Hello everyone!! Okay so I have been on MFP for awhile and really need to take it serious since my time box is ticking. My wedding is in two months and I need to loose atleast 20 pounds to fit into my dress nicely. The only bad thing is I need a good kick in my butt to get me going, I would love it if I could get friends on here to help me stay motivated and keep me moving to help me in my goal!!! :DD :heart:


  • valcladdagh
    valcladdagh Posts: 210 Member
    friend me if you'd like, I'm here every day and like to cheer people on
  • smeghani
    smeghani Posts: 11 Member
    Hello :) Congrats on your wedding!

    What are your current diet and workout habits?

    Have you sucessfully lost weight before? And what do you do for a living?

    This might help all of us in giving you tips!

  • :DD
  • @smeghani Thank you!! I work in a bank and dont really workout as much as I used to. I have been out of school for more than a year now and noticed that, that is when I had gained all of my weight. And yes, I have lost weight before but that was when I was in highschool, I was very active in volleyball and marching band. I also eat alot of brocoli when I get the chance and chicken, I try really hard to stay away from fast food (even though there is a mcdonalds a few feet away from me everyday) lol
  • @valcladdagh thank you i will deff add you!
  • Hello :) Congrats on your wedding!

    What are your current diet and workout habits?

    Have you sucessfully lost weight before? And what do you do for a living?

    This might help all of us in giving you tips!

  • smeghani
    smeghani Posts: 11 Member

    Our stories are so similar! I just got of school a year ago and put on more weight ( I was trying to lose weight that I had gained while I was in school, but that didnt happen because of the endless stress of exams and homework). I also work in the banking industry! and I am getting married in March of next year. Just like you, I have 20 pounds to lose but the only diff is I have to lose them by March.

    Good job on holding off on the mcdonalds.

    In my past experience no magic trick has helped me lose weight. I tried Jenny Craig, HCG, Healthee Trim, nothing would work.
    The only temp diet that did work was the low-carb diet, I was able to lose 7 pounds in two weeks and you could tell the diff. I did that for my cousin’s wedding but let me tell you one thing, you cannot survive on low-carb forever and you will gain the weight back as soon as you start eating normal. You will not gain it back in a day but eventually within two weeks you will have it all back.

    I would only recommend this diet if you are on a time crunch and you do seem to be on a time crunch. If you can honestly say to yourself that you are okay to have only salads and chicken for the next two months, I guarantee you that you will lose weight, at least 15 pounds by your wedding ( of course you can hide the other five pounds you want to lose with shape wear lol)

    Now, if you think you cannot do this, then please don’t waste your time trying to find other fast solutions. Just do it the healthy way and get that weight off forever. In order for you to do it the healthy way and never worry about always trying to lose weight, you will need a lot of time and patience. It took my sister a whole year to lose 40 pounds and now she is maintain her weight but eating normal, whatever she wants but in good portions.

    Let me know which option you want to go with and I can try my best to help you!
  • Glad to see other bankers! It makes it super hard to lose weight, doesn't it? I don't know about you guys, but the combination of sitting all day long, people giving us free food, and crazy high amounts of stress adds up to Yuck! lol

    Congrats on the wedding... and I agree with the above posts. Stick on here and eat healthy, exercise, and you'll lose the weight and keep it off way better than a crash diet. :)
  • JPZ98
    JPZ98 Posts: 70 Member
    Add me if you like. I would love to help cheer you on!
  • lampworker60
    lampworker60 Posts: 4 Member

