situation. :laugh: Im a single mom too, and lost more than I gained after the birth of my child. Now that he's older I am constantly on the run, or runnin' after him ( lol ) so keeping on weight has been a challenge. I also am trying to get back up to the 120's lbs. I may try your tip of drinking Ensure (they are yucky though), and adding some light strength training. I can't imagine that the gentleman below is consuming 5000 calories/, how??? I feel like I'm forcably binge eating at barely 2000/day. Good luck with your goal, and mine. :wink:
  • Tyrone_S
    Tyrone_S Posts: 94 Member
    Ha! Wow Alicia we have almost the same situation. :laugh: Im a single mom too, and lost more than I gained after the birth of my child. Now that he's older I am constantly on the run, or runnin' after him ( lol ) so keeping on weight has been a challenge. I also am trying to get back up to the 120's lbs. I may try your tip of drinking Ensure (they are yucky though), and adding some light strength training. I can't imagine that the gentleman below is consuming 5000 calories/, how??? I feel like I'm forcably binge eating at barely 2000/day. Good luck with your goal, and mine. :wink:

    3 shakes @ 750 cal's each and you're about half way there. Oats in the morning, two daytime meals at about 500-700 cal's each. Then dinner is normally another 700-800 cal's. That would put me somewhere around 4500. I'll have a whey protein shake on the days I work out in the gym which is another 500. I snack throughout the day on a few handfuls of almonds, 2-3 pieces of fruit. 2-3 carrots and maybe a muesli bar here and there. If I'm looking low for the day or don't feel like a shake then a peanut butter or nutella sandwich tops things up.

    At first this was hard for me to get down, but over about a week it became easy. In fact sometimes too easy, every now and then I find that I'm getting close to 6000 and have to put a bedtime snack back in the fridge :-) My biggest weakness is the day after a few drinks, totally lose my appetite.
  • vvsingh
    vvsingh Posts: 2 Member
    I am trying to gain weight as well. I am currently 70 kg (154 lbs) and want to be 75 kg (165 lbs)soon. I am on a 2800 calorie/day diet which includes bananas, nuts, muesli, etc
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I had always had trouble maintaining and gaining weight.. until I quit smoking back in Aug., then I surprisingly put on 15 lbs! Although I needed a few pounds.. 15 was a bit of a shock to me. LOL Trying to lose some of those now.
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    I would be happy to donate to all of I guess no one is ever happy about themself. I know its hard to lose or gain weight and I wish you all luck in gaining weight.
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    yes, trying to gain.

    At 5'11, always struggled with gaining, sat naturally at around 11st. Managed to get up to 13st after some serious eating and training, and maintained at 12.75st, however, suffered a back injury earlier this year that knocked me back.
    Have managed to get back to 12st but sometimes i find the eating hard going. What surprised me, was my level activity went down from cycling/running on a daily basis, to barely being able to walk... this should have been an easy way to obesity with zero cals burned from exercise, but instead, my appetite fell apart.

    Anyhow, am off the painkillers and off the walking stick, and now able to go to the gym but have to keep the weights down a bit.

    Weight gain folk, feel free to add me! I'd like to get to 14st...
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    Good to see I'm not the only one.

    I'm recovering from Anorexia and, at 5'3", currently weigh 93 - 94lbs. I had gained 2.5lbs in a month and a half drinking Ensure Plus, eating nuts, adding protein powder to yogurt, etc... but I became complacent and have just lost 2 lbs in the last week and a half :(
    My main problem is I CANNOT bear the feeling of food in my stomach (even typing that is making my skin crawl) so I can't eat large amounts of 'heavy' food. I also find it hard to stay still or sit down! I wish there was a protein pill (like the one in David Bowie's song, 'Space Oddity') that you only needed to take once a day which contained all the necessary nutrients! Life would be do much easier :)
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi there,
    I applaud you for worrying about your health and I believe that your under weight is as serious as my over weight.
  • dawson55510
    dawson55510 Posts: 197 Member
    Im trying to gain also from now too Christmas then cut from Christmas to April

    But atm i could easily donate a stone of fat who wants it lol