For all you Insanity veterans out there

As the mother of a baby and a toddler I haven’t had time for exercise-(read: poor fitness level)- but it is time to change that. I’ve recently starting running again and this week I made the decision to complete Insanity.

I’ve only finished day 2 and I am just a big ball of soreness. Even my fat hurts. So do I give myself one day of recovery and come back stronger tomorrow? Or do I push through today with less intensity? What do you suggest?

(cross posted under Beachbody Fit Club » Discussion but wasn't getting a response)


  • metimemum
    metimemum Posts: 27 Member
    I know exactly how you feel.. I was the same being a mum of 2 and doing insanity after almost 4 years of doing no exercise at all. If it helps I am on month 2 now and each workout still leaves me a quivering wreck. It doesn't get any better... but you will notice the difference.

    My recommendation is to push through with whatever you can give. You'll notice the difference within a fortnight when you do your second fitness test and then again when you go into week 5.

    Also after exercise make sure you immeditately eat something, either carbs or protein. I took the advice of Shaun T and bought some results and recovery formula (not the one from beach body, but Maxifuel Recovermax or Rego recovery drink) and I don't get achy muscles afterward now... it works a treat.

    p.s. your baby is gorgeous!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Thanks for the response. I think I'm going to push through today with a lower intensity to avoid injury. I'm still excited about the workout plan; I'm just worried about overdoing it and getting hurt.

    I'm glad to hear that you're still going strong. Have you noticed a difference yet? I’m hoping to lose a couple of inches on my waist, which is my main goal.

    And thanks for the compliment. She’s my inspiration.
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    keep going take the breaks and slow down when you have to just push on thru.. I made it :)
  • AntSteps
    Yeah I think you should push through too.. after like a week of continuously doing it, you won't get the daily muscle aches anymore! You probably will when you start month two though hehe, but by then you'll be loving it as you see the results on your body!
  • birdinho
    birdinho Posts: 86 Member
    Go at it the same pace as you have done the 1st 2 workouts. Your muscles will be sore because your not used to it but thats a good thing!!

    Do it as hard and high intensity every time else you may aswel go for a walk. You only have 3 more till rest day anyway so push through!! Itl be worth it
  • metimemum
    metimemum Posts: 27 Member
    I have lost about one kilogram over the last 5 weeks and I have lost 1.5 inches off my waist... Not alot... but I actually do have more of a sense of well being from regular daily exercise.
  • semperfit1823
    gotta follow the program to the T. Keep pushing
  • Spanntastic12
    You may get different answers as we don't know exactly where your fitness level is...but listen to your body but push through. Shaun even tells you to take breaks if need to. You don't have to go exactly at the pace of the want it to be a workout but not where you hurt yourself or its too excruciating. So just do your best without killing yourself and eventually it will get easier as you get more into shape. Now with that said...if you are just getting into it you are going to be sore regardless if you go super duper hard or just hard!
  • MamaWalkingBear
    MamaWalkingBear Posts: 49 Member
    It really does depend on a few factors. Your weight level and fitness level. I am very obese and my doc recommends that if it hurts pull back on the activities a day or so. This is to prevent injury which would put me out of commission walking more and more often. So taking a day off to let your muscles recover and build new fiber....I say is a good choice. Just remember to get back out there on the second day

    :drinker: Kudos to you!!!!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Thank you everyone for your response. I'm going to keep going today (cardio power and resistance) and work through the stiffness. I'm not in real pain, just that soreness you get when you do something you're not used to.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Yeah I think you should push through too.. after like a week of continuously doing it, you won't get the daily muscle aches anymore! You probably will when you start month two though hehe, but by then you'll be loving it as you see the results on your body!

    Good to hear that it aches will go away in a couple of days. I've heard month 2 is a killer, but so far I'm still really pumped about Insanity. My daughters don't nap until after lunch which is when I exercise. So far I've been itching for nap time so I can go go go. :smile:
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    You may get different answers as we don't know exactly where your fitness level is...but listen to your body but push through. Shaun even tells you to take breaks if need to. You don't have to go exactly at the pace of the want it to be a workout but not where you hurt yourself or its too excruciating. So just do your best without killing yourself and eventually it will get easier as you get more into shape. Now with that said...if you are just getting into it you are going to be sore regardless if you go super duper hard or just hard!

    I agree with the above, push but don't kill yourself. I have said this before about Insanity, they made this incredibly useful tool called the PAUSE BUTTON!! Use it!! I did.

    Good Luck
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I'm about to start month 2. I *did* workout before I started Insanity -- so we're not equal in that way -- but the first week my calves were soooo sore. After the first week, they haven't been sore. Your body will adjust. It's brand new for your body and even people that are in great shape will get sore with new moves. Don't skip though. The workouts are designed to make you sore but they're also designed to do WHILE sore. After the warmup, you should be nice and loose.