    I just started my get healthy journey. You can get healthy and lose some weight and be ready for your wedding. I would suggest a healthy eating plan. Something you will be able to make a lifestyle, some good choices are Weight Watchers, Flat Belly Diet, Sonoma Diet...pick something that works for you, and remember it is a lifestyle change...diets don't changes do. YOU CAN DO THIS! Also, make time to get some exercise in, even if it is only in 10 minute increments here and there. Being active is very important to your health and it burns calories. I am 52 years old and have let myself get way overweight and out of shape. I always stayed healthy and in shape till I worked at a desk job. When I left the first desk job, I lost weight again with the physical aspects of the job I took. I went back to a desk job and gained weight again. For me it is being active and eating the correct portions. I am back to eating healthy (this doesn't mean lowfat by the way...good fats are very important to your health) and exercising. I walk at lunch everyday unless it is raining. I only get in 20 minutes at lunch, but 20 minutes is way better than nothing. I have a walking partner for lunch really helps and I think we walk faster with a partner than also helps to keep us from coming up with a reason not to walk, as you have someone to be accountable to. I walk at night when I get home at least 3 miles and try to keep the pace between 3.5-4.0 mph. I think I average about 3.75 mph. I am doing DDP Yoga at least 3 nights a week and trying to get in some dance dvd's too. Get moving do something you love to do, i.e., dance, play ball, walk, whatever it is that you like to do to be active. Remember to make time for yourself, it is important.
    If you want feel free to friend me. Have a great wedding and be happy.
  • bchgrl8
    bchgrl8 Posts: 55 Member
    HI!! CONGRATS!!!..on your wedding, what an exciting(and stressful) time in your life..however, you have one major thing going for you..your metabolism!!!! I've got 20+ years on you and can't lose weight as fast as you will(LOL)...just move a little more..even if it's parking your car further away, taking a 20 minute walk, anything you can fit in...and little 100 calorie snacks you can throw in your purse or keep at your desk are awesome!! High fiber foods keep you fuller longer so you won't be hungry all the time, think apples, even frosted mini wheats(no milk) to munch'll be there in no time!!! Good luck to you!!!!:smile:
  • smeghani
    smeghani Posts: 11 Member
    @tidi aha yes I agree! I see a whole tray of brownies outside of my office because its someone's birthday! I am so trying to control myself!
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Do your best!
  • pascale485
    pascale485 Posts: 173 Member
    add me if you want!
  • I can help you stay motivated!!! Make your food diary public. I know exactly how you feel, i got married last may- did i EVER get the motivation to work out? NOPE. and NOW I HATE MY WEDDING PICTURES. i looked like a fattie.

    So let that be a bit of a motivator-- your wedding pictures last a lifetime, and will be cherished by your children and grandchildren one day!

    Hope this helps! Stay positive and remember- NOTHING is holding you back buy YOURSELF!~! PAIN is weakness leaving your body. :)
  • aml7880
    aml7880 Posts: 3 Member
    count your calories. See what you are eating and how much it is. Once you are conscious of how many calories things are it will change how you eat.
  • Thank you all for the motivation! I crumbled this morning and got a mcmuffin and a hash brown but, i will not eat any more mcdonalds! And thanks for all the help, i really appreciate it
  • Sometimes we all go through a time a being defeated and what is so totally awesome is that you are ready to take the step of not being defeated anymore!! Great job and I am here to give you motivation as well.
  • Same thing here, but for prom. If you want add me
  • lampworker60
    lampworker60 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't beat up on yourself for the McDonald's. If you have a Wendy's near you maybe go there next time instead. You could have a baked potato and a chili and put the chili on the baked potato. It tastes delicious and doesn't have near the calories of the ones with all the fattening stuff on them. If you like get some of the chili seasoning they have and put on it. One of the hardest things about eating correctly is planning ahead. Get some snack size baggies and portion out your own snack packs 100 calorie or other. I do that with nuts, dried cranberries, raisins, and semi-sweet chocolate chips. It is cheaper (and who doesn't like to save money) and you can have what you want or like as a snack that way.
  • Purchase Jillian Michael's 30 day shred ($9 at Target) and a set of hand weights (I started with 3lbs). It is hard but only 20 minutes. The scale is not moving as fast as I would like but I am loosing inches. 2 off my waist in 2 weeks! Start now and by your wedding you will have plenty of room to eat cake.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    The motivation is probably the toughest part.
    My routine is to have 4 scheduled meals per day (8 o'clock AM hour, 11, 2, and after 5). I put my meals together carefully so I don't go over my calorie count. Between meals nothing but water. This is working so well!

    I'm getting ready for a trip to Cancun in May. I want to ditch my granny black swim dress (attractive as it is) and feel confident in a smashing 2-piece. I know I can do it!