looking for other busy moms to share support!



  • lildazey
    lildazey Posts: 86 Member
    I'm a single mom of 3 boys. Also having a hard time staying committed on here. Would love to support each other, feel free to add me :)
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    I sent you a request.
  • WOW!!! I am so honored and encouraged by all of your responses. Seems like there are so many of us moms who are just trying to be healthy and get back to where we feel great about ourselves! Maybe I should create a group that we can all go to easily for support and encouragement? Might make it easier than searching through the boards?
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    Add me; I'm a working mom with three children! I understand totally!!
  • I am a full time working mom of three and part time student, so I definitely feel t:wink: e pain. I never really struggled with weight until about 3 years ago when I hit my 30's. The most painful part is I have a closet and wardrobe full of clothes that I can't fit into and I refuse to buy "fat" clothes. I started transitioning the family to healthy foods with me, and resistant at first, but slowly coming around. I am depressed about my weight and would love encouragement. I will request all of you and anyone that posts after me, please feel free. I wish I could have a gym partner too!! Lol :wink:
  • Welcome! I am a busy, single mom of a 7 year-old. I work full-time, just finished bachelor's degree and starting MBA in January. Somehow I'm fitting exercise in there. :) Club meetings and helping my little man with his homework every night.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    We are in the same boat is seems like - I am back again to MFP as well - hoping to make it work this time - My biggest problem is feeling guilty taking time to exercise - I would love to be friends with ALL of you!!
    I think I want your haircut! Off topic, I know, but I've been thinking about chopping it off again--my hair just looks crappy long.
  • robynabney
    robynabney Posts: 3 Member
    ah! It's soooooo nice to know I'm not alone!! I, too, am new to MFP.
    Single Mom to a 15 year old daughter and a 7 year old son....I feel your pain. There are some days I leave the house at 7am and not home until 9pm....hard to find time to eat right and get the exercise.....and hard to encourage the kiddoes to eat right. Their major food groups are spaghetti, chicken fingers and pizza.....and the pizza is sooooo hard to resist!

    I would love to be friends with everyone also! Feel free to add me!!
  • Im a full time working Wife /Mom/Grandma/Mother in Law housekeeper taxi driver lost and found and whats for dinner woman. I have 4 kids. 2 at home still, Teens HS... attitude. Always annoyed by me until I put on a workout video or game or my headphones, and then its MOOOOOOOOM MooooooM MOOOOOM ma ma grr! lol

    I love to encourage and inspire. This journey is NOT easy. Its just worth it and support helps tremendously. ♥

    Add away. :))
  • angeltg
    angeltg Posts: 97 Member
    I'm a busy mom of 2 teens (15&13) and boy does life get hectic, I have managed to start running again daily and have gotten my diet under control for now. I believe that you need support to win this battle, and the more the merrier. I'll send a friend request :)
  • vrlaw
    vrlaw Posts: 5 Member
    working mom of three very busy kiddos. Between dance, scouts, football, soccer, piano, cheer, and school work it is really hard to fit some mom time in there, we can work on this together :)
  • WELCOME!!!

    I have a 7 yr old step-daughter and a 2 yr old daughter. I understand being busy! With my work schedule and running most of the household duties, it can be tough! :-)

    I have had to start getting up early and fitting in my DVDs first thing in the AM. Also, I have started bringing my lunch to work instead of eating out, and trying to cook a bit more healthy, yet still quick. It is rough...it is all about scheduling, in my opinion, and sticking to it. The minute I fall away from my schedule, I fall away from getting a LOT done.

    My next plan is to start pre-cooking more and putting more food in the crock pot/slow cooker. There are some GREAT recipes out there to use.

