looking for tips to keep me on track!!!

I've been trying for what feels like forever to lose 30 to 40 lbs. I want to get in shape so that I can be a healthier me. If anyone can help with some tips to help keep me motivated I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance!!


  • bearsmom82
    bearsmom82 Posts: 72 Member
    you're off to a good start with a MFP account.

    Use the food diary, and log every single scrap of food that you eat - even one potato chip, a bit of ketchup, or a carrot stick. Everything!

    Take all your measurements, and measure once a month - they will often show progress when the scale doesn't budge.

    Get an accurate scale, and weigh once a week - but don't obsess.

    Track your physical activity, and enter it into the exercise diary - or get a Fitbit (I don't get commission - but I LOVE my fitbit) and use that to track physical activity. Try to do something active every day if you are not used to it - and gradually increase your time spent being active (even a gentle walk is better than sitting on the sofa).

    Eat back your exercise calories.

    Set a modest first goal (maybe 5 pounds) and reward yourself when you achieve it - maybe a pedicure, or a movie?

    good luck - lots of people here have some amazing success stories, no reason you can't be one of them!
  • Rtcounts
    Any suggestions on how to keep "stress eating" at bay???? Thanks for making feel better about using this site!! :happy:
    really hard to express anything on the weight-loss front to DH.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Any suggestions on how to keep "stress eating" at bay???? Thanks for making feel better about using this site!! :happy:
    really hard to express anything on the weight-loss front to DH.

    I don't stress eat.. I take a walk (or a run). But logging EVERYTHING will help you keep yourself more accountable for stuff that you shouldn't eat.