looking for other busy moms to share support!

Hi! I am "new" to MFP and am looking for other busy moms who would like to share support in my quest to be healthy. I say I am "new" because while I have been using MFP for a while, I haven't been totally committed to it. You know, I'll be good for a while and than lapse out :(

Anyway, a little about me: I am an almost-40 mom of four kids who works full-time as a teacher. My family keeps me super busy, which is something that I allow to negatively impact my eating habits...grabbing too many things on the go and not enough healthy eating at home. I also let our hectic schedule become an excuse to not get as much exercise as I should. Probably pretty typical things for someone in my situation, but it's now become a problem I can't ignore.

Had a physical with my doc today, and he told me I need to lose 15 lbs. by Christmas. My blood pressure is up (not scary up, but elevated for my normal) and I have gained almost 20 lbs. in a year. I have another appointment on Dec. 26th, so my goal for that date is to have lost the 15, established a permanent healthy eating lifestyle, and increase my physical activity.

Hope to meet many of you on this journey!

My stats:
155 lbs.
love carbs; never met a dessert I didn't fall in love with :)
enjoy walking for exercise; used to run a LOT when younger, so going to try and ease back into it


  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    Welcome to committment! I will send you a friend request. I am a working mom with 5 kids - I feel your pain!
  • Nice to meet you! :smile:
  • begreenbe
    begreenbe Posts: 102 Member
    I'll send a request.
  • momxs2
    momxs2 Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome!! I am full time working mom of 2... I will friend you!! MFP is great and think it'll help you!! Just have to stick with it!! You can do it!!
  • I am a busy mom of 2 kids, working part time. Was at the doctor today with knee problems and pretty much got the "need to lose weight" lecture (one I have heard many times before, sigh). He recommended MFP, says he thinks it can really make a difference- he has seen it work. Now I need to commit! Definitely looking for support from fellow moms!
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    Welcome! I have never met a desert I didn't like either. We can get through this. You'll be out there running marathons before you know it.
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I sent a request. I am a working mom of 2. It is so hard to balance everything when you are out of your house for a big chunk of your day and need to get that stuff done later...
  • Thanks for the friend requests! My doctor also recommended MFP. Of course, he is extremely fit and runs like 30 miles a week, so what does he know, right?! :tongue:
  • 9Rounder
    9Rounder Posts: 40 Member
    I just joined today and am looking for friends to share my journey with! I'm a working mom of 2 girls and struggle finding time to work out, let alone the motivation to eat right. The hours between 6-8 pm (when I get home until bedtime for the kids) are busy and chaotic! I'm hoping to connect with other moms who are busy too, yet still find time to plan meals and exercise consistently. Would love to be friends with you! I have 38 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight (which is the very high end of my healthy weight). Hoping to lose 20 pounds by Christmas.
  • Crucker73
    Crucker73 Posts: 53 Member
    Working mom of 2 beautiful children! I have a 15 year old daughter and an 11 year old son. I work full-time and go to school. Between my commute to work, school, teen and pre-teen drama, and the mom taxi service it's a wonder I have time to breathe, let alone try and lose weight. Welcome...feel free to add me!
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm sending one too. Mom of three. Definitely understand the convenience of food on the go.
  • bravis113
    bravis113 Posts: 33 Member
    Busy fulltime working mom of 2. Whew I understand what you're going through its' hard to eat right and find YOU time. Add me as your friend and we can motivate each other. :happy:

  • AMEN!!!! I'm in the same boat!
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Full time student, full time job, full time mom. Busy is an understatement!

    We can do this, ladies! (:
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Hi! I am "new" to MFP and am looking for other busy moms who would like to share support in my quest to be healthy. I say I am "new" because while I have been using MFP for a while, I haven't been totally committed to it. You know, I'll be good for a while and than lapse out :(

    Anyway, a little about me: I am an almost-40 mom of four kids who works full-time as a teacher. My family keeps me super busy, which is something that I allow to negatively impact my eating habits...grabbing too many things on the go and not enough healthy eating at home. I also let our hectic schedule become an excuse to not get as much exercise as I should. Probably pretty typical things for someone in my situation, but it's now become a problem I can't ignore.

    Had a physical with my doc today, and he told me I need to lose 15 lbs. by Christmas. My blood pressure is up (not scary up, but elevated for my normal) and I have gained almost 20 lbs. in a year. I have another appointment on Dec. 26th, so my goal for that date is to have lost the 15, established a permanent healthy eating lifestyle, and increase my physical activity.

    Hope to meet many of you on this journey!

    My stats:
    155 lbs.
    love carbs; never met a dessert I didn't fall in love with :)
    enjoy walking for exercise; used to run a LOT when younger, so going to try and ease back into it

    I'm a single working mom to a child with a disability, so I am pretty busy myself. Like you, I used to commit for a short time and then fizzle out. Also like you, I'm a dessert-aholic. My brother and sister used to joke that I must have one flavor of pie for dinner and a different flavor for dessert! :laugh: Since joining MFP, I've been consistent about logging my food choices honestly, and it's had a great impact on my overall health. The best part, though, was after committing to the change in what I was eating, I was inspired to start exercising more, and because of the support I've gotten on here, I have passed the point where I would normally give up, and I feel confident that I will satisfy my commitment to myself for the first time ever.

    I hope you have similar success!

    Oh, and we're close to the same height (I'm 5'5"), and since I started using MFP on July 2, I've lost nearly 14 lbs, so maybe that will motivate you!
  • single mama of two, full time worker part time student . welcome!!! feel free to add me
  • crazybusymara
    crazybusymara Posts: 22 Member
    We are in the same boat is seems like - I am back again to MFP as well - hoping to make it work this time - My biggest problem is feeling guilty taking time to exercise - I would love to be friends with ALL of you!!
  • Working mom with 5 kids, well 6 if you count my husband! Welcome to MFP!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Full time workin' momma with 5 kiddos. . .the oldest just left for boot camp on Monday & the "baby" is in 1st grade! I started on here at 5'5" and 168. . . I roll right aroudnd 133-136 these days. And, i, too LOVE sweets. In fact, I think i need somes sugar NOW!! LOL

    Glad to encourage you along the way!
  • enjoy walking for exercise; used to run a LOT when younger, so going to try and ease back into it

    I am right there with you... so I just started C25K... Try it c25k.com