    GOOD LUCK and I will send a F.R. your way. I like to keep up with other busy moms, especially those with more children and older children then me so I can keep up with how to handle it all when they get older and more involved in things. :-)
  • I am a 39 year old mother to a very active and strong-willed two year old and a four year old in Pre-K. I am a Kindergarten teacher so between school and home I have little time for me! I have always been overweight as is the rest of my family. Since high school I have put on around 100 pounds. I currently weigh 260 and am 5'8". I am now on medicine for cholesterol and need to get healthy to be around for my children. After using weight watchers for some time, I found MFP and it was basically the same thing but FREE! I am trying to stick to it and exercise at least 3 days a week. I burn about 250 calories with each work out. Luckily for me our school has a exercise room available to me during the workday as well as after school. Just need to know that this is working for someone else to encourage me and me them!:
  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member
    I will add ya !! & any one else on here, feel free to add me :wink: I'm a full time secretary, mother of 2 girls, and wifey! You can never have too much support!! Good luck to all of you!
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    I work in Phila 8 hours a day with an hour commute each way. My daughter (10) is active in dance and my son (8) is active in hockey. I follow a low carb eating plan (loosely based on South Beach) and have been running for about a year. I feel that if I can do this, anyone can! Every once in a while I do have to have a “foot-stamping-I-need-me-time” moment to make it work though. Feel free to add me if you want. There are plenty of us in the same boat, might as well enjoy the ride!
  • jessica_120214
    jessica_120214 Posts: 68 Member
    sent you a friend request. working mom of four!
  • lindab405
    lindab405 Posts: 15 Member
    I can totally relate - mom of (only) two, but I commute 3+ hours a day. MFP has been an awesome inspiration. Sending you a friend request!
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    Hi! I am "new" to MFP and am looking for other busy moms who would like to share support in my quest to be healthy. I say I am "new" because while I have been using MFP for a while, I haven't been totally committed to it. You know, I'll be good for a while and than lapse out :(

    Anyway, a little about me: I am an almost-40 mom of four kids who works full-time as a teacher. My family keeps me super busy, which is something that I allow to negatively impact my eating habits...grabbing too many things on the go and not enough healthy eating at home. I also let our hectic schedule become an excuse to not get as much exercise as I should. Probably pretty typical things for someone in my situation, but it's now become a problem I can't ignore.

    Had a physical with my doc today, and he told me I need to lose 15 lbs. by Christmas. My blood pressure is up (not scary up, but elevated for my normal) and I have gained almost 20 lbs. in a year. I have another appointment on Dec. 26th, so my goal for that date is to have lost the 15, established a permanent healthy eating lifestyle, and increase my physical activity.

    Hope to meet many of you on this journey!

    My stats:
    155 lbs.
    love carbs; never met a dessert I didn't fall in love with :)
    enjoy walking for exercise; used to run a LOT when younger, so going to try and ease back into it
    I'd hate to hear what your doctor would say about me!!!! I'm 206 at 5'6". Though my BP has always been great.

    I'm a mom of 4. I'm a graduate teaching assistant so I work all day and then take care of kids all evening and what ever work out I get is after 9 p.m. LOL.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    A page right out of my book :

    Had a physical with my doc today, and he told me I need to lose 15 lbs. by Christmas. My blood pressure is up (not scary up, but elevated for my normal) and I have gained almost 20 lbs. in a year. I have another appointment on Dec. 26th, so my goal for that date is to have lost the 15, established a permanent healthy eating lifestyle, and increase my physical activity.

    Hope to meet many of you on this journey!

    My stats:
    155 lbs.
    love carbs; never met a dessert I didn't fall in love with :)
    enjoy walking for exercise; used to run a LOT when younger, so going to try and ease back into it

    I'm a semi-retired teacher, a mom of 3 w/ two teen-aged kids still at home, a grandma of three, and I am a wife to an amazing man I call my best friend :)

    I would love new friends wanting to enjoy the journey (too)...Add me anyone :happy:

    My stats:
    150 lbs
    love salty/crunchy, never met a chip I didn't fall in love with :p
    i enjoy zumba and turbo kick, used to BodyPump often, so going to try and ease back into it
    TOO :flowerforyou:
  • natashalh1998
    natashalh1998 Posts: 56 Member
    I am a busy full time working mom of two, I know how hard it can be to get in the exercise and healthy eating while trying to take care of your family. I'll send you a friend request, we can help keep each other motivated! The support on MFP is awesome, I have great FP friends who log everyday and have been great motivators for me! Good luck with your weight loss, you can do this!