Please Help.

tmwebb Posts: 21
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello my name is Tanya and Im trying to lose 25 pounds. I've started counting my calories about 3 weeks ago. I'm only eating 1400 a day. ( I way 143) I eercise every other day. I actually gained a pound. Can someone please help me and give me some tips.. What am I doing wrong. Please Help


  • cindydufield
    cindydufield Posts: 50 Member
    Did you take your measurements? maybe you are just tighten everything up. are you eating you calories youv'e earned thru exercise? may be you need to spread out your food..
  • danielleca
    danielleca Posts: 36 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing and what are you eating? Make sure you are eating healthy, nutrious foods and doing different types of exercise, rather than the same thing all the time..

    Measuring is one of the best ways to measure too, so be sure you do that and take before and after pictures.

    Don't give up! The hardest part is getting in a groove and figuring out what works for your body, but once you do, your body will thank you!

    I'd be happy to help you further if you'd like!

  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    might be muscle weight gain, take your measurements monthly or every 8 weeks. Try eating 3 meals and 3-4 snacks daily. Also dont weigh your self but about once a week.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    might be muscle weight gain, take your measurements monthly or every 8 weeks. Try eating 3 meals and 3-4 snacks daily. Also dont weigh your self but about once a week.
  • cheriba
    cheriba Posts: 4 Member
    Make sure you are drinking enough water, 8-10 8 oz glasses a day.
  • tmwebb
    tmwebb Posts: 21
    Well Im walking and running. And I'm using strength machines. I joined a gym about 2 months ago. I'm eating Special K protein bars and cerial, a lot of Yoplait Light Yogurt. I'm trying very hard to eat better. I have cut WAYYYY back on Cokes. I also just quit smoking, do you think that will have any effect. It sure is nice to log back on here and get the response that I got. I don't really have anyone around me giving me any positive.....anything really. So thank you for answering me and giving me advice. I'm going to take my measurments now.
  • tmwebb
    tmwebb Posts: 21
    Oh Yea, I've been drinking a lot of that Lifewater too. Surely that's good for me. It has a whole lot of vitamins in it.
  • Isnt Lifewater FULL of calories though?!? Perhaps Im wrong
  • tmwebb
    tmwebb Posts: 21
    Nope. Lifwater has absolutely No calories and it tastes great
  • Are you drinking alcohol? Even if you factor the calories from alcohol into your daily equation, alcohol can make you retain water. You'll be down a few pounds the day after you have a few drinks but the water will accumulate and the weight will show up the following day.
    Perhaps 1400 calories is too much for someone who only weighs 143 pounds.
    I'm 208 lbs and have been assigned 1200 calories a day.
    You may also be a person who shouldn't eat many carbs - maybe cut out those special k bars - I think they're media hype anyway. Keep it to protein, veggies, a few fruits and maybe 1 bar or 1 or 2 pieces of bread a day.
  • try not eating bread only rye bread you get used to it !!1
  • Hello, I'm on a wonderful weight loss plan and doing really well so far. I weigh quite a bit more than you do but one tip that has helped me a great deal is to add a very large salad (try to omit or reduce olives and cheese) to your lunch and a LOT of vegetables with your dinner (try to omit or eat very little corn). Those two things make your plate so much more full of food, leaves you very filled up and you will actually consume even less calories, and add the needed fiber, water etc that your body needs to break down and eliminate food even better. What could be the thing also is the type of calories you consume in your meal plans. Remember some things actually add quite a bit of fat to your meals (I'm still trying to get my brain to accept this fact).

    Also, someone also mentioned that you could be adding muscle and another person mentioned adding more water. These are both very good observations and suggestions. Also, remember a great way to evaluate your progress is by judging the change in the way your clothes fit.

    All in all, sounds like you're doing great with the workout etc. Give yourself another month before weigh again (I'm giving my scale a break until I must weigh in). Good luck!
  • Feralsquirrel
    Feralsquirrel Posts: 12 Member
    It's only a pound, body weight fluctuates a lot so you really shouldn't be worried about just one pound unless your weight just keeps going up. I'd advise you to keep with what the site tells you to eat in calories unless a doctor tells you otherwise, it's based on your weight and height and should be pretty accurate. Most adults need around 2000 calories a day or more to maintain their current weight. 500 less than that is needed to lose weight at a healthy rate and that's taken into account by the site but if you eat too little your body will retain all it can and you won't lose anything.
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