Just want to lose 15 lbs....any suggestions?

Hi there,

Just a question:

I have been struggling to lose weight for over a year and frankly not getting near any goals. I have found it difficult to stay with a work out schedule and plan because of 'life'. I just want to shed 15 lbs, and then I will look my normal self again.

I am taking up running, working out at the gym and myfitnesspal to help track my food. I have decided to work out only four days a week seeing how life is busy and I believe I can stick with this for the long run.

Can anyone tell me their success story since joing mfp?

And, does anyone have any suggestions?


  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Hi there!

    There are amazing success stories under the success thread of the message boards. Also, most people include in their success stories what they did to lose weight and before/after pics, which is really motivating to look through.

    I think your plan sounds good. I lost 14 lbs so far by logging my food and sticking to my calorie goals and working out 5-6 days per week. Also, I try not to eat back all of my exercise calories since it tends to be counterproductive for me.

    I definitely understand life getting in the way of things, but planning out meals and committing 4 days a week to exercise is really essential for that last 15lbs :)

    Good luck!
  • starsuper12
    starsuper12 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for the tips!! :).
  • grandpabiker49
    grandpabiker49 Posts: 2 Member
    I was a MFP member from May to October of 2011, I lost 60 pounds. I am returning as I gained back 25 of those pounds (although I only intend to lose 12 to 17 pounds this time).

    If you have time and patience on your side, it is best to only lose 1 or 2 pounds per week. The trouble with most people is the expectation to lose their desired amount in only 3 or 4 weeks (preparing for some special event).

    One pound a week equates to a daily calorie deficit of only 500 calories per day (If you were eating 2500 calories you could cut your diet down to 2000 and you should lose one pound in seven days). You could also find new ways to burn extra calories. Take a walk after each meal, stand instead of sit, etc. When you eat something like a hamburger you can shave off 200 calories by holding the mayo and cheese.

    Try to pick out exercises you like and are more likely to stay with. Fun activities such as dancing, golf, sports, etc. are things you will probably want to do rather than feel obliged to do.

    This reply probably sounds like a grocery list, so I will curtail further writing.

    Closing--keep your health in mind as you achieve your weight-loss goal.